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Week 20210926 to 20211002

Daniele @danielesesta

.@reflexerfinance is pretty cool should we put up $RAI as collateral to vote?

2021-09-30 21:23:28
Immutable @Immutable

.@tiktok_us is coming to Ethereum... WAGMI 🚀 @Immutable X is thrilled to power the launch of TikTok Top Moments, its first creator-led NFT collection on Layer 2 with @StarkWareLtd. Own a moment that broke the internet. 👉 bit.ly/3oiKBxC pic.twitter.com/qYI3VO2JUk

2021-10-01 02:00:38
閲覧用(Etsuran) @etsuranpazz

Ribbon FinanceのガバナンストークンRBNをtransferableにしようという提案がガバナンスフォーラムに提出される つまり、ついにRBNに価格がつく 同時にUniswap v3でRBN/ETHのLP報酬もスタートさせる フォーラムで意見を募った後、10月5日からsnapshotで投票開始予定 gov.ribbon.finance/t/rgp-4-rbn-to…

2021-10-01 06:00:09
Ryan Berckmans ryanb.eth @ryanberckmans

Lil Nas X on TikTok on Immutable X on StarkWare on Ethereum probably nothing twitter.com/ukolodny/statu…

2021-10-01 06:06:58
Uri Kolodny @ukolodny

Triple-crossover: First, Lil Nas X to country music But then, he crosses over to NFTs An now blockchains and zkp crossing over to Rolling Stone. rollingstone.com/pro/news/lil-n…

2021-10-01 05:52:26
Set Labs ⚖️ @SetProtocol

A new @AaveAave margin trading module has been added to the Set V2 system 👀 This module allows Set developers to build more leverage products and managers to trade on leverage utilizing Aave as the base protocol 📈 Documentation: docs.tokensets.com/contracts/modu… pic.twitter.com/nHjeprmhe4

2021-10-01 06:28:05
lito.eth @litocoen

Hop generating more fee revenue than $DOGE 🤣 so good to be added to @CryptoFeesInfo can't wait to see us climb up the ranks🙏 pic.twitter.com/98a13qyzYQ

2021-10-01 09:16:23
dYdX Foundation 🦔 @dydxfoundation

The Snapshot vote to reduce the volume threshold % for market makers to qualify to receive Liquidity Provider Rewards has concluded with a record 764 unique voters & 55M DYDX staked. The majority of the community (399 voters & 86% of DYDX) supports reducing the threshold to 1%. twitter.com/dydxfoundation… pic.twitter.com/5bv7s6zJwc

2021-10-01 16:48:52
dYdX Foundation 🦔 @dydxfoundation

New Snapshot vote for DYDX holders from @zhusu at 3AC In reference to a thread on market maker incentives forums.dydx.community/proposal/discu… What should be the volume threshold % for market makers to qualify to receive liquidity provider rewards on dYdX? Vote here snapshot.org/#/dydxgov.eth/…

2021-09-28 00:41:13
Eli Ben-Sasson @EliBenSasson

2 weeks. 14 days, start to end. @tiktok_us reached out to @StarkWareLtd Sept 16, we immediately put them in touch w @Immutable, who worked day and night to get it done, yahoo!! STARK Speed, STARK Scale, DM open, oh enterprises.

2021-10-01 17:51:08
kyoronut🛡️ | きょろナッツ @kyoronut

FeiのRAI爆買いによって、RAIの市場価格がUni v3の集中領域から外れたのでRAIのボラが高まっています。 AaveやFuseで攻め気味にRAIを借りている人はご注意ください。 twitter.com/kyoronut/statu…

2021-10-01 19:11:15
链闻 ChainNews @ChainNewscom

【Cosmos 的 Ethermint 将升级为 Cosmos EVM 兼容中心 Evmos,将于四季度交付主网】链闻消息,Cosmos 开发的 Ethermint 由于商标问题以及范围扩大将升级为 Evmos,Evmos …… chainnews.com/news/531081735…

2021-10-01 19:59:13
Etherscan @etherscan

Introducing: Ethereum IDM ✉️ (beta) Our IDM (Input Data Messages) feature allows you to generate a chat history of selected addresses and share it with the world! etherscan.io/idm This is a beta release - please let us know how you'd like it to be improved 🙏 pic.twitter.com/mCFEYU1s3k

2021-10-01 22:18:53
Reflexer @reflexerfinance

Another $2.4M worth of RAI bought and Uniswap pairs just don't have more to offer 🙀 Time to mint and protek the money god 🗿 twitter.com/reflexerfinanc…

2021-10-01 23:00:14
Reflexer @reflexerfinance

As of today, more than $21M worth of RAI is locked and guarding protocols and DAO treasuries 🚀 Shout out to @feiprotocol , @DXdao_ , @Barn_Bridge and @VENTURE_DAO for accepting the money god offering 🗿

2021-09-30 19:23:00
ParaSwap @paraswap

ParaSwap is not planning any airdrop

2021-10-02 01:01:08
墨汁うまい(Bokujyuumai) @bokujyuumai

速報:コインベースが2021年3~5月の間に最低6000アカウントに不正アクセスが行われ、仮想通貨を引き出されていたことを発表。 coinchoice.net/coinbase-accou… #ビットコイン #Bitcoin #仮想通貨 #暗号資産 #コインベース #Coinbase #BTC #ETH #イーサリアム

2021-10-02 07:18:24
kyoronut🛡️ | きょろナッツ @kyoronut

8時間周期の更新を経てRedemption Rateがネガティブになりました。 pic.twitter.com/ULPuK5tS4o

2021-10-02 10:16:21
minicoohei.eth @minicoohei

I just published tokenPocket — 各種 L2に対応いたしました! link.medium.com/fxrdn2bv1jb

2021-10-02 18:27:52
Euler Labs🛢️🇬🇧 @eulerfinance

What some alpha? 🦾 Check out Euler's latest newsletter for an update on all the major developments we've made over the past month including a number of partnerships, audits and published articles from the team 🔥 bit.ly/3irfpbC

2021-10-02 22:17:24
Compound Labs @compoundfinance

Proposal 064 by @Arr00c @tylerether and other community members patches the bug introduced in Proposal 062, and resumes the COMP distribution for the majority of users. Discussion: comp.xyz/t/compound-pro… Proposal: compound.finance/governance/pro…

2021-10-03 00:44:50
Uri Kolodny @ukolodny

This is a very natural form of bundling for a DeFi Pooling operator. @CelerNetwork is weeks away from launching DeFi Pooling over StarkEx. twitter.com/hasufl/status/…

2021-10-03 02:04:06
Hasu⚡️🤖 @hasufl

Who will invent the first prepaid plan for Ethereum users? Buy it once, after that you can make e.g. 10 transactions on 5 whitelisted Defi protocols (Uniswap, Opensea, 1inch etc.) without thinking about gas.

2021-10-02 18:37:10