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欧州人「は?イミフ」 専門家「そこそこやるやん」 みたいな海外の反応
David Sheppard @OilSheppard

The simple answer is self interest. While utilities might complain about it the Japanese government, for example, appears to understand that it is not in their interest to see Europe fall into a massive recession in the event of a severe gas crisis

2022-02-09 17:16:33



David Sheppard @OilSheppard

Europe is a major trading partner, so a dramatic slowdown in their economy is not good for Japan Inc. In the circumstances trying to mitigate a severe energy crisis in Europe - not just the high prices of today, but what happens if Russian supplies gets cut off - makes sense

2022-02-09 17:19:06



David Sheppard @OilSheppard

From a market perspective actions in a crisis may also make more self-interested sense than you first expect LNG prices are largely global. If Russian supplies get disrupted European prices will soar to a level necessary to suck in every available cargo of LNG

2022-02-09 17:21:26


David Sheppard @OilSheppard

It’s in Japan/SK’s interest to therefore minimise the size and duration of any resultant price spike, as they will be affected too in the form of soaring LNG import costs (mitigated only partly by LT contracts) and the likely soaring cost of other fuels

2022-02-09 17:23:39



David Sheppard @OilSheppard

Then there’s the diplomatic angle. Japan and SK enjoy strong relationships with Europe and the US, in everything from trade to countering China The disproportionate amount of diplomatic goodwill earned would dwarf the economic cost of freeing up a few LNG cargoes

2022-02-09 17:26:59


David Sheppard @OilSheppard

Japan in particular also remembers the assistance it received during its own energy crisis following the Fukushima disaster in 2011

2022-02-09 17:28:11


David Sheppard @OilSheppard

The Japanese and SK energy systems are also under a large degree of government influence, in some cases through ownership (at national and regional levels) and culturally/historically through how business interacts with government

2022-02-09 17:30:34


David Sheppard @OilSheppard

So this idea that Japan/SK utilities won’t be willing to respond to government requests for assistance in a severe European gas crisis, just because it’s not the way the market usually functions, strikes me as vastly overstated

2022-02-09 17:32:28


David Sheppard @OilSheppard

A crisis by its nature disrupts the natural order of things. Which is why it’s perfectly feasible that LNG cargoes normally destined for Japan/SK could be diverted - both by market measures and government intervention - if the worst re: Russian gas supplies was to happen

2022-02-09 17:34:17



David Sheppard @OilSheppard

It should be said that it is nobody’s core scenario that Russian gas supplies do get cut off. But given the severe implications it would have it’s sensible that contingency plans are being made. Whether they’d be enough I severely doubt. But dismissing them is foolish

2022-02-09 17:37:07
橋本 敦子 Atsuko Hashimoto @AtsukoHashimot1


2022-02-09 19:25:10


Mike Andrews @mikepjba

@AFP very generous of Japan but how on earth will it be allocated around Europe...

2022-02-09 19:28:39