【質問】 ドゥーギン暗殺未遂事件について教えてください.

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Igor Sushko @igorsushko

The FSB’s 5th Directorate & FSB's Center for Combating Organized Crime are actively & methodically molding public opinion.

2022-08-22 04:26:48
Igor Sushko @igorsushko

So far, there is unconfirmed information that from August 24 to September 12, something major is going to happen in Russia, à la Beslan, Dubrovka, etc. (#Dubrovka - the 2002 Moscow Theatre false-flag hostage crisis where the FSB murdered hundreds of civilians. Chechens blamed) pic.twitter.com/qkfCGOkNA1

2022-08-22 04:26:49
Igor Sushko @igorsushko

(#Beslan - the 2004 Russian school false-flag hostage crisis, where the FSB's actions, including shelling of the school and use of thermobaric bombs, led to 333 deaths including 186 children. Again, this was also blamed on the Chechens.) pic.twitter.com/yJMQtxPDyJ

2022-08-22 04:26:50
Igor Sushko @igorsushko

And it (false-flag terrorism) will be allowed in a controlled manner. Why? Autumn is ENERGY (heat wave gone, vacations over, and the public will be more active), and the people at Lubyanka (FSB HQ) are no fools - they want to channel this public energy into the desired direction.

2022-08-22 04:26:50
Igor Sushko @igorsushko

Notice how quickly the pro-Putin channels began to accuse Ukraine (of #Dugina's assassination) without any evidence, and this disinformation is spreading rapidly. Even the people in Ukraine themselves have been hooked (to believe Ukraine is behind the assassination).

2022-08-22 04:26:51
Igor Sushko @igorsushko

If possible, Vladimir, raise this issue on the air and outplay the cannibal (#Putin) before he kills 100-200 more people (through domestic false-flag terrorist attacks)." (End of translation)

2022-08-22 04:26:51
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