
Vulpes Foxbrush🔞 @brushofvulpes

@politicalawake Considering they think large breasts are unethical I'm certain it's top down and Californian

2022-03-30 04:45:40



🇺🇸Karma🇺🇸 @KarmaCounter8

@politicalawake censorship will/has started turning fans away which will be the reason these companies lose massive profits, because the people they’re pandering to aren’t actual fans and eventually will find the next “fad” and leave them without a care and they won’t even have their old fans.

2022-03-30 04:59:14


Aesccc'x((z @s_strg

@KarmaCounter8 @politicalawake I used to think the same way, unfortunately that's what the ESG score is for where the globalists inject woke garbage. an example is Hollywood, they lose millions every year but they are still standing, what matters is THE MESSAGE, not entertaining.

2022-03-30 05:26:53


Enuo @ChuuniWeek

@Stfyx1 @KarmaCounter8 @politicalawake the ones they are trying to pander are big investors so they will of course swallow a moutfull of what they are parroting

2022-03-30 06:14:20


Metatron The Scribe @metatron_the

@politicalawake Probably giving Sony too much credit there, I suspect ESG scores and out of touch corpos that still haven't figured out that the screeching subhuman activists that demand this make up a tiny to nonexistant fraction of the customerbase, are the driving forces.

2022-03-30 04:49:51



Metatron The Scribe @metatron_the

@politicalawake I beleive so, the market especially at the investor level is heavily globalized, plus they still have western branches that definitely have them so by proxy if nothing else. ESG scores are a dangerous way for unelected plutocrats to force social policy on the public, IE treason.

2022-03-30 04:57:40


TW-ONCE @twicesoncesu

@politicalawake Nahh squares been shit for years. Even had an interview with the creator and said he wants to inject more western socialism in the games moving forward. Fuck em.

2022-03-30 04:46:08


Aesccc'x((z @s_strg

@politicalawake Not even a month passed from what I said. The worst thing is that they justify it using the "entertainment standards of our country" pic.twitter.com/oUJfjVdnEv

2022-03-30 04:49:49



セリエマ🔞 @seri3ma

I wonder what's their ethics says about MICROTRANSACTIONS aka GACHA & LOOTBOX being sold to children. Gambling is 10^9001 times more harmful to children than any pair of mildly exposed tits. twitter.com/politicalawake…

2022-03-30 07:53:17
🇯🇵 Colonel Otaku Gatekeeper 🇯🇵 @politicalawake

So more Information has been revealed about Square Enix's "Ethics Department" and it's worse than we thought. They have power over every New Square Enix Game with every aspects of their games If you want my honest opinion I believe it's Sony that Forced this onto Square Enix pic.twitter.com/2aD1RtTz9C

2022-03-30 04:43:18



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