都市交通・自転車革命と飛び恥、海運関係 2022年版

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斎藤幸平 @koheisaito0131

セドラチェクは「社会主義」下の空っぽのスーパーの棚を批判してましたが、これも随分な話ですよ。資本主義は効率的なんじゃないんですか。 twitter.com/Kelangdbn/stat…

2022-01-10 10:38:40
Spica @CasseCool

乗客ゼロ,空っぽのまま飛ぶ欧州のエアライン afar.com/magazine/why-e… 理由は発着枠の維持。今冬ブリュッセル航空は3000便,ルフトハンザは1.8万便の'不要'フライトを飛ばす見込み。かのグレタ・トゥーンベリが前年実績で枠を決めるEUの役所仕事っぷりを猛烈に批判中。

2022-01-10 08:49:51
Stop Exxon SLP @EssoSlp

We can have more flights or a liveable planet, we can’t have both. Join #StopExxonSLP in active resistance against the Southampton to London Pipeline! #ActNow #ExxonKnew

2022-01-02 01:00:14
XR Inner West Sydney @XRInnerWest

Why does @abcnews and @Mad_Morris make the reduction in aviation during the pandemic seem like a disaster? The aviation industry, mainly serving elites, is unsustainable. "Our ABC" shouldn't be normalising aviation with nostalgic editorials. @Rawsa7 @Climate4Runway3 #DontLookUp pic.twitter.com/c1ZinWuwfF

2021-12-31 11:34:12
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

Flying is an expression of global privilege. pic.twitter.com/XQ3w7gu608

2021-09-28 02:40:21


XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

脱炭素へ水素輸送網を構築、受け入れ港を複数整備へ…現在は神戸港のみ(読売新聞オンライン) #Yahooニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/f7773…

2022-08-30 08:16:04
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

“They’re not really modes of transport. They’re just very carbon-intensive hotels,” adds Peeters. “People are not taking them to get somewhere, they are just sitting on the ship and having their fun there.” ft.com/content/9f261d… pic.twitter.com/IS9HP6raGf

2022-08-29 09:47:49
Assaad Razzouk @AssaadRazzouk

47 cruise ships emit 10 times more sulphur dioxide in European waters (2017 data) than all of Europe’s 260 million cars combined That's just 1 of 3 air pollutants discharged from the ships’ smokestacks Price they paid for emitting all that poison: Zero ft.com/content/9f261d… pic.twitter.com/mgVhtyqSj0

2022-08-29 08:54:07
cdbrzezinski 💚🌹 @cdbrzezinski

@ExtinctionR @XRIbiza It’s time to #BanCruiseShips They are a terrible contributor to emissions and pollution. “We found out that pollution from the cruise ship industry is still massive, even despite that they claim newer vessels are clean and green.” cbc.ca/radio/asithapp…

2022-08-15 00:50:18
Stockholm+50 @StockholmPlus50

Today is the #DayoftheSeafarer 🚢 @IMOHQ Secretary-General, Kitack Lim reminds us that we have to work together and collaborate across all sectors to reduce environmental damage. We have #OnlyOneEarth and everyone is responsible for protecting it. #SeafarerJourney pic.twitter.com/bRlnZ9AknD

2022-06-25 11:00:00
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

This is really important work: twitter.com/greenpeaceuk/s…

2022-03-16 19:26:39
Greenpeace UK @GreenpeaceUK

🚨 BREAKING 🚨 We have launched @RUTankerTracker, a new tracking service that has found 69 supertankers carrying oil and gas from Russia are headed to Europe. This is despite some countries declaring a ban on the arrival of Russian vessels. greenpeace.org.uk/news/supertank…

2022-03-11 19:48:13
Greenpeace UK @GreenpeaceUK

🚨 BREAKING 🚨 We have launched @RUTankerTracker, a new tracking service that has found 69 supertankers carrying oil and gas from Russia are headed to Europe. This is despite some countries declaring a ban on the arrival of Russian vessels. greenpeace.org.uk/news/supertank…

2022-03-11 19:48:13
Mike Hudema @MikeHudema

If we switched to #renewableenergy, the number of ships crossing the ocean would fall by 40% because they're just carrying coal & oil & gas!! buff.ly/3JSuKOE We have the solutions. Implement them. #ActOnClimate #ClimateAction #climate #energy #GreenNewDeal pic.twitter.com/XLP8MMRpNZ

2022-01-25 09:32:03
Catherine Ittner @catherineittner

“Maersk increasing its climate target...shows that a dramatically faster zero-emission timeline for the global shipping industry is possible,” said Dawny’all Heydari of @shipitzerocrew qz.com/2112395/maersk…

2022-01-17 22:51:38
Doug Parr @doug_parr

In 2018 Maersk said it wanted to be net-zero emission shipping in 2050 Then, it seemed like a radical and highly ambitious target It's now said it will do it by 2040, because of customer demand for clean shipping ft.com/content/080b2b…

2022-01-12 17:22:48
Bill McKibben @billmckibben

If we switched to renewable energy, the number of ships crossing the ocean would fall almost in half. Because they're just carrying coal and oil and gas billmckibben.substack.com/p/the-happiest…

2022-01-08 08:34:01
Business Insider Japan @BIJapan

🔔 コロナ禍で大打撃のクルーズ船企業が客船を売却・解体せざるを得ない状況に… #BIJToday pic.twitter.com/mVzQGCqkAS

2021-09-17 12:00:00
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