『エコノミスト』誌がTwitterを使って討論会を実施 ※現在進行中→終了

2010年10月12日の夜11時50分過ぎに、英国の『エコノミスト』誌 @TheEconomist が、「乞ご意見」として「イランの核開発と、西側による武力行使」というテーマでオンライン討論会を始めました。『エコノミスト』の担当は中東エディターのJosie Delapさん。同誌のオンライン版を有料登録している人じゃないと閲覧できないURLも含まれていますが、基本的には誰にでもオープンです。 自分があとから見返すことになるので、1ページにまとめておきます。色分けは、えんじ色がエコノミストからのtweet、紺色がエコノミストがRTしている読者の反応、青緑色はエコノミストがmentionしている読者のtweet、何もしていないのが特にRTなどされていない読者の反応です。 しかしすごいネットの使い方。。。いちげんさんが一言言い捨てていくことも可能な形式で。 続きを読む
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Badger D. Witness @badgerdwitness

@TheEconomist Regime change is the only solution but it can't come from West. Must/will come from w/in.Engagement won't do it, nor war #wdys

2010-10-13 01:02:34
IR @ir_sad

@TheEconomist they think they deserve their freedom and peace. No, I don't think so #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 01:13:51
N. Michael Ross @nmichaelross

Iran has broken the promises made when it signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty #iran #wdys (via @TheEconomist)

2010-10-13 01:13:53

#wdys Israel says it doesn't have nukes either. Are we to strike them too and their civilian nuclear programme?

2010-10-13 01:20:38

Our time is now up. Thank you for joining today’s discussion. #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 01:00:12

It's been a great debate with many points made for and against using force against Iran #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 01:00:56

Lots of people point out that Israel has nukes and no one is suggesting bombing Israel #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 01:01:25
Haz Pohan @hazpohan

Politics in realities RT @TheEconomist: Lots of people point out that Israel has nukes and no one is suggesting bombing Israel #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 01:04:02

On the other hand, many others worry that time and options are running out #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 01:01:50
Haz Pohan @hazpohan

Nuke apartheids? RT @TheEconomist: On the other hand, many others worry that time and options are running out #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 01:06:50

You can continue to discuss the pros & cons here or on our Facebook page at: http://econ.st/dbSnaT #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 01:02:05

You can follow similar subjects on our Middle East feed @EconMEastAfrica #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 01:02:19

Best wishes, Josie Delap, The Economist’s online Middle East editor #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 01:02:29
WSJ Middle East @WSJMidEast

Great discussion (via Twitter!) run by @theeconomist on Iran + nukes. Check out the #wdys hashtag to follow....

2010-10-13 01:04:53
Kate A. @the_unrest_cure

loving @theeconomist's live discussion of methods for addressing iran's violation of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty : #wdys #iran

2010-10-13 00:34:40
MG @Hippo_crit

Very intstng RT @TheEconomist: Our live discsn asking if the West should use force against Iran's nuclear programme. Follow and join #wdys

2010-10-13 00:47:54
Hari @haristweet

@TheEconomist the only problem is of selective policing. What is ok if someone does and not ok if someone else does is what is nagging #wdys

2010-10-13 00:31:40

@TheEconomist What right do we in the West have, to stop Iraq having nuclear weapons, when we have them ourselves? Hypocracy, no? #wdys

2010-10-13 00:27:07
Nishka Krishna @NishkaK

What is the purpose of this discussion - Blatant hypocrisy of the world police (no one appnted them btw) is evident #wdys @TheEconomist

2010-10-13 00:27:01
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