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Waverley an anti-Japanese racist says that Japanese education for Nanjing Massacre denial is incorrect. But Japanese history textbooks mention it as a real incident.

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Waverley @Waverley_AX

@Emmanuel_Chanel @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 calling me a racist, because I am telling you the truth. well you seem to be into name calling, so you aren't into sincere talk and it seems the truth never even mattered to you

2023-06-19 08:12:17

I put a Twitter poll in Japanese asking what you think about Waverley.

Waverley @Waverley_AX

@Emmanuel_Chanel @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 Emmanuel is very quick to judge and put people down and very slow to think.

2023-06-19 08:19:07
🐱🐶🐱🐶リベラル君🐱🐶🐱🐶 @0190lavola_3811

@Waverley_AX @Emmanuel_Chanel @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 I know you are a piece of loser in your country, so you could only look down on and keep making complaint on Japanese wasting your lifetime. Oh, I know a guy like you, you just look like Johnny Somali. If you don't know him, just google it.

2023-06-19 16:50:45
お爺さんは山に芝刈りにイクラ丼洞穴熊でした。☀️ @sunput50862

@Waverley_AX @Emmanuel_Chanel @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 貴方は過去の事実を探り当てるのが苦手なようです。 とりあえず仕事をしましょう。

2023-06-19 17:27:41
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sunput50862 @Waverley_AX @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 Waverley は、証拠を提示された現代の事実を理解するのも苦手みたいです。 南京大虐殺が書かれた歴史教科書の画像や日本軍の残虐行為の批判として紹介されているプロパガンダ画像を見せているのに、全く自分の妄想を修正出来ていません。 馬鹿の治療をするしかないのかも知れません。

2023-06-19 18:34:51
🐱🐶🐱🐶リベラル君🐱🐶🐱🐶 @0190lavola_3811

リベラル思想寄りだが、無条件・無意識反日の奴らは単純に頭悪いと思っている 資産運用等金融リテラシーに興味 #仕事したくない族 #クラファン投資 #インデックス投資 #増税反対

Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@Waverley_AX @0190lavola_3811 @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 Huh... you should find out the fact that you are far from being intellects. You can't understand our evidences including even real history textbooks in Japanese education.

2023-06-20 01:43:41
Waverley @Waverley_AX

@Emmanuel_Chanel @0190lavola_3811 @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 your delusion is that you think your a intellect, in reality you are a sad joke

2023-06-20 02:32:38
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@Waverley_AX @0190lavola_3811 @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 Between the lines, I read your cry that you can't refute us like real intellects. You haven't proven anything that you cause as truth.

2023-06-20 02:38:16
Waverley @Waverley_AX

@Emmanuel_Chanel @0190lavola_3811 @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 Illusions is all you have, smoke and mirrors hiding the waste that you are.

2023-06-20 03:07:12
Waverley @Waverley_AX

@Emmanuel_Chanel @0190lavola_3811 @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 Why Emmanuel are you trying to convince us that you are a intellectual? Is it to hide your low self esteem? What is there to prove? You're showing lots of insecurity.

2023-06-20 03:34:19
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@Waverley_AX @0190lavola_3811 @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 I showed a picture during so-called Nanjing Massacre and two images of real history textbooks. These are so. But you ignored them. That's your significant stupidity too far from intellects. pic.twitter.com/ZSQytQ39Ob pic.twitter.com/0Mdh7i7oFw

2023-06-20 03:42:14
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@Waverley_AX @0190lavola_3811 @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 Between the lines, I read your cry that you can't refute me without making up a straw man. You can't recognize even the fact that Japanese history education teaches Nanjing Massacre as a real case even after I showed a real textbook. Your behavior shows you lost the debate.

2023-06-20 09:44:18
Waverley @Waverley_AX

@Emmanuel_Chanel @0190lavola_3811 @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 what is this your cut and paste reply? You really have no wit and imagination. No originality, you probably don't have any friends in real life.

2023-06-20 10:00:04
🐱🐶🐱🐶リベラル君🐱🐶🐱🐶 @0190lavola_3811

@Waverley_AX @Emmanuel_Chanel @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @vanillatary @terimakasih0001 Just re-read what you wrote so far and reflect yourself objectively. You just acting like Somali without showing any intellectual evidence but only slandering, defaming, barking like a loser dog.

2023-06-20 10:07:54
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