今、ロンドンがあつい! London's burnin' with BBQ craze now

ロンドンに熱波。真夏でも30度になればニュースになる土地で、9月終わりに30度近い気温、夜も25度と熱帯夜! 日本なら「いつまでも蒸し暑くていやになる」という反応が出そうな状況、ロンドンでは、果たして……そしてロシアのサンクトペテルブルクから、ドイツから、オーストラリアから、ニューヨークから、カイロから、それはどう見えるのか?! 記事: 続きを読む
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soSeyChelles (@soSaysSheze on Spoutible) @sosaysShelze

as so many enjoy and look forward to cooler days, I cling to an indian summer and the final days of warmth ... "sunshine on my shoulders..."

2011-10-02 03:18:10
ffresh @ffreshfest

This photograph perfectly captures the belated Indian Summer we’re currently experiencing in the UK http://t.co/XQpOhc65

2011-10-02 03:19:26
Brincelyn @Brincelyn

Indian summer weather, fresh hummus and pita, ripe plums, & fun projects to do. Great day ahead. :)

2011-10-02 03:19:42
★ZOË★ @ladyzoe2dots

Sweltering Indian Summer day, mince pies and chocolate snowmen in shops. What's wrong with this picture?

2011-10-02 03:21:53
Wellbeing People @wellbeingpeople

30 degrees in #October? Seriously loving this Indian summer business!! What's on the #BBQ ...

2011-10-02 03:22:15
jeanettechapman @jnetchapman

By popular demand just made salmon fishcakes from "Voluptuous delights"(again)perfect for an indian summer evening @sophiedahl

2011-10-02 03:23:13
Carl Serjeant @CarlSerjeant

Why is everyone is talking about the "Indian" summer...it's "Native American" you racists!!!

2011-10-02 02:30:41
✨prairie fire that wanders about🌾 @bluecoat_

Ooo is it bad that Im slightly offended by the term indian summer?

2011-10-02 03:03:13
Mike Black @mikeblackphoto

@Thymedeli it's a term used in America I believe but strictly speaking this isn't an Indian summer it is (cont) http://t.co/fbEvdTiI

2011-10-02 03:03:09
daniel @danrevill

Indian Summer. Am I allowed to use that term? Seems like a holdover from my parents that I never thought better of until now.

2011-10-02 02:54:58
daniel @danrevill

I apologize for the term 'Indian Summer'...apparently it is still widely used (according to the internets), so we obviously have work to do.

2011-10-02 03:08:26
Bram van Ommen @BramvanOmmen

On a golden autumnday! #VanMorisson. RT @gerardekdom Lang leve de indian summer!!!

2011-10-02 02:59:53
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

アイルランド丸ごとかわいそう (;_;) 隣の島も大陸もものすごい陽気だというのに。。。隣の島も北のほうはぐずぐずしてるようですが。 The Irish Times - Weather Forecast via kwout http://t.co/ApAN7u7q

2011-10-02 02:55:42
Sarah Brown @SarahBrownUK

Home in Scotland, watching news of UK 'Indian Summer' heatwave with pouring rain outside my window *confused face*

2011-10-02 02:22:52
Ushbho @Ushbho

@SarahBrownUK Sarah when I left Edinburgh yesterday it was the Indian Summer:-)...what's happened since then??/

2011-10-02 03:23:33
Did Somebody Say Just Dee @PrincessMissDee

Beat the Scots twice today! RT @SarahBrownUK: Home in Scotland watching news of UK 'Indian Summer' heatwave with pouring rain outside window

2011-10-02 02:29:02
Disco @DisCorvo77

Holy fuck. Indian summer my ass! Torrential rain here in Scotland right now! Chippy plan is torpedoed!

2011-10-02 02:07:01
Ash @AshleighGouldx

Hope you are all enjoying your indian summer while its p*ssing down in Belfast LOL

2011-10-02 02:50:20
Maitiu Dubhghaill @adhddoyle

Whoever is in charge of these things take note.An irish summer will be ok by me anytime but those indian people can keep their summer.

2011-10-02 03:02:28
Kryss @cdot100

If you think this is like an Indian Summer then you clearly haven't been to India. #wholenewballgame

2011-10-02 02:56:08
Joe Mullen @jooe_x

Wish this indian summer would fuck off back to india!

2011-10-02 02:56:06
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿yukikaze🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 @yuki_bateauivre


2011-10-02 05:41:41
Seiko @KitschAndGooey

この暑さで数日見かけるのは、普段普通の人なのに暑さでどうかしちゃった人。1)スーツ着たミドルクラスの真面目そうな男性と奥さん、街頭で映画並みの大喧嘩。2)人を食べてるのかという勢いでキスするカップル 3)夕方5時に既に酔いつぶれてバス停が新宿の終電状態の人(続)

2011-10-02 07:24:32
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