XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その56 22年3月前半

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中央大学図書館 国際機関資料室Chuo Univ Lib. Int'l Documents Room @ChuoU_idr

#国際刑事裁判所 のカーン主任検察官は28日、#ウクライナ 情勢について捜査開始手続きを進める方針を表明。 #国際刑事裁判所#ICC) とは? 外務省⤵️ mofa.go.jp/mofaj/files/10… 国連広報センター⤵️ unic.or.jp/activities/int… ICC ⤵️ (英語) icc-cpi.int/resource-libra… twitter.com/IntlCrimCourt/…

2022-03-02 15:49:54
Int'l Criminal Court @IntlCrimCourt

📢 Statement of #ICC Prosecutor #KarimAAKhanQC on the Situation in #Ukraine: “I have decided to proceed with opening an investigation.” Read more ⤵️ icc-cpi.int/Pages/item.asp…

2022-03-01 05:23:05
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

"Climate reports such as by the #IPCC, show that human activity is aggravating and accelerating climate change. Bringing #ecocide under the ambit of the ICC could help make climate change more accountable and bring it under control & it could also hold major polluters to account" twitter.com/TheWireScience…

2022-03-01 17:18:05
The Wire Science @TheWireScience

Ecocide refers to actions that result in the willful, conscious destruction of the natural environment or ecosystem that impacts human, animal and plant life. | @aathiperinchery science.thewire.in/environment/ex…

2022-02-28 13:30:01
Stop Ecocide Canada @StopEcocideCan

We have a word for knowing ecological devastation. Now let’s use it, popularize it, criminalize it. A huge thanks to all those using the term ‘#ecocide’ regularly. Time to make it a 5th international crime; to draw a red line and prevent massive harm to nature. #5thcrime

2022-03-01 14:00:28

AFFN 反化石燃料の社会規範

Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

Breaking. JUST STOP OIL STORMS AT BAFTAS Just look up, Just Stop Oil. Celebrities and the mainstream media need to talk about climate change like life depends on it - because it does. pic.twitter.com/7aMVM34EQs

2022-03-14 02:20:39
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

Young supporters of #JustStopOil on the #BAFTAs #RedCarpet twitter.com/rachaelvenable…

2022-03-14 01:08:44
Rachael Venables @rachaelvenables

Protesters from Just Stop Oil (an Insulate Britain offshoot) have made their way onto the red carpet at the BAFTAs. They’re demanding an end to all new fossil fuel projects in the UK pic.twitter.com/yXJWkr9dLx

2022-03-14 01:00:52
Assaad Razzouk @AssaadRazzouk

Fact: Top 5 US oil and gas producers are raking massive profits while wrecking the planet, but since the 2015 Paris Agreement, they paid negative taxes (read: they've received money BACK from the IRS) The absurdity and viciousness is staggering newrepublic.com/article/165658… #climate

2022-03-13 22:08:36
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

"We got told last year, no more #FossilFuel projects if we're to have a future, and you know what our Government does, liscense 40 new ones" Share this if you want to stop oil & gas. Share this if you want to stand with youth. Share this if you want to scream climate justice. twitter.com/JustStop_Oil/s…

2022-03-13 21:29:52
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

WE ARE RISING Youth across the country are taking action to demand that the UK Government #juststopoil . But we cannot do it alone. we need you to stand with us to demand a stable and secure future for all of us. pic.twitter.com/cAWMAWfQhm

2022-03-13 03:42:04
Fridays For Future Digital is closed @fff_digital

Fossil fuels are incompatible with human rights and an equitable world. Take action on March 25: bit.ly/ff-treaty Join thousands signing the treaty: fossilfueltreaty.org Help build international momentum for the Stockholm+50 and COP27 climate negotiations

2022-03-13 02:52:23
Fridays For Future Digital is closed @fff_digital

We have to phase out fossil fuels to stop the contamination of groundwater sources, particularly on Indigenous land. Demand #PeopleNotProfit by calling for a #FossilFuelTreaty pic.twitter.com/Nh2nAKejMO

2022-03-13 02:52:22
Fridays For Future Digital is closed @fff_digital

We have to phase out fossil fuels to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and prevent even more disastrous consequences of climate change. We have to phase out fossil fuels to ensure that everyone has access to clean air and prevent further deaths from air pollution. pic.twitter.com/kboU6dmq2z

