イギリス「ロシアがウクライナを軍事侵略したら?支援はするけど軍隊まではねぇ…」 - ガーディアン報道

リンク the Guardian UK unlikely to send troops if Russia invades Ukraine, says defence secretary Minister’s comments come days after Boris Johnson warns Russia of ‘significant consequences’ 1236


Nemo @i_nautilus

That's that then. UK unlikely to send troops if Russia invades Ukraine, says defence secretary theguardian.com/politics/2021/…

2021-12-19 00:17:46


Nicky @NickyZog

@citizenliz @MrJohnNicolson The level of intellect is demonstrated by his statement that UK will not respond to a Russian invasion of Ukraine, so that's a green light from the UK then. theguardian.com/politics/2021/…

2021-12-19 17:55:24


RedarmyBotforYes @RolandS13014285

What’s left of the army after Tory cuts could do nothing against Russia. To busy driving ambulances etc. UK unlikely to send troops if Russia invades Ukraine, says defence secretary theguardian.com/politics/2021/…

2021-12-18 22:01:05

ロシアよ消え去るがいい! ... 生活費が少ないんだ

Suki Hothi @sukihothi

"Russia!! Shut up and go away!" .. costs less lives UK unlikely to send troops if Russia invades Ukraine, says defence secretary theguardian.com/politics/2021/…

2021-12-19 21:40:06


Jonathan Eyal @JEyal_RUSI

The long as we claim that we care a great deal about Ukraine's independence but not enough to shed any blood, why would Putin be deterred by our noise, or even take us seriously? "UK unlikely to send troops if Russia invades Ukraine says defence secretary" theguardian.com/politics/2021/…

2021-12-18 21:11:01

Nord Stream 2ガスパイプラインを停止させ、ロシアに経済的な打撃を与えることで報復するのが良い。

Peter Tatchell @PeterTatchell

UK unlikely to send troops if Russia invades Ukraine, says defence secretary. What stupidity! This gives Russia green light to invade. I oppose military action. Better to retaliate by hitting Russia financially by shutting down Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline ow.ly/v7nl50HeZ8y

2021-12-20 04:45:02


Markus Eichhorn @markus_eichhorn

Surprised to hear that the British urge for imperial nostalgia doesn't extend to revisiting the Crimean War theguardian.com/politics/2021/…

2021-12-18 21:20:44