
欧州人「は?イミフ」 専門家「そこそこやるやん」 みたいな海外の反応
リンク 日本経済新聞 3月にLNG船数隻 欧州への融通で経産相表明 萩生田光一経済産業相は9日、欧州に液化天然ガス(LNG)の一部を融通する方針を表明した。政府の要請に応じた日本企業が3月に欧州に着くようにLNGを積んだ船を数隻向かわせるという。要請前から欧州に向かっている2月到着の船も数隻ある。LNGの国内在庫は最大でも2週間分と多くなく、国家備蓄もないが、国内での必要量は確保したうえで余剰分を売却する。ウクライナ情勢が緊迫するなか、バイデン米大統領の協力要 1 user 73
Kazuto Suzuki @KS_1013

ロシアへの「抑止力」という表現はこの場合適切だと思う。ロシアがガス供給をテコにしてエコノミック・ステイトクラフトに対する拒否的抑止。(日経Think!にも投稿しました) nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…

2022-02-09 18:55:50
panchillara鋼鉄のハムストリン @panchillara

@KS_1013 備蓄分が足りているのか、今後不測の事態があっても大丈夫なのか、ちょっと心配でもあります。。。

2022-02-09 18:58:49
Kazuto Suzuki @KS_1013

@panchillara 一応、最低限の備蓄はありますが、不測の事態の性質によってはどうなるかわからない、というところでしょうね。ただ、そうしたリスクを取ってでも、今、欧州に恩を売っておくことの価値はあるという判断なのだろうと思います。

2022-02-09 19:01:57
panchillara鋼鉄のハムストリン @panchillara

@KS_1013 なるほど、不安は感じますが、今の国際情勢に対して重要なな日本からの大事な一手ということですね。お返事をどうもありがとうございます。一人先生にお返事をもらえて、ちょっとほっとできたかもしれません。

2022-02-09 19:07:56
xfp43210( `o´ ) @NaoyaMurakami1

これは日本の安全保障を考えれば妥当な判断。 電力危機のリスクを高めてもやむなしだろな。 来冬以降も続く可能性もあるのだから、やはり原発稼働に全力を上げるべきだろ。 3月にLNG船数隻 欧州への融通で経産相表明: 日本経済新聞 nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…

2022-02-09 19:11:57


Marco Giuli @MarcoGiuli

1.Japan govt asks Inpex to help with LNG supply in Europe in case of disruption There are probably two ways to look at this reuters.com/business/energ…

2022-02-09 18:04:26


Marco Giuli @MarcoGiuli

2.First, just markets at work. A supply event in Europe would send local prices through the roof, attracting gas from well-supplied Asian storages. Different between long term contract Asian prices and Europe's spot benchmarks would make the trade profitable

2022-02-09 18:04:27


Marco Giuli @MarcoGiuli

3.Second, a political/economic long term perspective. The risk of raising storage withdrawals/switch to other fuels where possible in JP would be compensated by scoring diplomatic points and bring stability to LNG markets. More details in this thread 👇twitter.com/OilSheppard/st…

2022-02-09 18:04:27
David Sheppard @OilSheppard

People are struggling with this so let’s break it down. In the event of a severe gas supply disruption in Europe are countries like Japan and S. Korea going to stop imports of LNG entirely to free cargoes up for Europe? Absolutely not. But will they defer *some* cargoes? twitter.com/OilSheppard/st…

2022-02-09 17:09:30


Marco Giuli @MarcoGiuli

Summing up: little impact, some profit, easy diplomatic points twitter.com/SStapczynski/s…

2022-02-09 19:27:15
Stephen Stapczynski @SStapczynski

TL;DR: 🇯🇵 Japan says it will divert extra LNG to Europe amid Russia supply concerns 🤷‍♂️ But the move appears to be symbolic, as companies were already selling cargoes to Europe and the limited supply would do little to solve a shortage there 🥇 Govt just trying to take credit

2022-02-09 18:56:31


Leonardo @Leosepulveda9

@Sino_Market I do not understand this news. Japan has no gas production, it is net importer by far. Whatbis the sense Japan but Gas to sell it to Europe? Why Europe cannot buy directly from Producer countries?

2022-02-09 19:16:21


CN Wire @Sino_Market

Japan decided Wednesday to send liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe amid fears that a conflict between Ukraine and Russia could disrupt supplies. #ONGT #LNG #natgas #Ukraine japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/02/0…

2022-02-09 19:11:34




David Sheppard @OilSheppard

People are struggling with this so let’s break it down. In the event of a severe gas supply disruption in Europe are countries like Japan and S. Korea going to stop imports of LNG entirely to free cargoes up for Europe? Absolutely not. But will they defer *some* cargoes? twitter.com/oilsheppard/st…

2022-02-09 17:09:30
David Sheppard @OilSheppard

@matt_h2o @thierry_bros That seems like a very basic reading of it. Clearly Japan will make sure it’s supplied first. But in a crisis what happens at the margins - such as deferring cargoes vs. storage - can change substantially in a system under a large degree of state influence

2022-02-09 16:51:10




David Sheppard @OilSheppard

Quite possibly. Japan/SK would need to maintain imports at a level high enough to meet heating needs first and to supply gas-dependent industries. But that doesn’t mean there’s zero flexibility. In a crisis you can run a system on thinner margins. Less gas in storage...

2022-02-09 17:11:51




David Sheppard @OilSheppard

... fuel switching where feasible, particularly in the electricity mix. Now you might argue why would Japan/SK potentially consent to that? Why not just let the market do it’s job? And why should they run the risk of lower storage and/or a dirtier fuel mix?

2022-02-09 17:14:25

