都市交通・自転車革命と飛び恥、海運関係 2022年版

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Jason Hickel @jasonhickel

We will know governments are taking climate breakdown seriously when travelling by train is more affordable than travelling by air for the same journey.

2022-02-21 18:44:34
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

Even with a “climate emergency”, aviation remains deeply privileged! Travelling by train from near Manchester (UK) to Bergen (Norway), left Sunday evening, arrive Bergen Wednesday morning (60hours) + 6 hours to sort tickets, accommodation, etc! @UiBCET @CEMUSUPPSALA @jo_UoMEnergy

2022-02-21 18:15:21
Kenji Shiraishi @Knjshiraishi


2022-02-21 12:05:59
Kenji Shiraishi @Knjshiraishi

この十年あまりで中国の高速鉄道網(いわゆる新幹線)は中国の津々浦々に張り巡らされ、高速鉄道の距離では圧倒的な世界一に立った。その間、アメリカにも高速鉄道計画がたくさんあったのだが、ただの一つも完成させられていない。 twitter.com/XiaoYewen/stat…

2022-02-21 05:54:11
D J Renney @DJ_Renney

theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/f… ... but we are still expanding capacity at airports and spending £27 billion on new roads.

2022-02-20 20:21:29
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

Alternative: Why not to travel in 2022 based on the science of climate disaster. pic.twitter.com/aHctsFgPti

2022-02-19 14:01:17
edie @edie

Heathrow Airport has updated its sustainability strategy with new targets on waste, water and carbon - but campaign groups have called the pledges to cut emissions "pifflingly small" with a "limited" scope. #aviation #greenwashing #Heathrow edie.net/news/13/Campai…

2022-02-12 17:49:00
Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21

Flying in the 2010s: it was an act of extreme irresponsibility; Flying in 2022: it is an act of mass murder. ... Or are we still in denial on the moral implications of the science. @marksweney #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/f…

2022-02-12 02:29:37
@jdavey @jdavey_2

Sort of like a small percentage of people accounting most of the air travel emissions. twitter.com/Nicholas_I_S/s…

2022-02-09 20:01:09
Nick Sanderson @Nicholas_I_S

Fascinating presentation from @CREDS_UK - 55% of UK car miles accounted for by 15% of the population. twitter.com/CREDS_UK/statu… pic.twitter.com/R9qWFNXs8E

2022-02-09 19:46:48

About to start our webinar on #curbingexcess - is it reasonable to put a limit on how much energy we use? Looking forward to a discussion about what policy options people were most in favour of... Blog & report available for those that aren't attending: creds.ac.uk/excess-energy-… pic.twitter.com/emrYVRKZqa

2022-02-09 19:30:00
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

How @michaelgove's dept justified increasing flights in a #ClimateCrisis: “aviation emissions are not so significant that they would have a material impact on the gov.’s ability to meet its climate change target.” The planning inspectorate or the government must go. #ActNow pic.twitter.com/wh8YSfADGy

2022-02-06 18:53:44
リンク the Guardian Airlines flying near-empty ‘ghost flights’ to retain EU airport slots Analysis from Greenpeace finds deserted flights are generating millions of tons of harmful emissions 1652
Friends of the Earth (Action) @foe_us

On the campaign trail, Biden promised an end federal oil & gas leasing – but in his 1st yr in office, @POTUS approved 3,557 permits for just that, outpacing the Trump admin’s 1st yr by ~1,000. biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-r…

2022-01-25 11:00:06
Friends of the Earth (Action) @foe_us

On the campaign trail, Biden promised an end federal oil & gas leasing – but in his 1st yr in office, @POTUS approved 3,557 permits for just that, outpacing the Trump admin’s 1st yr by ~1,000. biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-r…

2022-01-25 11:00:06
ニュース配信@環境・エネルギー問題 @CCS22174166

<独自>航空脱炭素化へ推進計画策定へ 国交省、民間など連携促す 今国会に改正案 sankei.com/article/202201… @Sankei_newsから

2022-01-23 10:42:03
Alternatiba Paris @alternatiba75

Pour faire contribuer les ultra-riches à la hauteur de leurs responsabilité, nous exigeons : 👉 L'ISF Climatique 👉La lutte contre l'évasion fiscale 👉 L'inclusion des jets privés dans le projet européen de taxation sur le kérosène (5/5) #RichesPollueurs pic.twitter.com/JxAW0Loeoy

2022-01-21 18:31:14
Alternatiba Paris @alternatiba75

Alors que nous fonçons vers le chaos climatique, les plus riches polluent toujours plus, sans aucun égard pour les efforts réalisés sur les gestes individuels. L'usage de jets privés a augmenté de 31% ces 10 dernières années (2/5) pic.twitter.com/pOgo1SNRle

2022-01-21 18:31:10
Alternatiba Paris @alternatiba75

74 activistes d'@alternatiba75 @ExtinctionR @attac_fr sont entrés sur le tarmac du #Bourget et perturbent le trafic de 2 jets privés. Pourquoi cette action ? #RichesPollueurs (1/5) pic.twitter.com/rDPVpZ3bpE

2022-01-21 18:31:08
The Aviation Environment Federation @The_AEF

The aviation industry's "short-termism" has not only cost the planet but also put undue pressure on its workers. @StayGroundedNet calls for an allyship between airline trade unions and climate campaigners to combat this. ✊ ow.ly/hwz650HwOqy pic.twitter.com/j4w7IyCg8o

2022-01-18 21:56:55
Calum Harvey-Scholes @KalHarv

@StayGroundedNet publish a guide to working with aviation workers and TUs for a safe future & secure jobs - a #JustTransition: 1⃣Build trust 2⃣Promote an alternative vision 3⃣Focus on future threats 4⃣Back workers’ demands 5⃣Avoid generalisations stay-grounded.org/just-transition

2022-01-18 21:31:04
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

So important: twitter.com/greenpeace/sta…

2022-01-15 19:26:33
Greenpeace International @Greenpeace

In the midst of a #ClimateCrisis, the @EU_Commission allow tens of thousands of empty planes to fly back and forth for nothing and produce colossal emissions. So what are #GhostFlights and how are they frying the planet? ✈️🍳 THREAD ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/Kg393UMLM4

2022-01-14 19:05:09
Greenpeace International @Greenpeace

In the midst of a #ClimateCrisis, the @EU_Commission allow tens of thousands of empty planes to fly back and forth for nothing and produce colossal emissions. So what are #GhostFlights and how are they frying the planet? ✈️🍳 THREAD ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/Kg393UMLM4

2022-01-14 19:05:09
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

You flew 18,000 empty planes during a climate crisis, so your shareholders could get even richer. This is criminal - our resolution is to stop you. twitter.com/lufthansa/stat…

2022-01-14 04:01:08
Lufthansa @lufthansa

Do you have travel resolutions for this year? Tell us yours or choose from our list. #Lufthansa pic.twitter.com/YIoHwPEVW3

2022-01-05 17:56:33
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