
マロミチャン🐶 @maromi_ika

日本のオタクに知って欲しい、西洋のオタクスラング「Proship」という単語の意味と「Proshipper」という概念 note.com/maromi_ika/n/n…

2023-02-19 21:18:42




Tee @unashamedfully

If you drop the "Proship DNI" from your bio just so you dont get blocked by JP artists youre actually extremely weak and have no moral backbone. Like if you GENUINELY believe that proship=real life endorsement of those abuse you wouldn't do that just to see some anime art.

2023-02-21 05:22:51


eriyan • ᜁᜇᜒᜌᜈ᜔ 🇵🇭🔞 | asawa ni kaeya ❄️ @kaeriyannn

Apparently there are ppl removing "proship dni" from their bios so they wouldn't get blocked by jpn artists. Not surprising since I already saw this coming. Though if they're removing it so they could continue harassing jpn artists then they have no right to speak about morals. twitter.com/unashamedfully…

2023-02-21 10:26:40

どうやら日本人絵師にブロックされない為にProship DNI(親カプ話しかけてくるな)をプロフから消している模様。こう来るのはわかってた。日本人絵師にハラスメントを続けるためにプロフから消すならモラルについて語る資格無し。

T🍦 | in xiaolumi + heizou land @tofjuice

Antis finally seem to be coming to their senses more since JP TWT spoke up. But how sad that they’re realizing harassment isn’t the way to go not bc they want to be better people, but bc they’re afraid their beloved favorite artists will block them LMAO twitter.com/maromi_ika/sta…

2023-02-21 17:01:36


Shotaism church 🔞🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈∞🍯🧸 @ShotaChurch

Very interesting article It's nice to see other countries vision of proshippers and antis So yeah, proshippers are normal people and antis are harassers who think they're moral twitter.com/maromi_ika/sta…

2023-02-21 19:17:00


eriyan • ᜁᜇᜒᜌᜈ᜔ 🇵🇭🔞 | asawa ni kaeya ❄️ @kaeriyannn

Starting to see tweets from Japanese artists telling their fellow jpn followers to block anyone with "proship DNI". It's sad that this has even reached eastern online spaces and they're now mass blocking anyone they consider as "mind mafias", but honestly, I don't blame them.

2023-02-20 13:36:05

Proshipper DNIをプロフに描いてる奴はブロックしとけってツイートを日本の絵師達が日本のフォロワー達にしているのを見た。これが東洋のオンラインスペースまでに届き、今やお気持ちヤクザだと思ってる人達を集団ブロックしてる。


🔞🌻 Modest Honey ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚ @HannzzBananzz

Don’t be surprised. You antis did it to yourselves. Enjoy your limited content now that you have labeled yourself a hater. The rest of us profiction/proship people will enjoy it 😌 twitter.com/maromi_ika/sta…

2023-02-21 03:00:27





nouran🕷️🕸️ @liraidax

Like we need to have a serious discussion on how normalized s*xual harassment and ped0phillia is in J*pan, if you're not seeing how your art might encourage someone to s*xually abuse a child or how some of your followers actually a real life ped0s you're delusional

2023-02-21 03:33:58
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