#コロナ詐欺 を犯行した連中を糾弾すべし 45

電子マネー「iD」【公式】 @id_credit

dアニメストア×iDキャンペーン‼️ dアニメストアでのグッズ購入で使える 10%OFFクーポンもれなくプレゼント 1⃣@id_credit をフォロー 2⃣この投稿をRT 3⃣後日DMでクーポン取得方法ご連絡 詳細はこちら bit.ly/3EeHgWK  iDでは #ブルーロック コラボCPも同時開催中 bit.ly/3hPunuL pic.twitter.com/9EPMdMUQ6T

2022-12-01 00:00:00
電子マネー「iD」【公式】 @id_credit

⚽ iD× #ブルーロック#エゴい コラボがついに開幕! iDご利用でコラボ限定グッズを手に入れろ👊 指定のiD対応サービスでのiDご利用や レシート応募などで本キャンペーン 限定コラボグッズが当たる🔥 ✅詳細はこちら bit.ly/3gGz2Pj ⚠️規約に同意の上ご参加ください pic.twitter.com/G9wPWdvRMM

2022-12-01 00:00:00
UNITED24 @U24_gov_ua

This is what Katri’s backpack looks like from Finland — a sign of love and support for Ukraine. She is a UNITED24 donor. "That travels with me to and from work and around Helsinki, Finland, whenever I leave home for whatever reason." Thank you, Katri! pic.twitter.com/RKxqGy07Ft

2022-12-01 00:02:55
UNITED24 @U24_gov_ua

We talk about our donors with special pride and joy. So please write to us more often.

2022-12-01 00:03:32
Binance @binance

Forget #SpotifyWrapped, here's your crypto life wrapped up in a few pictures. Which crypto personality would you get?

2022-12-01 00:23:00
Everstake @everstake_pool

Do you want to receive $AXL rewards every six seconds? That’s what our delegators get when staking on @axelarcore. Learn more about it all from our new article explaining how to stake AXL on @Ledger using @keplrwallet. 📎 everstake.one/blog/how-to-st… pic.twitter.com/abgWaGUcDS

2022-12-01 01:00:04
The New York Times @nytimes

President Volodymyr Zelensky at #DealBookSummit on Wednesday invited Elon Musk to visit Ukraine to see the damage done to the country by Russian forces, saying that a visit could help Musk understand the situation before making pronouncements about it. nyti.ms/3XMfHNu

2022-12-01 01:10:06
UNITED24 @U24_gov_ua

Ukrainian doctors are saving lives and performing complex surgeries by flashlight. @StationCDRKelly heard this firsthand, as he visited the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital. He talked with the young patients and their doctors👇🏽 #united24 pic.twitter.com/J2nkIo7qJd

2022-12-01 01:22:49
UNITED24 @U24_gov_ua

"I saw children who were injured as a result of russian missile attacks. I am impressed by the strength of spirit of these children and the professionalism of the doctors who work in such difficult conditions." Join the fundraiser for generators here: donorbox.org/1000generators

2022-12-01 01:22:51
UNITED24 Media @United24media

Because cats are the best and bears suck. P.S. joking. pic.twitter.com/IRyeBdz4Pe

2022-12-01 02:11:20
UNITED24 Media @United24media

—What does the cat say? —Meow. —What does the bear say? —Grrr. There's more, watch the full video. youtu.be/PlgWJ-K1aXQ

2022-12-01 02:16:31
UNITED24 Media @United24media

—What does Russia say? —Special operation goes according to the plan, sanctions made us stronger! —What does Ukraine say? —Whose freedom is at stake? Ours. Who is supported by the free world? We are. Who is the most motivated and united? We are.

2022-12-01 02:16:55
Binance @binance

#BinanceMan is back! Here to make crypto easy, TikTok superstar @KhabyLame is back to debunk some of the myths that exist in crypto & Web3 🤲🏾 pic.twitter.com/Eb85mVZIUA

2022-12-01 02:17:06
extrnode | Powered by Everstake @extrnode

1/3 A strong, efficient product is unthinkable without strong, efficient partnerships. Even though @extrnode is just getting started, we got support from 7 validators already w/ more willing to join as well. We're extremely thankful to all of you, guys, for your support & words! pic.twitter.com/OAyPBaRHg7

2022-12-01 03:07:02
extrnode | Powered by Everstake @extrnode

2/3 We started fixing the RPC Layer with @solana by compiling a list of nodes and launching a load balancer. Solana wasn’t a random choice, of course. We’ve been together since the genesis block and we love ‘em! It was so great to get the support of Solana’s co-creator! pic.twitter.com/ahAdDKMJ2Q

2022-12-01 03:07:58
UNITED24 Media @United24media

Meet the Ukrainian Winter's Watch guarding the country's border with Belarus in the North. In February, Russia attacked Ukraine from this direction and despite being pushed out by the Ukrainian Armed Forces shortly after—the threat of another attack remains 🐺❄️ pic.twitter.com/dMDV3S46hI

2022-12-01 03:08:54
extrnode | Powered by Everstake @extrnode

3/3 We feel that we’re doing the right thing. And we’re happy to work in an industry where competitors can support each other’s initiatives, share expertise, & promote great products together if it benefits the entire ecosystem. That’s what a healthy economy looks like in the end pic.twitter.com/fNmVwvsu6V

2022-12-01 03:09:14
UNITED24 Media @United24media

Sh*t happens → Ukrainians adapt. Sh*t 2.0 happens → Ukrainians adapt, but swear a bit. Sh*t REALLY hits the fan again x 3 → Ukrainians adapt, swear A LOT and prepare for even bigger shit.

2022-12-01 03:17:29
Everstake @everstake_pool

1/5 Ever wondered why $ATOM has the biggest APY among the biggest blockchains nowadays? Let’s try to solve this puzzle in the Vol.2 of our #ATOMexplained. First of all, let’s take a look at the staked ratio of ATOM, inflation rate, and the APY dynamics for the past two years. pic.twitter.com/GdNOsJk4UO

2022-12-01 03:20:28
Everstake @everstake_pool

2/5 Obviously, in each blockchain, the ratio of staked amount versus total supply is a crucial parameter. It enables us to estimate whether a blockchain in question is evolving “healthily” and how interested delegators are in it.

2022-12-01 03:20:40
Everstake @everstake_pool

3/5 Starting from the second half of 2021, there is a statistically significant decrease in the staked ratio (even below 67%) that automatically launched the mechanism of inflation in order to make a stake in ATOM more attractive.

2022-12-01 03:20:51
Everstake @everstake_pool

4/5 This mechanism is linked to the ATOM block rewards that are increasing gradually. Interestingly, such local drops in the staked ratio and inflation represent the significant stakes/unstakes by IFC, AIB + @binance, @coinbase and other “big” participants.

2022-12-01 03:21:30
Everstake @everstake_pool

5/5 As a result, the APY of $ATOM, which we defined as the inflation rate/staking ratio, is also increasing (up to 20%). This proves that the economic mechanism embedded in ATOM is efficient and works as intended.

2022-12-01 03:21:43
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