ALM Summit 2011 DAY 3 ( #ALMSummit )

Tweets about ALM Summit 2011 @ Redmond
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Clemens Reijnen @clemensreijnen

implementing change -> team make up (new NDA) #almsummit

2011-11-18 02:35:29
Alfred Myers @AlfredMyers

Trying 2 pay attention to Jason Zander's session but there's this dude that keeps typing e-mail on his loud noise making keyboard #almsummit

2011-11-18 02:35:08
Brandon @brandonburk

SCOM integration to open up Ops issues to TFS work items, excellent! bridging the gap between Dev and Ops. #almsummit

2011-11-18 02:32:46
🕸🕷OakParkGirl 🕷🕸 @OakParkGirl

REALLY looking forward to @anutthara's session on exploratory testing with #TFS11. What I've seen so far is kick-butt #ALMSummit

2011-11-18 02:31:01
Bruno Lichot @BrunoLichot

Impressionante como as métricas do VS dev team são aproveitadas por muitas equipes na microsoft ativados pelo #TFS . @jlzander - #almsummit

2011-11-18 02:29:29
🕸🕷OakParkGirl 🕷🕸 @OakParkGirl

The new PowerPoint based story boarding tools in #TFS11 are so genius! I want to use it NOW :) #ALMSummit

2011-11-18 02:29:15
Steve Lange @stevelange

lightweight requirements/storyboarding via #PowerPoint in TFS vNext. "Not to be confused with working software.." #almsummit

2011-11-18 02:29:06
Simon Reindl @s_reindl

How many times have you built exactly what was asked for, but not what they wanted @jlzander #ALMSummit

2011-11-18 02:28:14
Simon Reindl @s_reindl

cycle time of a change getting to your customers, shorten the feedback time @jlzander #lean #ALMSummit

2011-11-18 02:26:58
Brandon @brandonburk

how long is your cycle time to just reproduce a complete "null" (no changes) build to customer. thought provoking -@jlzander #almsummit

2011-11-18 02:26:09
Brandon @brandonburk

refreshing to hear a msft corp vp of engineering talk continuous flow of value, idea to software to ops and back @jlzander #almsummit

2011-11-18 02:23:46
Brandon @brandonburk

very impressive how product dev metrics are rolled up for many microsoft dev teams, presented by @jlzander, enabled by #TFS #almsummit

2011-11-18 02:20:25
Clemens Reijnen @clemensreijnen

very nice reporting at devdiv for project quality #almsummit want them in tfs

2011-11-18 02:16:57
Bruno Lichot @BrunoLichot

Talking adoption of Scenario Focused Engineering. scenario-->value proposition-->experience-->feature(s) w/ Scrum #almsummit in #TFS

2011-11-18 02:11:50
David Rice @drice

@Microsoft DevDiv invested in #scrum training for global Visual Studio team & has seen impressive improvements delivered in #VS11 #ALMSummit

2011-11-18 02:11:29
Brandon @brandonburk

@jlzander talking msft adoption of Scenario Focused Engineering. scenario-->value proposition-->experience-->feature(s) w/ Scrum #almsummit

2011-11-18 02:10:13
Rodrigo Orzari @rodrigoorzari

DevOps: it is not done, until the client is not using the app (by Jason @ #almsummit)

2011-11-18 02:02:41
Simon Reindl @s_reindl

All of DevDiv has been through #Scrum training #ALMSummit how about your team? #proscrum

2011-11-18 02:01:52
Rodrigo Benin @rodrigobenin

Last #almsummit day starting with Jason Zander keynote

2011-11-18 01:51:57
Brandon @brandonburk

Hearing The Microsoft Vision for ALM from @jlzander at #almsummit

2011-11-18 01:45:07
Keith Matthews @keithmat

Internal software doesn't need to look like it was made in the 80's... #almsummit

2011-11-18 01:41:38
🕸🕷OakParkGirl 🕷🕸 @OakParkGirl

On my calendar now! :) RT @AnthonyBorton: ALMSummit 2012 announced for same dates as this year's event. #ALMSummit

2011-11-18 01:40:36
Clemens Reijnen @clemensreijnen

#almsummit trends: touch / connected / consumerization / social / cloud / services

2011-11-18 01:40:22
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