
The Drum @TheDrum

🎮 @Dove takes a stand against overly sexualized women in video games, with @EpicGames’s Unreal Engine education team & @womeningames, eliminating stereotypes and to build young players’ self-esteem & body confidence. thedrum.com/news/2023/05/1… #realbeauty #seeall #womeningaming pic.twitter.com/W0MEWsEuyJ

2023-05-12 03:34:09

ステレオタイプを撲滅し、若いプレイヤー達に自尊心と自分の体に対する自信を付ける為に、@EpicGames のアンリアルエンジン教育チームと @Womeningames と共にダヴ(@Dove )はビデオゲームにおいて「過剰に性的化された女性」に対抗する為に立ち上がります。

"74% of girls feel underrepresented in videogames. We partnered with Unreal Engine and Women In Games to change this. Let's make virtual beauty, real."

これを変えるためにWomen In Gamesとアンリアルエンジンと手を組みました。バーチャルの美を、本当の美にさせましょう。」



La Reina🇺🇸Creole🇩🇴🇯🇲🇵🇷🇹🇹🇨🇺🇭🇹🇲🇽🇨🇴 @LaReinaCreole

@TheDrum @Dove @EpicGames @womeningames So as a female gamer myself, it seems you want us to play as unattractive, dumpy looking female characters. I don’t think so. pic.twitter.com/gqwVbxzFAf

2023-05-17 22:13:46



<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

ただ単に、太めの女性”も”ゲームに入れようというキャンペーンならまあ良いか、って感じなんですが、「過度に性的な女性”overly sexualized women”」なんて書き方をしている以上、セクシーな女性キャラを出すことそのものを批判しているように見えますね。 そうすると賛成できないなぁ。 pic.twitter.com/CGTatlJdEX twitter.com/TheDrum/status…

2023-05-17 20:04:37
Romly@今年はコミケ欠席 @Romly

Epic「ゲームは過度に性的に描かれた女ばっかり! デブを登場させて若者たちの自尊心を育てよう!」 そら洋ゲーは不細工ばっかりになるはずですわ。不摂生に目を背け、ゲームのキャラにすら自分と同じデブであることを要求することで得る「自尊心」ほど哀れなものは無いと思うけど twitter.com/TheDrum/status…

2023-05-17 16:02:51
Chuck Gaffney 🎙👨‍💻 @princetrunks

As a developer who lost weekends, sleep and much of the first year of my oldest daughter's life making one-off experiences for Consumer Goods like this in both Unity in Unreal Engine, here's my take on this: 1) Nothing is wrong with sexy, if anything, it can and has been… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… twitter.com/TheDrum/status…

2023-05-18 11:06:09
Chuck Gaffney 🎙👨‍💻 @princetrunks

Unity & Unreal Engine* Oh & 3rd... Tifa is my wife's role model; strong, beautiful and been through hell and back. Let people escape and strive for better using video games. Don't hate yourself either, vanity and life is too short for that. pic.twitter.com/FgBPwdcmE3

2023-05-18 11:13:36
Chuck Gaffney 🎙👨‍💻 @princetrunks

Sorry, one more point... if you seen the "Days in the life" videos from "people in tech"...they tend to be these marketing people who'll now go on to tell other after this that they "are in tech". Telling VFX artists, sound designers and programmers to slave away to do something… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

2023-05-18 11:21:05
As a developer who lost weekends, sleep and much of the first year of my oldest daughter's life making one-off experiences for Consumer Goods like this in both Unity in Unreal Engine, here's my take on this:

1) Nothing is wrong with sexy, if anything, it can and has been empowering for many. It's healthy to not hate yourself but enough of this type of shaming too.

2) A group of usually very privileged, Hamptons HOA-like  marketing people in a large consumer goods company is the LAST place you want to get advice from with things such as video games and tech.  I once had to explain to such a group in a company much bigger than even Dove's parent company... what Unity & Unreal Engine are.

Oh & 3rd... Tifa is my wife's role model; strong, beautiful and been through hell and back.  

Let people escape and strive for better using video games.  Don't hate yourself either, vanity and life is too short for that.

Sorry, one more point... if you seen the "Days in the life" videos from "people in tech"...they tend to be these marketing people who'll now go on to tell other after this that they "are in tech".  Telling VFX artists, sound designers and programmers to slave away to do something you thought up buzzed in a company mimosa spa session on a Wednesday morning is not "being in tech".  The struggles many of us try to escape from using video games, these people never experienced."

UnityとUnreal Engineの両方で、週末や睡眠時間を削り、長女の人生の最初の1年の大半を、このようなゲームでの一度限り的な体験を作ってた開発者として、この件についての私の意見はこちら:









🧀 Rune Bunnura 🐀 @RuneBunnura

@TheDrum @Dove @EpicGames @womeningames This is why soap brands shouldn’t get involved in video game work. Being fit and athletic does NOT equal overly sexualized, and you know what? Treating it like it is is just body-shaming in the other direction. We can have chubbier girls represented in media, of course. But for… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

2023-05-17 22:57:11

...But for the love of god, stop treating fit girls like they’re wrong for being fit and sexy."





Jean The Meathead Gentry @JeanGen09181213

1st of all, this is an insult to all the real women who workout and stay fit. Two, it's a VIDEOGAME. IT. IS. NOT. REAL. See my pfp? SHE. IS. NOT. REAL. A fictional woman being attractive isn't a crime. As a "Girl Gamer" I don't need a videogame to "represent" me. pic.twitter.com/Qvr2TaV1TW twitter.com/TheDrum/status…

2023-05-17 18:34:56
