『エコノミスト』誌がTwitterを使って討論会を実施 ※現在進行中→終了

2010年10月12日の夜11時50分過ぎに、英国の『エコノミスト』誌 @TheEconomist が、「乞ご意見」として「イランの核開発と、西側による武力行使」というテーマでオンライン討論会を始めました。『エコノミスト』の担当は中東エディターのJosie Delapさん。同誌のオンライン版を有料登録している人じゃないと閲覧できないURLも含まれていますが、基本的には誰にでもオープンです。 自分があとから見返すことになるので、1ページにまとめておきます。色分けは、えんじ色がエコノミストからのtweet、紺色がエコノミストがRTしている読者の反応、青緑色はエコノミストがmentionしている読者のtweet、何もしていないのが特にRTなどされていない読者の反応です。 しかしすごいネットの使い方。。。いちげんさんが一言言い捨てていくことも可能な形式で。 続きを読む
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@TheEconomist I think the real question here is should the West use twitter against Iran? #wdys

2010-10-13 00:05:18
Felippe Ramos 🇧🇷🌍 @felippe_ramos

I agree with the brazilian diplomatic position towards Iran. Force will only worsen the crises. @TheEconomist: #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 00:06:58
The Economist @TheEconomist

First up, the arguments in favour of using force against Iran #wdys

2010-10-13 00:04:21
The Economist @TheEconomist

Three rounds of sanctions against Iran have failed. Why should we expect the newly introduced UN sanctions to succeed #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 00:04:29
The Economist @TheEconomist

Iran has broken the promises made when it signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty #iran #wdys

2010-10-13 00:04:45
The Economist @TheEconomist

Iran a stock of 5% enriched uranium which if made bomb usable would be enough for a at least one bomb #iran # wdys

2010-10-13 00:04:57
The Economist @TheEconomist

Inspectors have evidence to suggest that Iran has done warhead development whose purpose can only be to build a nuclear weapon #iran #wdys

2010-10-13 00:05:09
Matthew Kummernuss @Kummernuss

#wdys how could US pre-emptively strike Iran over nuke program when Israel refuses to disclose WMD? Israel-Palestine is part of equation

2010-10-13 00:05:57
Nishka Krishna @NishkaK

Y should Iran not have nukes but China, US, UK, France should have nukes. This is like the school bullies association @TheEconomist #wdys

2010-10-13 00:05:57
Nishka Krishna @NishkaK

If no nukes for one country i.e., Iran then u have to have no news for all. The whole should "west" is neo-colonialist #wdys @TheEconomist

2010-10-13 00:08:32
Aubergine أوبرجين @oh_bergine

@TheEconomist the solution 2 Iran's nuclear program passes by a nuclear free Middleeast,Israel has nuclear weapons 2.Double standards? #wdys

2010-10-13 00:07:02
Joseph P. Hopkinson @mariskov

@TheEconomist #iran #wdys If Iran can't act like an adult, we'll have to take their toys away like a child. (tactically, of course!)

2010-10-13 00:07:05

@TheEconomist Why should Pakistan be nuclear and not Iran? #iran #wdys

2010-10-13 00:07:15
The Economist @TheEconomist

Iran’s protestations that its nuclear programme is “civilian” and nothing sinister should be regarded as bluster only #iran #wdys

2010-10-13 00:05:25
Elamin Abdelmahmoud @elamin88

@TheEconomist Iran should not have Nuclear weapons. However, on what basis is it okay for the West to act as world police?!

2010-10-13 00:11:29
Banfort Onyeonwu @Banfort__

@TheEconomist no force shouldn.t be used,the truth is Iran won't use its nuclear programme for harmful purpose #wdys

2010-10-13 00:07:15
DarrellGoodliffe @DarrellGoodliff

@TheEconomist But then again if we invaded everybody who broke international promises things would be a bit of a mess....#wdys

2010-10-13 00:07:19
NaoshadPochkhanawala @venividitweety

#wdys The fundamental problem w/ using force against Iran is it raises support 4 the current regime just when fragmentation is appearing

2010-10-13 00:07:24
M.Nadeem Jahangir Hashmi @NadeemJahangir

@TheEconomist i dont think using force is a good option to handle this issue, ths will deteriorate the situation more #wdys

2010-10-13 00:08:00
George @geomedjr

No force should be use in Iran without undisputable evidence of presence of nuclear weapons #wdys

2010-10-13 00:08:02
The Economist @TheEconomist

Do you find any of these arguments convincing? #wdys

2010-10-13 00:07:25

@TheEconomist Do you find any of these arguments convincing? #wdys WHICH?

2010-10-13 00:10:01
George @geomedjr

Convincing for who?RT @TheEconomist: Do you find any of these arguments convincing? #wdys

2010-10-13 00:11:30
Tiffanie Lai @tiffanielai

@TheEconomist #wdys No - these arguments aren't convincing. Use hindsight to see what has resulted from using force to stop Iran's agenda

2010-10-13 00:18:40
bubbasnowboards.bsky.social @bubbasnowboards

@TheEconomist convincing enough for a UNSC resolution is the only way I would support using force to stop them #wdys

2010-10-13 00:09:42
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