Week 20210919 to 20210925



kain.eth @kaiynne

@jchervinsky The main issue imo is lack of supply. If there were $500m I would have already written a SIP to propose adding it as Synthetix collateral.

2021-09-17 03:14:33

Uniswap v3 0.01% fee pool提案

Alex Kroeger @alex_kroeger

I and @getty_hill posted a discussion on the Uniswap governance forum suggesting that the community add a 1 basis point fee option to the v3 pool factory. Our reasoning: a 🧵 👇 gov.uniswap.org/t/discussion-a…

2021-09-18 04:41:57


1inch Network @1inch

😉 Yesterday was a hot day, huh? 🔥 🦄🦾 It seems like #DEX aggregators are gradually outdoing DEXes! 👇 Check out our latest blog post which summarizes all the cool features #1inch is gonna bring to @TrustWallet. #DeFi #crypto blog.1inch.io/the-1inch-netw…

2021-09-19 03:00:45


kyoronut🛡️ | きょろナッツ @kyoronut

Gas Guzzlerランク(L2関連) 18. OE 30. Arbi. 32. Arbi. 34. zksync (GR11で一時的か?) 36. OE pic.twitter.com/5mrN3apccx

2021-09-19 14:39:57

Optimism v1の履歴...

kyoronut🛡️ | きょろナッツ @kyoronut

Optimismの履歴はリジェネシス前にアーカイブしておかないとですね。 community.optimism.io/docs/developer… pic.twitter.com/Owv4ihHavA

2021-09-19 23:09:34

Immutable x ecomi

Immutable @Immutable

Coming soon @Immutable x @ecomi_twitter.com/ecomi_/status/…

2021-09-20 12:16:38
ECOMI ⭕️ @ecomi_

1/2 In preparation for the @Immutable migration, swapping between GoChain $OMI and Ethereum wOMI has now been disabled. All swaps that were in progress or pending fee payments have been automatically distributed ✅

2021-09-20 04:06:15
polynya @epolynya

VeVe by Ecomi is an NFT platform with licenses from Marvel, DC, and many others. Launching on Immutable X soon, upgrading from a centralized sidechain. Also, Arbitrum Reddit. These are massive adoption stories with a TAM of a billion users. Rollups preparing for mass adoption.

2021-09-20 14:54:14

WePiggy x Hop (現状フロントのみ)

WePiggy @wepiggydotcom

We're glad to share that WePiggy builds a strategic partnership with the cross-chain bridge @HopProtocol🥰🥂 An entrance to Hop.Exchange has been added on WePiggy, enjoy the instant and low-cost transfer of assets between different networks⚡️🚀 bit.ly/3nLRRBS

2021-09-20 19:00:10

zk.money キャパアップ

Aztec @aztecnetwork

2/7 TLDR; zk.money now supports private transactions up to 30ETH, 100,000DAI and 2 renBTC 🕵️🎉 Read more here: medium.com/aztec-protocol…

2021-09-20 19:17:30



Eli Ben-Sasson @EliBenSasson

4 TPS is so yesterday on @dydxprotocol. Today nearing 10 TPS @ethereum TPS, using txs that are 4-5x bigger twitter.com/EliBenSasson/s… pic.twitter.com/BycPHObiug

2021-09-21 00:15:14
Eli Ben-Sasson | STARK Maxi @EliBenSasson

StarkEx / @dydxprotocol TPS TODAY: Peaks of 10, Average ~ 3-4. NOTE: Each tx is roughly 4 ERC20 txs in complexity. @ethereum's rate, FRACTION OF GAS !! pic.twitter.com/0mARlCHljt

2021-09-20 03:19:19

Coinbase LENDやめ

The Block @TheBlock__

Coinbase drops plans for crypto lending product after SEC tussle theblockcrypto.com/linked/118091/…

2021-09-21 00:53:14


Gary Gensler @GaryGensler

Tomorrow at 12pm I’ll be live with @washingtonpost to talk about cryptocurrency. Livestream will be here ⬇️ washingtonpost.com/washington-pos…

2021-09-21 06:17:26
1 ・・ 6 次へ