

TeamYouTube @TeamYouTube

@Z4mibyc8FYL06mB heard back and unfortunately, your channel isn't eligible for another review. you can reapply on the date shown on your Monetization page

2022-08-30 00:17:23


暇空茜 @himasoraakane

@TeamYouTube The video is completely different, but I was asked to prove it, and even though I uploaded the creation screen, it was rejected. How are you going to prove this?

2022-08-30 00:19:10
暇空茜 @himasoraakane

@TeamYouTube Although the content is repetitive, each video is different in content and how to make it. If you watch even one of my videos, you will understand that it is a mistake.

2022-08-30 00:24:26
暇空茜 @himasoraakane

@TeamYouTube I faxed the same text to Youtube. I believe that this case was the wrong review, and I would like to protest that the re-review was not done correctly.

2022-08-30 00:59:45
暇空茜 @himasoraakane

@TeamYouTube Anyone who understands Japanese can tell that the video is completely different content. This high rating and playtime should indicate that this is not a mechanical product. It's like proving the existence of this earth even though we're standing on it.

2022-08-30 01:02:12
SteveNoJobs@Alwaysマイナス損益 Tabi 🟧 @homu2022

@TeamYouTube @Z4mibyc8FYL06mB I’ve watched his several videos and of corse each of content is different. His views prove it. Is there any Japanese reviewers?

2022-08-30 00:43:13
暇空茜 @himasoraakane

@JohnConnorBoom @TeamYouTube I will say it again and again, I have never made a video using the same content over and over again. You can see it in the videos on my channel. You will always understand. @TeamYouTube

2022-08-30 00:44:14


「あなたのチャンネルは再審査を受ける資格がないことが判明したため、不承認から 30 日待ってから YouTube パートナー プログラムに再申請することをおすすめします。」

TeamYouTube @TeamYouTube

@Z4mibyc8FYL06mB update, we found that your channel isn't eligible for another review so we recommend waiting 30 days from your rejection to reapply to the YouTube Partner Program

2022-08-30 00:52:33
暇空茜 @himasoraakane

@TeamYouTube I use a synthetic voice to create my videos. I assume that YouTube's AI mistakenly judged this synthetic audio as "repetitive content" and stopped monetizing my channel.

2022-08-30 00:56:04
暇空茜 @himasoraakane

@TeamYouTube Moreover, you guys stopped monetizing me 2 months ago for the same reason. I admitted that was a mistake, apologized, and restored it. Nevertheless, it is clearly unfair to do the same thing in such a short period of time.

2022-08-30 00:56:08
暇空茜 @himasoraakane

@TeamYouTube I have read the policy many times and followed the rules and regulations while editing the video. I don't think my video violates any of the policies. I strongly protest that monetization is not allowed.

2022-08-30 00:57:17
祭囃子が聞こえる @hima_kankyaku

@TeamYouTube @Z4mibyc8FYL06mB I also think no repeats are done on this ch. And I'm looking forward to new video and believe it will benefit youtube if monetizing restart.

2022-08-30 01:11:48
暇空茜 @himasoraakane

@hima_kankyaku @TeamYouTube I think the high ratings, play time, and audience data show that our content is not as repetitive as it claims. Please have someone who understands Japanese read it. It was canceled last time for the same reason.

2022-08-30 01:14:13


チャンネル全体を審査するため、コンテンツとチャンネルの活動がコミュニティ ガイドラインに準拠していることを確認してください

TeamYouTube @TeamYouTube

@Z4mibyc8FYL06mB we review channels as a whole, so make sure that your content & channel activites are in line with our Community Guidelines. more info ➡️ goo.gle/3KBrhow

2022-08-30 02:23:40
暇空茜 @himasoraakane

@TeamYouTube I'm not violating any community guidelines. I can only assume that the repetitive content in the feedback is misdetecting the use of machine voice. Please review again

2022-08-30 02:26:40
イリエユヅチカ(入江遜考) @Irie_Yudzuchika

ゆっくりを愛する全ての方たちへ youtu.be/eBprSrT3b8w ゆっくり解説動画のYouTube収益化はく奪についての動画ですが、業者が情報商材にゆっくりボイスを使ってゐる問題について詳細に解説してゐます。かなり根深い問題なので、危険回避のためボイスロイドに移行することも考えております。

2022-04-26 20:45:19
PC@D◯Siteの異世界転生マンガが好き @saitamacolabo

Voiceroidを購入するならDLSiteがおすすめダヨ。 たいてい20%offのチケットを配ってるし 年に2回くらい30%offチケットになることがあるよ 購入後の管理が楽なのでアペンドなどをつけるときも便利。 dlsite.com/soft/dlaf/=/t/… pic.twitter.com/RwQKJOabnE

2022-08-30 09:46:29