2022-03-13 02:52:21
Fridays For Future Digital is closed @fff_digital

The Three Pillars: 1⃣Non-Proliferation: Stop expansion, exploration, and production of fossil fuels 2⃣Fair Phase-out: Get rid of the existing threat of fossil fuels in line with the 1.5 degree Celsius target 3⃣Just Transition: Accelerate a global equitable transition

2022-03-13 02:52:19
Fridays For Future Digital is closed @fff_digital

The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is a global call for the phasing out of fossil fuels and a just transition, endorsed by 1250+ organizations, 150K+ individuals, 2500+ scientists, and 101 Nobel Laureates. pic.twitter.com/rcoRq5uWrv

2022-03-13 02:52:18
Fridays For Future Digital is closed @fff_digital

What is the #FossiFuelTreaty and why should you take action for it on March 25? A thread🧵 @fossiltreaty pic.twitter.com/MuSdf8BDNg

2022-03-13 02:52:17
CBC What on Earth @cbcwhatonearth

“Fossil fuels [have] become a weapon of mass destruction.” Ukrainian environmental lawyer and activist Svitlana Romanko speaks with What On Earth this week about the war in her country and the role Russian gas plays in the conflict. Photo: @fossiltreaty cbc.ca/radio/whatonea… pic.twitter.com/Bzn1mmowu8

2022-03-13 00:03:00
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

Every single human who isn't a fossil fuel CEO or lobbyist should be incandescently furious at fossil fuel CEOs and lobbyists

2022-03-12 00:54:38
Bill McKibben @billmckibben

An oil gang leader, with others around the world: mbs, the koch's, etc Great piece! twitter.com/jeffgoodell/st…

2022-03-11 04:14:19
Jeff Goodell @jeffgoodell

I wrote about Putin and the dangerous twilight of the fossil fuel mafia. rollingstone.com/politics/polit…

2022-03-11 03:19:06
Jeff Goodell @jeffgoodell

“Anyone who thinks an isolated Russia that doesn’t sell anything to the world is going to be a fun neighbor — well, let’s talk in 30 years and see how that worked out.” - @ntsafos

2022-03-11 04:01:04
Jeff Goodell @jeffgoodell

“The Republicans are arguing that you can either have climate-change action or you can have security, but you can’t have both,” says @burkese. “And that’s just not true. Climate policies are not causing this problem and have nothing to do with this problem.”

2022-03-11 03:44:49
Jeff Goodell @jeffgoodell

“It’s not just our climate that’s changing,” says @ErinSikorsky. “It’s our geopolitics, too.”

2022-03-11 03:40:04
Jeff Goodell @jeffgoodell

“Those who are arguing that we should invest in more fossil fuel infrastructure are either evil or stupid.” - @RepCasten

2022-03-11 03:31:32
Jeff Goodell @jeffgoodell

"For decades, world leaders and Big Oil CEOs were happy to turn a blind eye to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s autocratic impulses and fantasies of empire building. They were all fossil-fuel junkies, hooked on the easy money of oil and gas, and Putin had plenty of it..."

2022-03-11 03:22:17
Jeff Goodell @jeffgoodell

I wrote about Putin and the dangerous twilight of the fossil fuel mafia. rollingstone.com/politics/polit…

2022-03-11 03:19:06
Friends of the Earth (Action) @foe_us

NEW: Analysis by Friends of the Earth and @bailoutwatchorg finds oil CEOs are BILLIONS of dollars richer than a year ago and have sold shares in their companies worth millions of dollars in the weeks since the war became inevitable. foe.org/news/oil-compa…

2022-03-11 00:45:35
@ShellsLies @shellslies

#BigOil is exploiting #EnergyCrisis & war for 💰💰. “More drilling in more places isn’t a short-term fix, it’s a long-term problem that only makes oil & gas CEOs richer & locks us into more dependence on dirty, unreliable, expensive & volatile fossil fuels.” @loril @ClimatePower twitter.com/guardian/statu…

2022-03-10 17:45:09
The Guardian @guardian

Oil and gas companies are looking at a bonanza from the Ukraine war theguardian.com/environment/20…

2022-03-10 16:03:32
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