今、ロンドンがあつい! London's burnin' with BBQ craze now

ロンドンに熱波。真夏でも30度になればニュースになる土地で、9月終わりに30度近い気温、夜も25度と熱帯夜! 日本なら「いつまでも蒸し暑くていやになる」という反応が出そうな状況、ロンドンでは、果たして……そしてロシアのサンクトペテルブルクから、ドイツから、オーストラリアから、ニューヨークから、カイロから、それはどう見えるのか?! 記事: 続きを読む
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Toshi@流浪国家の民 @G_bonham_

ツイート、インディアンサマーのオンパレードですね RT @madmanjapman: 今日はとても暑い!RT @nofrills Updated: ロンドンがあつい! http://t.co/eHUaT6Dv

2011-10-02 01:56:22
yoko aoki ☮️🕊️ @yokoaoki

@nofrills ハイストリートを行く女性の肩出しサマードレス率が4割、チューブトップ率も1割を超過しています! そして明日も28℃予報が。

2011-10-02 02:01:20
Ashley Haley Rack @AshleyRack

1st October and I'm wearing shorts! Love this Indian Summer!

2011-10-02 02:46:05
Jiggy @m_sahai

Today was the hottest October day in London since records began! BBC calls it 'Indian Summer'. Lol.

2011-10-02 02:29:22
Insider Journeys @InsiderJourneys

Our UK (Oxford) office is experiencing an Indian summer! Today's temps were the same as #Saigon at 29deg! That's where the similarities end.

2011-10-02 02:16:42

I can smell BBQ's in the air and it's October. Digging this Indian summer!!

2011-10-02 02:26:56
James B @Unstable_Alpha

Spent the afternoon at the beach and now I've got the BBQ on the go. Riding tomorrow - can't wait! Love the Indian summer!

2011-10-02 02:17:34
Mark Dredge @markdredge

1 October and we're having a BBQ and sitting outside. And I'm wearing shorts and t-shirt. Loving the Indian summer.

2011-10-02 02:21:04


2011-10-02 02:30:18
KWood @Kimbs_W8

There are lots of topless hunks having a BBQ on the balcony opposite my flat. This Indian summer just gets better and better!

2011-10-02 02:09:36
Bethany Fahrer @fahrerout

Enjoying our Indian summer at a pub on a hill in Brighton. Cider in hand and fish and chips due. I'm happy. :)

2011-10-02 02:38:52
F @Fjolla_H

"Indian" summer here in Norway...loveee it and NEED it...:D

2011-10-02 02:40:36
Nelleke Langius @LangiusDesign

't vuurtje brandt! Nog even genieten van de Indian Summer :)

2011-10-02 02:26:34
Johnny Brenna @JohnnyBrenna

Har vært mange ganger i India, og er skuffet over vår "indian summer"..

2011-10-02 02:48:41
Kurt Zyprian Hörmann @MFL_Team

Indian Summer ist einfach malerisch schön.

2011-10-02 02:48:48
Hugh Wilson @Hugh_Wilson

Chilling in Nottingham with the lads! Making the most of my new purchase and the Indian Summer http://t.co/exKKJ8Or

2011-10-02 02:51:43
aster cafe @astercafe

we hope you're prepared for what might be the most gorgeous indian summer day yet. come to us. we have everything you need.

2011-10-02 02:53:03
Elizabeth @Liz381

@JeffroBrazier yes it is sunny! Weathermen had it right for our mini indian summer recorded 29.9 celsius 2day! ☀ enjoy time with your boys ☺

2011-10-02 02:55:02
Paul Morris @lordofmisrule

Enjoying a Boon Geuze Mariage Parfait in the Evening Star in Brighton. Viva Indian Summer! Viva lambic beer!

2011-10-02 02:55:07
dog and bull @Dogandbull

Our Beer Garden is the place to Chill in Croydon! Enjoy the Indian summer with a cool wet pint of Youngs.....

2011-10-02 02:59:22
Michael J Shinnick @SI_mjshinnick

At junction 14 on the M7 heading home weather poor I thought they said to expect an Indian summer I won't take the weather mans word again

2011-10-02 03:01:14
Wat the fuz? @fuz09

Indian summer..in london..sunshine all the way and yet I have to surrender myself to rest and recover..tat's the way to good health for now

2011-10-02 03:11:05
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