Week 20210926 to 20211002



链闻 ChainNews @ChainNewscom

【路印协议将停止为中国用户提供交易相关产品和服务】链闻消息,路印协议(Loopring)宣布将停止为中国用户提供所有与虚拟货币交易相关的产品和服务,以积极响应中国人民银行等十部门发布的《关于进一步防范和处置虚拟货币交易炒作风…… chainnews.com/news/074768626…

2021-09-26 01:24:16
t11s @transmissions11

are you ready for permissonless liquidity mining anon? pic.twitter.com/ayg1YbZTNP

2021-09-26 12:35:52
Da---.lens/daidaidai.eth @otukarehitoiki1

Huobiが中国本土ユーザーの新規登録を9月24日時点で中止し、12月31日までに既存アカウントも廃止することを発表。 twitter.com/WuBlockchain/s…

2021-09-26 16:52:31
Wu Blockchain @WuBlockchain

Just in: China's largest exchange Huobi announced that before December 31, it will retire all existing mainland China users. huobi.com/support/en-us/… pic.twitter.com/9s7bzPGf3E

2021-09-26 16:49:10
Uri Kolodny @ukolodny

Native StarkNet applications - they're coming! twitter.com/Janmajaya_mall…

2021-09-26 23:48:26
Janmajaya Mall @Janmajaya_mall

I just released contracts for Prediction market for content curation developed using @StarkWareLtd l2 sol #starknet using @CairoLang. Check them out here - github.com/Janmajayamall/….

2021-09-26 23:46:06
Antonio | dYdX @AntonioMJuliano

5 years ago I left @coinbase and eventually founded dYdX Today, for the first time, @dydxprotocol is doing more trade volume than Coinbase 😯📈 pic.twitter.com/QzoKAUpH29

2021-09-27 06:08:24
kyoronut🛡️ | きょろナッツ @kyoronut

[0.99, 1.3]から[0.8, 1.2]へ皆が移動するとsUSDはどうなるでしょうか? blog.lyra.finance/lyra-trial-liq… pic.twitter.com/d5LHwc7Oat

2021-09-27 08:37:34
Hoheto @i_love_profit

なんとDYDXのBTC-USDの24時間取引高、FTXのBTC-PERPを超えてる。3度見した。 twitter.com/WuBlockchain/s…

2021-09-27 13:25:09
Wu Blockchain @WuBlockchain

According to CoinMarketCap data, the dYdX transaction volume in the past 24 hours has reached 4.28 billion, surpassing Coinbase's 3.79 billion for the first time. pic.twitter.com/PR7PX6UbbF

2021-09-27 12:19:54
┻┳ Liquidity Wizard (☢️,🧠) @LiquidityWizard

C.o.R.E.: The final list of 42.0 projects eligible for the initial Liquidity Reactors from @TokenReactor. Voting with staked $TOKE begins on September 28th. 42 tokens enter in a battle for the top 5. Choose wisely… pic.twitter.com/lB1GUZQCRc

2021-09-27 15:38:23
dame.eth @damedotart

👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 pic.twitter.com/nhxUcxwGKs

2021-09-27 21:40:40
Antonio | dYdX @AntonioMJuliano

And today, dYdX is doing more trade volume than every other DEX combined 🤯 pic.twitter.com/7XDc7D7D0E

2021-09-27 21:45:36
The Block @TheBlock__

BREAKING: Bitfinex just spent $23.7 million in fees to make a single Ethereum transaction (via @Timccopeland) theblockcrypto.com/post/118753/bi…

2021-09-27 22:44:38
dYdX Foundation 🦔 @dydxfoundation

New Snapshot vote for DYDX holders from @zhusu at 3AC In reference to a thread on market maker incentives forums.dydx.community/proposal/discu… What should be the volume threshold % for market makers to qualify to receive liquidity provider rewards on dYdX? Vote here snapshot.org/#/dydxgov.eth/…

2021-09-28 00:41:13
Gelato 🟠 @gelatonetwork

The G-UNI Rari Fuse Pool is now live on @RariCapital! You can now deposit G-UNI stablecoin pairs and take out leverage in $DAI, $USDC & $USDT in the G-UNI pool. Check it out: app.rari.capital/fuse/pool/28 Learn more: link.medium.com/fc7ZILeDTjb

2021-09-28 01:05:00
Swerve Finance @SwerveFinance

Important PSA: The official domain swerve.fi expired, and seems to have been registered by an anon as soon as the grace period ended. We don't know who is in control of the domain now. If the swerve.fi site ever comes back up, DO NOT TRUST OR USE IT.

2021-09-28 01:56:41
Solidity @solidity_lang

Solidity 0.8.8 is here! 🎉 v0.8.8 brings you user defined value types as a major feature. It also improves overriding interface functions, reading from immutables, and more. Read on for release highlights ✨ 📖: blog.soliditylang.org/2021/09/27/sol… 💾: github.com/ethereum/solid… pic.twitter.com/YEEQHkXxnq

2021-09-28 03:02:18
Kris Kaczor 🦆 @krzKaczor

Multichain governance happens as we speak! @MakerDAO holders just executed their first L2 spell on both @optimismPBC and @arbitrum! Short thread 🧵 pic.twitter.com/vC2YsiYcNc

2021-09-28 03:56:22
KAKI is live on mainnet! @kakiprotocol

🍊🍊Hey Kakiers, Since the differece between the Arbitrum testnet and the mainnet, our kUSDC cannot get the Arbitrum token Whitelist through the normal application procedure because our contract is more complicated considering to provide a great user experience. 👇

2021-09-28 13:17:06
链闻 ChainNews @ChainNewscom

【DeFi 巨鲸 0xb1 地址背后团队将推出新 DeFi 应用 Fodl Finance】链闻消息,DeFi 巨鲸 0xb1 地址背后团队「0xb1.484 | 四八四」宣布将在接下来几周推出一个新的 DeFi 应用 Fo…… chainnews.com/news/994855999…

2021-09-28 14:17:08
墨汁うまい(Bokujyuumai) @bokujyuumai

ArbitrumでUSDCを500万円ほどブリッジしてテスト運用してみましたが、決算用にArbiscanで支払ったガス(ETH)の残高計算したら合わないっていう。。。 #イーサリアム #Ethereum #仮想通貨 #暗号資産 #ETH #Arbitrum #L2 #DeFi twitter.com/bokujyuumai/st…

2021-09-28 21:47:23
Connext @Connext

The wait is over. 🥁 NXTP is officially live on mainnet with support for @arbitrum, @0xPolygon, @xdaichain, @FantomFDN, and @BinanceChain! 🎉 Want to know more about what this means? 🧵👇 pic.twitter.com/he7IwcQKAh

2021-09-28 22:40:49
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