『エコノミスト』誌がTwitterを使って討論会を実施 ※現在進行中→終了

2010年10月12日の夜11時50分過ぎに、英国の『エコノミスト』誌 @TheEconomist が、「乞ご意見」として「イランの核開発と、西側による武力行使」というテーマでオンライン討論会を始めました。『エコノミスト』の担当は中東エディターのJosie Delapさん。同誌のオンライン版を有料登録している人じゃないと閲覧できないURLも含まれていますが、基本的には誰にでもオープンです。 自分があとから見返すことになるので、1ページにまとめておきます。色分けは、えんじ色がエコノミストからのtweet、紺色がエコノミストがRTしている読者の反応、青緑色はエコノミストがmentionしている読者のtweet、何もしていないのが特にRTなどされていない読者の反応です。 しかしすごいネットの使い方。。。いちげんさんが一言言い捨てていくことも可能な形式で。 続きを読む

Where do you stand Iran's nuclear programme? Discuss here tomorrow at 4pm UK / 11am NY time. More details at: http://econ.st/dbSnaT #wdys

2010-10-11 22:55:21

Iran has broken the promises made when it signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Should force be used? Discuss here at 4pm UK #wdys

2010-10-12 18:36:51

Air strikes will only buy time and won’t stop Iran going nuclear. Where do you stand? Discuss @theeconomist 4pm UK / 11am EST #iran #wdys

2010-10-12 18:39:17
Trident Tyger @Wytchdance

#wdys harder sanctions and more cyber-sab would be more reasonable. But for the sake of the fragile geo-pol climate. I prefare dialogue.

2010-10-12 21:07:55
The Economist @TheEconomist

Our live discussion asking if the West should use force against Iran's nuclear programme starts in 10minutes. Follow and join with #wdys

2010-10-12 23:51:23
Nishka Krishna @NishkaK

?? West has more nuke weapons than Iran. Y don't we use force against them #wdys .. What hypocrisy is this @TheEconomist

2010-10-12 23:53:39
Pragalath @kpragalath

That would only make Clash of Civilization theory come true #wdys

2010-10-12 23:53:57
Banfort Onyeonwu @Banfort__

force is not an option,it would only worsen things #wdys

2010-10-12 23:58:33
Banfort Onyeonwu @Banfort__

If you give the west an inch,they'd want to take a mile #wdys

2010-10-13 00:02:53
ezzademir @ezzademir

What is the relevant of the West to use force against other sovereign nuclear programme? @TheEconomist #wdys

2010-10-12 23:59:28
The Economist @TheEconomist

Where do you stand on using force against Iran’s nuclear programme? Welcome to our discussion which will run for an hour #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 00:00:05
The Economist @TheEconomist

I am Josie Delap, The Economist’s online Middle East editor and will be your host for today. You can follow and share comments with #wdys

2010-10-13 00:00:27
The Economist @TheEconomist

For more background on the discussion & to view our suggested reading list which highlights related issues see: http://econ.st/aauq1Q#wdys

2010-10-13 00:00:40
The Economist @TheEconomist

The question of how to react to Iran’s nuclear programme is a difficult one. Should action be taken? If so why & what will it achieve? #wdys

2010-10-13 00:01:45
The Economist @TheEconomist

If force is used to stop Iran’s programme, the Middle East will become more unstable. Without it we risk the threat of nuclear bombs #wdys

2010-10-13 00:02:37
Nishka Krishna @NishkaK

Only cntry in the world that has used nukes against another is you know who ... so why preach to others #wdys @TheEconomist

2010-10-13 00:03:56
The Economist @TheEconomist

I’m interested in hearing your views on the subject. Should the West use force against Iran? #wdys

2010-10-13 00:03:01
Political A. Science @PLS101

@TheEconomist The West is still trying to figure out what to do w/ Iraq and Afghanistan. So … No. #wdys

2010-10-13 00:03:45
Ivo Vegter @IvoVegter

@TheEconomist In principle, yes; all else is failing. Nukes not the only justification. In practice, it will be difficult. #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 00:05:15
Stephen Baines @spbaines

No. But sufficient forces should be maintained to deter Iran @ns_mehdihasan No RT @TheEconomist: Should the West use force against Iran?

2010-10-13 00:07:00

@TheEconomist Absolutely not. Any military action towards Iran would further galvanize anti-American sentiment in the greater middle east.

2010-10-13 00:13:02
Nathaniel E. Baker @natbaker

@shean702 @TheEconomist that's exactly what people said pre-Iraq and....oh, wait...

2010-10-13 00:15:17

Threats and violence won't help, that's not diplomacy. All parties acting in moderation is a prequisite for any success. #wdys

2010-10-13 00:04:29
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