@amesamie6_9 's anti-Japanese Hate Speech that Japanese education doesn't teach us the Rape of Nanking and so on.

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小田桐 忠 @tao1470

@amesamie6_9 @NBCNews This is because the genocide of the people of Southeast Asia was not committed by the Japanese military. There was a genocide. It would be good if more research was done to find out who did it.

2022-07-03 15:51:16
ベルはねこ(プロテスティア) @beru_ha_neko2

@amesamie6_9 @NBCNews I don't think there are any important facts in "rape of nanking " General Matsui had orders to protect civilians. It has been established by the Tokyo Tribunal that there was no order to violate international law. The massacre violates the order. pic.twitter.com/7GQOhTPbUl

2022-07-03 17:01:40
ネコバカオジサン @ZqQIglrtSSHHLfm

@amesamie6_9 @somahas @NBCNews We Japanese are annoying to people like you who spread lies without noticing propaganda. How many people have died in the current war? How can they kill 300,000 people in older war? There are no large numbers of corpses or photographs of them.

2022-07-03 17:11:54
ベルはねこ(プロテスティア) @beru_ha_neko2

@amesamie6_9 @NBCNews The Japanese military began the process of separating soldiers from civilians on 12/14. Civilians were marked for protection. If the Japanese army massacred 300,000 people, it is a needless task. By 12/24, Japanese troops left Nanking, leaving behind 4,000 guards. pic.twitter.com/vwxNIUbhX3

2022-07-03 17:12:03
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

@amesamie6_9 Most of Koreans are educated with anti-Japan education in Korea after the defeat of Japan. The generation of Koreans who lived with Japanese nationality under the rule of Japan know the truth, but most of them have passed away. A few Koreans have grasped this well. twitter.com/byungheonkim2/…

2022-07-03 17:18:21
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

@amesamie6_9 You are spreading lies. We have protested against your misunderstanding.

2022-07-03 17:22:04
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

@amesamie6_9 You are spreading lies. We have protested against your misunderstanding.

2022-07-03 17:22:04
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

@amesamie6_9 Why can you approve only Koreans’ assertions with no evidence? You are slandering us.

2022-07-03 17:27:20
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@amesamie6_9 Before accusing us of historical denialism, apologize your historical denialism of Japanese education! It's your racial insult and hate speech against us, Japanese people! twitter.com/Emmanuel_Chane… CC @beru_ha_neko @systemG9 @patriotismforJP @AGlobalism

2022-07-03 17:28:06
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@amesamie6_9 @NBCNews I take your tweet for racial insult and hate speech against us, Japanese people. Japanese history education do teach those war crimes as real by evil Japan then. But you don't try to know that. Your word is historical denialism of Japanese education history. pic.twitter.com/zNvWN7HhbF

2022-07-02 18:54:32
Amie @amesamie6_9

Just because you know the warped version of the history doesn't make you a better person. the fact that most japanese don't know what exactly their ancestors did to the countries they attacked before and during the WWII is sad.

2022-07-03 17:28:15
Amie @amesamie6_9

What's sadder is they practically attack ANYONE who even mention anything related to that. as a polite nation, I expected Japanese to be better. I'm not saying the internment camps were the right thing done by north americans, in fact that was racially motivated.

2022-07-03 17:28:15
Amie @amesamie6_9

I love japanese people. in fact, I love their language and their culture. I love how the people follow the law and rules. I love their hard working attitude. they're some of the most efficient people I have ever met in my life, no question asked.

2022-07-03 17:28:15
Amie @amesamie6_9

However, learn the right history. attacking people without understanding what they're trying to say with some BS logic doesn't make you right. Nor does stalking. Again, I STRESS that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES did i utter, "Japanese people are bad/horrible".

2022-07-03 17:28:16
Amie @amesamie6_9

Please stop jumping into conclusions. That's all i want to say.

2022-07-03 17:28:16
ベルはねこ(プロテスティア) @beru_ha_neko2

@amesamie6_9 @NBCNews The Nanking massacre is a very strange incident. There were 200,000 civilians in Nanjing. It is said that 300,000 were massacred by the Japanese. After the Japanese occupied the city, the number of civilians was 250,000. What were the Chinese troops doing? pic.twitter.com/Q5XEj2VuR2

2022-07-03 17:29:01
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

@amesamie6_9 twitter.com/aglobalism/sta…

2022-07-03 17:32:38
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

#日韓併合 (A translation) An article about how in 1923 (Japan-Korea Annexation period) due to the influx of 30,000 Koreans a month from the Korean Peninsula into mainland Japan, native Koreans in the mainland started a movement to stop their arrival. twitter.com/yukin_done/sta…

2022-05-29 11:16:13
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

@amesamie6_9 twitter.com/aglobalism/sta…

2022-07-03 17:33:29
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

#日韓併合 (A translation) The Isshinkai For Yi Yong-gu, who was aiming for reform and development of Joseon, it was a bitter blow that An Jung-geun, who was not well versed in international affairs, assassinated Ito Hirobumi without thinking. If Japan left Korea, twitter.com/jinchu32/statu…

2022-06-27 17:58:19
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

@amesamie6_9 twitter.com/aglobalism/sta…

2022-07-03 17:33:57
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

#日韓併合 (A translation) (1) Korea was given the gift of "independence" by Japan. (2) But Korea does not know how to use that gift. (3) Korea's environment would be improved with the help of Russia or Japan. (4) Japan has been completely sincere as a protector of Korea and twitter.com/Ugp32/status/1…

2022-02-26 17:15:57
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

@amesamie6_9 twitter.com/aglobalism/sta…

2022-07-03 17:34:41
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

#日韓併合 (A translation) “Gyeongseong" is a film made by the Korean Governor-General's Office of Railways to introduce Gyeongseong, Korea under Japanese rule. It is a simple film shot in Gyeongseong from morning to night with no narration, but twitter.com/yukin_done/sta…

2022-06-25 21:27:52
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

@amesamie6_9 Why the anti-Japanese brainwashing has been lifted: twitter.com/ShinTV31/statu…

2022-07-03 17:41:00
Shin11111 @ShinTV31

再生回数の47万以上を記録してから広告制限になった僕の初回の動画ですが、動画の中で慰〇婦を直接言及した部分があり、それを削除すると審査に通りました。事例としてあげてたので動画の趣旨は変りません。審査に落ちる理由は運営側から教えて頂けない中、幸いです。 youtu.be/LB6lg6LrSyo pic.twitter.com/WCjdo1AgRj

2022-01-01 07:29:33
Amie @amesamie6_9

As someone who hates CCP from the bottom of her heart, I'm appalled by this comment. i give up on these people. hhhhhh pic.twitter.com/dRUq44cHMm

2022-07-03 17:46:22
Amie @amesamie6_9

The japanese all over the world are out there to k*ll me the moment they get me. Cuz i said something they didn't like. Bros, stop with the stalking at least. it creeps me out.

2022-07-03 17:47:32
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

@amesamie6_9 Thank you for the words that all apply to you. Are you Korean? If not, how can you claim to know more about history than we do?

2022-07-03 17:48:59
Amie @amesamie6_9

youtu.be/lnAC-Y9p_sY Also i'll just put it here for those who're stalking me. thanks

2022-07-03 17:51:30
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