
二次まとめ グローバルアクションデイ〜終了まで
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Richard Blaber @RMBlaber56

Cop26: the goal of 1.5C of climate heating is alive, but only just theguardian.com/environment/20…

2021-11-14 05:30:20
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

シュテファン・バーロウ ”COP26に関するメディアの専門家のコメントを聞いていると、気候・生態系の危機とその構成要素を理解している人がいかに少ないかを実感します。” twitter.com/SteB777/status…

2021-11-14 07:54:26
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

Listening to the commentary of media pundits on COP26, makes me realise just how few people really grasp the climate and ecological crisis and the components of it.

2021-11-14 04:52:30
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

Listening to the commentary of media pundits on COP26, makes me realise just how few people really grasp the climate and ecological crisis and the components of it.

2021-11-14 04:52:30
asad rehman @chilledasad100

This outcome is nothing but a betrayal - and no amount of spin or greenwash will mask the reality it fails the science and justice #cop26 pic.twitter.com/myR5S5XvyN

2021-11-14 04:16:24
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

COP26が閉幕を迎えます。そこから先はメディアや環境団体が結果について「成功」「前進」「十分ではないが失敗は避けられた」「今後に希望が持てる」「正しい方向に向かっている」などという怒濤のグリーンウォッシュをはじめると思いますが、だまされないように気をつけましょう。 #COP26 #気候正義

2021-11-14 03:46:32
Guardian Environment @guardianeco

And the winner at Cop26 is… the fossil fuel industry – cartoon theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

2021-11-14 03:16:34
リンク the Guardian And the winner at Cop26 is… the fossil fuel industry – cartoon Has the goal of 1.5C gone up in flames? 408
City Matters @city_matters

Extinction Rebellion protesters have targeted the Lord Mayor's Show, with police confirming they have made a number of arrests #cityoflondon #lordmayorsshow #ExtinctionRebellion citymatters.london/extinction-reb…

2021-11-13 22:40:18
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

マシュー・トッド ”多くの人は自分の子どもが直面していることを理解していません。メディアの失敗(メール、テレグラフ、サンなどの場合は意図的なもの)は許しがたいものです。” EU代表が皆の子どもの未来が掛かっていると演説したビデオを受けて twitter.com/MrMatthewTodd/…

2021-11-14 05:47:10
Matthew Todd 🌏🔥 @MrMatthewTodd

Most people simply don’t understand what their children face. The failure of the media - intentional in the case of the Mail, Telegraph, Sun etc - is unforgivable #climate #COP26 pic.twitter.com/Dc0nJWxeJU

2021-11-13 05:31:16
Matthew Todd 🌏🔥 @MrMatthewTodd

Most people simply don’t understand what their children face. The failure of the media - intentional in the case of the Mail, Telegraph, Sun etc - is unforgivable #climate #COP26 pic.twitter.com/Dc0nJWxeJU

2021-11-13 05:31:16
NYT Climate @nytclimate

Where did all the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere come from? Take a look: nyti.ms/3qws7ux

2021-11-12 21:30:06
毎日新聞 科学環境チーム @mainichikagaku

国連気候変動枠組み条約第26回締約国会議(#COP26)は、会期末を迎えました。議長国・英国は気候変動対策の国際枠組み「パリ協定」の下で対策を強化するための合意文書の新たな草案を公表。会期延長も視野に、断続的に協議が続いています。 | #毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20211…

2021-11-12 20:40:56
BBC News Japan @bbcnewsjapan

BBCニュース - 気候変動を抑えるには……7つの方法 bbc.com/japanese/featu…

2021-11-12 18:30:00
@keithalexander@social.targaryen.house @keithalexander

I know bigger things are going on and this was days ago but my jaw is still on the floor that the BBC invited a fossil fuel lobbyist onto an "expert panel" to discuss COP26. bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episod…

2021-11-12 08:04:13
NYT Climate @nytclimate

“We are drowning in promises,” said the climate activist Vanessa Nakate at COP26 in Glasgow on Thursday. nyti.ms/3kwpPYu

2021-11-12 06:03:06
Vanessa Nakate @vanessa_vash

After 25 of these COPs, emissions are still rising. Today I told leaders at #COP26 that we don’t believe their pledges and promises. But I beg them to prove us wrong. Watch full speech: youtube.com/watch?v=cuuOts… pic.twitter.com/H4TUnZqwEx

2021-11-12 03:04:17
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ナオミ・クライン ”「私は、このCOPが気候変動を危機として扱っていないことに怒りを感じています。最終文書では化石燃料の話をすることもできていません。汚染者が民衆よりも歓迎されています。これこそが、若者である私たちがやり続けることです、化石燃料の段階的な廃止のために戦うこと。」” twitter.com/NaomiAKlein/st…

2021-11-12 02:25:06
Naomi Klein @NaomiAKlein

"I am angry at the way this COP is not managing climate change as a crisis. We can't even talk about fossil fuels in the final text. Polluters are more welcome than people and this is what we, as youth, will keep doing: fighting to phase-out fossil fuels" edition.cnn.com/2021/11/11/wor…

2021-11-11 21:13:07
Naomi Klein @NaomiAKlein

"I am angry at the way this COP is not managing climate change as a crisis. We can't even talk about fossil fuels in the final text. Polluters are more welcome than people and this is what we, as youth, will keep doing: fighting to phase-out fossil fuels" edition.cnn.com/2021/11/11/wor…

2021-11-11 21:13:07
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ネイサン・ザンキ “これは子どもたちについてではなくメディアについて物語る発言。“ フリードマン記者の「リーダーたちが記者よりも若者たちを怖がっているCOPに初めて来た」発言を受けて。 twitter.com/n_thanki/statu…

2021-11-09 21:56:40
nathan thanki @n_thanki

This actually says more about the press than it does about the kids twitter.com/dpcarrington/s…

2021-11-08 17:31:15
nathan thanki @n_thanki

This actually says more about the press than it does about the kids twitter.com/dpcarrington/s…

2021-11-08 17:31:15
Damian Carrington @dpcarrington

#cop26 “This is the first COP I’ve been to where the delegates are more afraid of the kids than the press.” says @tomfriedman

2021-11-07 22:04:09
Damian Carrington @dpcarrington

#cop26 “This is the first COP I’ve been to where the delegates are more afraid of the kids than the press.” says @tomfriedman

2021-11-07 22:04:09
Bill McGuire @ProfBillMcGuire

Looks like the true annual CO2 emissions figure could be 50 billion tonnes or even more. Absolutely dreadful news on top of everything else. #COP26 #COP26Glasgow #climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateActionNow @ExtinctionR @RHarrabin planetizen.com/news/2021/11/1…

2021-11-12 02:04:39
Kosuke Hatta 八田浩輔 @kskhatta

各国の温室効果ガス排出量の過小報告を指摘したワシントンポストの調査プロセスを公開。ばらばらの算出方法の盲点を突いたオープンソースの調査報道 Measuring the Invisible: How The Post did its global emissions analysis washingtonpost.com/climate-enviro…

2021-11-11 23:00:19
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