2011 Books in Browsers Conference 1日目 (10/27) in S.F. #bib11

Internet ArhciveとO'Reilly Media共催のワークショップ"Books in Browsers" (2011/10/26-28 in San Francisco, CA) 1日目である10/27(木)のツィートをまとめました。見出しはそれらしき位置につけましたが、多少前後するかもしれません。お気をつけください。 Books in Browsers http://bib.archive.org/ 続きを読む
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Gerrit Imsieke @gimsieke

Amid the plethora of digital publishing conferences, there’s one that really stands out: #BiB11 http://t.co/A7KGkP2m Too bad I can’t attend.

2011-10-28 17:19:12
Tom Abba @tomabba

Yes & yes. RT @ifbook: RT @jwikert: "Stop creating 'enhanced' print books & start creating born-digital works", Bob Stein at #BiB11 #toccon

2011-10-28 17:40:50
amandaguglieri @amandaguglieri

@jaumebalmes Gracias, majete! Estaba escuchando el streaming del #bib11 y epub3 parece capaz hasta de hacerte el desayuno

2011-10-28 17:41:18
𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕜 𝔸𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕪 𝕆𝕨𝕖𝕟 @MarkAntonyOwen

Anyone who, like me, believes in and cares about the future of digital publishing should be following #BiB11 right now.

2011-10-28 17:48:17
Alastair Horne @pressfuturist

Very sensible advice. RT @jwikert: "Stop creating 'enhanced' print books & start creating born-digital works", Bob Stein at #BiB11 #toccon

2011-10-28 18:00:00
iBiblios @ibiblios

catching up on video from #bib11 yesterday, very interesting stuff being discussed.

2011-10-28 18:18:12
Society of Indexers @indexers

The Books in Browsers 2011 conference is on now. RT @toc: Publishing's tech and edit worlds converge http://t.co/00Sr1mro #BiB11 #TOCCON

2011-10-28 19:04:26
mao @mao_tse_tung

http://t.co/9ZNqXlIg όσοι ενδιαφέρεστε για #ebooks παρακολουθείστε το #BiB11 ζωντανά & σήμερα. εξαιρετικό.

2011-10-28 19:22:33
Laurence Penney @Lorp

#bib11 @JamesBridle on annotations: “fear of the cacophony, like my dad and Facebook… noise is not the issue, the silence is the issue”

2011-10-28 20:05:18
Laurence Penney @Lorp

#bib11 @azaroth42: “if books were streamed, the only thing readers would own would be their experience, recorded as their annotations”

2011-10-28 20:06:29
Iris Blasi @IrisBlasi

Must-read = "The Future of Reading in a Digital World" http://t.co/BfknNM0k ('09 @Wired piece mentioned yesterday @ #bib11)

2011-10-28 21:10:05
Chris Ifso @ifbook

#bib11 @JamesBridle on annotations: “fear of the cacophony, like my dad and Facebook… noise is not the issue, the silence is the issue”

2011-10-28 21:53:12
HuffPost Books @HuffPostBooks

MT @arhomberg: Learnt at #BIB11 that Barnes & Noble now have 400 people working #in Silicon Valley on Nook hardware/ eBook platform

2011-10-28 22:04:00
PubPerspectives @pubperspectives

#bib11 Yep, up waaay too early. I wonder if I can get some good Japanese eats for b'fast around the Kabuki hotel this early?

2011-10-28 22:36:57
Chris Adams - @mrchrisadams@mastodon.social @mrchrisadams

WOOT WOOT “@Readmill: If you want to try Readmill but don't have an invite, sign up here: http://t.co/fY6qRWy5 #BiB11

2011-10-28 22:53:42
Eric Rumsey @EricRumsey

MT @pubperspectives "Our friends in Seattle" - Publ euphemism: Like Voldemort, the co that can't be named #bib11 #Amazon

2011-10-28 23:07:33
Søren Peter Sørensen @sorenpsorensen

ePub4 being drafted/crafted in front of The Internet Archive #bib11 http://t.co/9k2f9ntg

2011-10-28 23:07:49
Ania Wieckowski @agwieckowski

Anyone know if there's a shuttle to the Archive this am? #BiB11

2011-10-28 23:22:09
Pablo Defendini @pablod

I'll be talking comics today at #bib11, around 9:30-ish am PST. Live stream here: http://t.co/l3jsA94a (cc @jonrog1). Nervous? What? Who me?

2011-10-28 23:23:52
Kate Rados @KateRados

#NERDTASTIC RT @pablod: I'll be talking comics today at #bib11, around 9:30-ish am PST. Live stream here: http://t.co/3nCQIggo

2011-10-28 23:32:24
Javier Celaya @javiercelaya

@Pete__Simon @pubperspectives @agwieckowski @twliterary #bib11 You can fight free content with competitive pricing and premium services

2011-10-28 23:33:01
Heather McCormack @HuisceBeatha

Truth from @Philbradley at #ili2011 (interplay w/ #bib11): Technology must have heart. It has to be about emotion, conversation, engagement

2011-10-28 23:52:07
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