Tips for heuristic/bot programming contests

Psyhoさんによるヒューリスティック・ボットコンテストのための無料Tips - カメヲラボ:
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Psyho @FakePsyho

#82: Chasing current metagame and imitating top players might give you good placement, but won't teach you too much in the long-term. If your goal is self-improvement, try avoiding those approaches.

2022-12-23 09:45:01
Psyho @FakePsyho

I think I have touched all of the aspects that I wanted to. Obviously, those takes are shallow compared to how much wisdom there is to share, but I'll never be able to do that with a twitter thread. I'll leave the rest for Q&A (pls ask questions!) and maybe wrap-up. Going 💤

2022-12-23 09:52:46
Ozy @ozy4dm


2022-12-23 09:55:01
Ozy @ozy4dm


2022-12-23 10:07:03
Ozy @ozy4dm

@FakePsyho Thanks for the great Tips! There are so many competitors in Japan who look up to you. This series of tweets will have a significant impact on Japanese competitors in the fields of heuristics and bots.

2022-12-23 10:15:50
Ozy @ozy4dm


2022-12-23 12:13:24
Ozy @ozy4dm


2022-12-23 14:19:31
tomerun @tomerun

@ozy4dm これですか?…

2022-12-23 14:20:29
tomerun @tomerun

はてなブログに投稿しました #はてなブログ BFSを繰り返すときに訪問済みかを記録する配列を毎回初期化しなくて良くするアレ - TopCoderの学習のお時間…

2022-11-06 14:52:08
Ozy @ozy4dm

@tomerun あーこれです!ありがとうございます。Psyhoさんのツイートに同じようなことが書いてあったので、併せて書いておこうかと思いまして。

2022-12-23 14:22:03
Ozy @ozy4dm

残りのツイートも全部まとめました! 見出しも付けたので読みやすくなったはず!! はてなブログに投稿しました #はてなブログ Psyhoさんによるヒューリスティック・ボットコンテストのための無料Tips - カメヲラボ…

2022-12-23 16:51:33
Ozy @ozy4dm


2022-12-23 16:56:46
toast-uz @ToastUz

@FakePsyho "Fast-Clearing Array replaces sets/maps" means using array indices as hash keys?

2022-12-23 20:07:05
Psyho @FakePsyho

@ToastUz Yes! Common example would be avoiding duplicated states in beam search.

2022-12-23 20:23:29
Ozy @ozy4dm


2022-12-24 07:41:04
Psyho @FakePsyho

@mshiladityam Surprisingly it wasn't a typo. I do recall exactly a single case when someone was able to use advanced math to achieve a better result. Very old and very unique marathon.

2022-12-24 18:13:31
Ozy @ozy4dm


2022-12-24 20:12:16
tomerun @tomerun… Mikeさんがcodeforcesで定期的なヒューリスティックコンテストを開催することに関心を示している

2022-12-24 18:58:54
Alice @alisameowmeowmi

@FakePsyho Regarding reallocating memory every call. I've heard other people also believing that reusing global vector<> and clearing gives better speed, but from my experience, it's often the contrary. I think the reason is compiler can optimize much better when vector is a local variable

2022-12-25 17:12:45
Psyho @FakePsyho

@cdkrot Unsure what's the exact comparison: global vector cleared (= no de-allocation) vs local vector allocated every time? If the latter isn't slower by at least 5-10x that would go against everything I saw so far. Also, in theory simple arrays should be slightly faster than vectors

2022-12-25 19:43:10
Psyho @FakePsyho

Probably 1-2 more days and I'll make it public. Needs some proper docs, better error handling and some basic stress tests to make sure that file communication is fine. If you have a program that is able to run 2 AIs and output result, setup should take less than 2 minutes.…

2022-12-28 00:01:32
Psyho @FakePsyho

Not really a tip, but I've been working on a simple local league system that would do automatic matchmaking. Somewhat similar tool to mmtester but for bot contests. Hopefully in the near future this will be published as a PyPI package.

2022-12-23 09:38:18
Neumann @N_e_u_m_a_n_n

@FakePsyho Nice ! If you have any "beta" version to spare, I'd be glad to test it :)

2022-12-28 00:42:11
Psyho @FakePsyho

@sivonmivien I'll msg you when I have something reasonable.

2022-12-28 03:01:14
Ozy @ozy4dm


2022-12-28 21:27:35
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