旧作「ドクターフー(1代目) 」を無料の英語版で全部見るよ!(随時更新中)

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リンク Dailymotion s01e05 - The Daleks - Part 1 - The Dead Planet - video Dailymotion Watch s01e05 - The Daleks - Part 1 - The Dead Planet - Panda Gaming on Dailymotion 9

S1-2 エピソード1:死の惑星 あらすじ



ターディスの外に落ちていた謎の小瓶をターディスに保管しつつ、一行は未来都市へと向かう。未来都市の建物内で単独行動したバーバラが小部屋を進むたびに背後のドアが閉まり、隔離されて追い込まれている事に気が付かない。そして謎のトイレバキュームの魔の手が女教師バーバラに迫る! つづく

リンク Archive Television Musings Doctor Who – The Daleks. Episode One – The Dead Planet The Daleks was the second William Hartnell story I watched, a mere eight years after the Five Faces screening of An Unearthly Child. The year was 1989 and BBC Video had released a double-pack of T…
リンク timespacevisualiser.blogspot.com The Dead Planet (The Daleks Episode 1) The one where Ian and Barbara have J62-L6 for supper... Right from the outset, The Dead Planet is disconcerting and strange. After the...
リンク BBC BBC One - Doctor Who, Season 1, The Daleks, The Dead Planet The travellers venture explore a new world. Everything seems to be dead, but is it really?


 1️⃣ S1-2 エピソード2:生存者

リンク Dailymotion Classic DW - Season 1 - The Daleks - The Survivors - video Dailymotion Classic DW - Season 1 - The Daleks - The Survivors 18
リンク Archive Television Musings Doctor Who – The Daleks. Episode Two – The Survivors Once the Doctor eventually realises that the planet is contaminated with a very high level of radioactive fallout it’s chilling to see how keen he is to abandon Barbara to her fate – IAN: We’re not…
リンク timespacevisualiser.blogspot.com The Survivors (The Daleks Episode 2) The one where the Daleks appear for the very first time... Considering Terry Nation's episode titles would later become so ostentatiou...
リンク BBC BBC One - Doctor Who, Season 1, The Daleks, The Survivors Looking for Barbara, the travellers realise they have been exposed to radiation poisoning.


 1️⃣ S1-2 エピソード3:逃亡

リンク Dailymotion Classic DW - Season 1 - The Daleks - The Escape - video Dailymotion Classic DW - Season 1 - The Daleks - The Escape 3
リンク Archive Television Musings Doctor Who – The Daleks. Episode Three – The Escape The Escape opens with Susan meeting Alydon (John Lee). Born in Tasmania, Australia, Lee didn’t have a trace of an Australian accent and instead spoke in the RP tones that were so prevalent d…
リンク timespacevisualiser.blogspot.com The Escape (The Daleks Episode 3) The one where we (sort of, almost) get to see what's inside a Dalek... Blimey, what a dull episode title! I mean, there must be an esc...
リンク BBC BBC One - Doctor Who, Season 1, The Daleks, The Escape Fearful of a Thal attack, the Daleks force Susan to trick the Thals.


 1️⃣ S1-2 エピソード4:待ち伏せ攻撃(1964年1月11日)

リンク Dailymotion s01e08 - The Daleks - Part 4 - The Ambush - video Dailymotion Watch s01e08 - The Daleks - Part 4 - The Ambush - Panda Gaming on Dailymotion 16
リンク Archive Television Musings Doctor Who – The Daleks. Episode Four – The Ambush The range of camera effects at the disposal of the Doctor Who production team in 1963/64 was incredibly limited, but The Ambush has some very effective shots (which were also quite easy to achieve)…
リンク timespacevisualiser.blogspot.com The Ambush (The Daleks Episode 4) The one where the Daleks make their first killing... We sadly don't see any more of what was found inside that Dalek machine last week...
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