【質問】 「感謝の村」って何?

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エリザ @elizabeth_munh


エリザ @elizabeth_munh

ww1でイギリスは甚大な人的コストを支払った。英国本土だけで111万5000人。更に植民地から88万7000人 今でもヨーロッパを旅するとどんな田舎でも戦没者の名が刻まれた慰霊碑を頻繁に目にする。5人いた息子が全滅した家もあった しかし奇跡的に全員が帰還した村もある。それは『感謝の村』と呼ばれた pic.twitter.com/ZwFzS4NlyG

2022-10-14 19:45:23
エリザ @elizabeth_munh

こうした村が存在することは1930年まであまり知られていなかったものの、とあるジャーナリストがそうした奇跡の村に気づき、それが一つや二つではないことを知ると、大きな話題となった。 ジャーナリストの発表によればその数は32村。イングランドだけめ16000の村があるから、どれだけ奇跡的か。

2022-10-14 19:47:20
エリザ @elizabeth_munh

こうした村は当然のこと、慰霊碑を持たないものの、自分達のコミュニティの成員が全員守れた事がどれほど素晴らしい事なのかを知っていて、そのことに感謝する碑文を残している。 「神の恩寵に感謝します。我らの息子を守ってくれてありがとう」 無論、五体満足とはいかない事もあった。

2022-10-14 19:49:17
エリザ @elizabeth_munh

それでも彼らは命は拾って帰ってきた。 こうした奇跡の村の中には驚くことに次の試練となるWW2でも全員無事で帰ってきた村もあり、そうした村は『二重に感謝します』と碑文を遺す。 感謝の村はイギリス中の憧れとなり、また、戦死者を出した村もそうした村に心救われる。

2022-10-14 19:51:02
エリザ @elizabeth_munh

身内が戦死した。息子たちは一人も帰ってこなかった。 でもどこかには、同じ戦争に行って、奇跡的な確率で全員無事で帰ってきた村もある。 その事実は残された人たちの心を少しは和らげたでしょう。どこかには、幸運で幸せな人達もいたのだ、と。

2022-10-14 19:54:05
Dave Phillips 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 @ExBeefeaterDave

1/3. Thankful Villages (also known as Blessed Villages) are settlements in England and Wales from which all their members of the armed forces survived #WW1 pic.twitter.com/j7zwYFR0QS

2018-03-18 18:49:24
Dave Phillips 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 @ExBeefeaterDave

2/3. Fourteen of the English and Welsh villages are considered 'Doubly Thankful', as they lost no service personnel during #WW1 or #WWII

2018-03-18 18:49:25
Jeanna Louise Skinner is UPDATES ONLY @JeannaLStars

I've just learned about Thankful Villages, so named because every soldier who fought in WWI came back alive. There are also a number of Doubly Thankful (WWI &WWII) Villages in the UK & Thierville in France is 5x Thankful. Would make a wonderful premise for a historical romance! pic.twitter.com/7fpSGaz2iZ

2020-10-16 23:17:36
springhill historian @Springhill_OPS

The scroll no family wanted to receive. Is anyone studying 'Thankful Villages'? #OnePlaceInWartime #OnePlaceStudies pic.twitter.com/pXWzA5WBhd

2021-11-06 19:49:25
Le Traqueur @_letraqueur_

Durant les 2 guerres mondiales (#WW1-#WW2), la Grande-Bretagne paya un lourd tribut : 2 millions de morts. Mais il existe des dizaines de villages qui ont vu tous les hommes qui sont allés se battre rentrer chez eux en vie. On les appelle les "Doubly Thankful Villages". pic.twitter.com/1aJ06Q29o2

2021-10-18 23:17:00
Historic England @HistoricEngland

There are an estimated 16,000 villages across England Over 700,000 Britons died in the First World War, yet 53 village communities suffered no fatalities – all those who left for war returned home alive They became known as ‘Thankful Villages' bit.ly/2U6dkmn

2019-11-11 17:20:03
Cornwall 365 @Cornwall_365

After a sell-out performance in 2014, Simon Parker's #ThirdLight returns. Come and experience the moving true story of one of Britain's 53 'thankful villages' after the dark days of the Great War. cornwall365.com/third-light-at… pic.twitter.com/XSRsd76wX1

2018-08-21 22:30:14


ShropshireAndBeyond @ShropsAndBeyond

Springtime in #Shropshire - a thatched cottage, pink blossom and a host of golden daffodils, with Wenlock Edge in the background. This is Harley, one of the so-called Thankful Villages, which saw all its men return home safely from the First World War. pic.twitter.com/SOToN8BCo6

2022-03-25 16:00:00
ShropshireAndBeyond @ShropsAndBeyond

🎄 A snowy scene in the village of Harley, near Wenlock Edge, is the subject of Day 8 in our #Shropshire advent calendar. Harley is one of the so-called Thankful Villages, which saw all its men return home safely from the First World War. bit.ly/2wrY5i4 🎅 pic.twitter.com/7nPjaAVQpE

2020-12-08 16:00:00
Historic England North East @HE_NorthEast

There's around 16,000 villages in England Over 700,000 Britons died in the First World War, yet 53 villages suffered no fatalities – all those who left for war returned home alive They are known as Thankful Villages. Hunstanworth, Durham is one of them bit.ly/32BojZs pic.twitter.com/eyrV2QfTZv

2019-11-11 18:50:45
LuneTube @LuneTube

Watch the story of two Lancashire villages which have no war memorial. The ‘Thankful Villages’. #RemembranceDay2018 👉🏻 youtu.be/4FhsWkucb1s pic.twitter.com/6oCfEXscg3

2018-11-09 01:03:30
Pictures of Lancashire @LancashirePics

Nether Kellet is one of only 53 thankful villages known in England and Wales. #NetherKellet sent 21 men to fight in World War I, 1914-1918, and all of them came back alive. This ‘Peace Stone’ commemorates the end of the Second World War. #Lancashire | #WWII pic.twitter.com/I5x0xeDGFR

2021-04-27 23:14:02
Paul Hilferink @pgmhilferink

#RodneyStoke was one of the 53 Thankful Villages. All 17 men and 4 women that served during #WW1 #FWW returned home after the war. #WW2 unfortunately did take it’s toll. The memorial window remembers the luck that fell on the village. Rather special, a memorial to the survivors. pic.twitter.com/hF2GS18WTV

2022-07-31 02:50:09
Discover Cotswolds @visit_cotswolds

Looking down at the ford in #UpperSlaughter, one of the fourteen doubly thankful villages in England & Wales 📸 thedevonshiretraveller #discovercotswolds pic.twitter.com/qyEGmrHakd

2021-11-15 04:20:52
StaffsStokeHistory @ArchandHeritage

And here's the answer from Thursday's #historyonyourdoorstep question - the church serves Butterton, the only 'doubly thankful' village in Staffordshire. 'Doubly thankful' villages did not lose any men in the two world wars. Congratulations if you got it! pic.twitter.com/31Ny1LFLaN

2020-05-19 00:30:34