オカルト、アンダーグラウンドのファッション誌経由。「夏至の姉妹たち」。 1975年、スウェーデン。永遠の命を与える闇の魔術のために冬至の力を利用する秘密の女性コミュニティの噂が何世紀にもわたって渦巻いていた。これらの写真がスペクタゴリア誌に掲載されるまで、それは作り話だと考えられていました。

Rob Sheridan @rob_sheridan

"Sisters of the Solstice." Sweden, 1975. Rumors swirled for centuries of a secretive community of women who harnessed the power of the Solstice for dark magic that gave them eternal life. It was thought to be a myth, until these photos were published in Spectagoria magazine. 1/ pic.twitter.com/P0IDB4K1Xz

2023-06-25 09:50:12
Rob Sheridan @rob_sheridan

"Many generations ago, these women turned to the dark arts for protection when the world of men would offer them none." SISTERS OF THE SOLSTICE full gallery + story, from the Summer 1975 issue of Spectagoria magazine: tumblr.com/robsheridan/72… pic.twitter.com/HmOO3AQHsd

2023-06-25 09:55:53
リンク Tumblr Rob Sheridan Sisters of the Solstice. Sweden, 1975. Rumors swirled for centuries about a secretive community of women who harnessed the power of the Solstice for dark magic that granted them eternal life. Hushed…
Rob Sheridan @rob_sheridan

See and read more from my SPECTAGORIA project in this thread: twitter.com/rob_sheridan/s…

2023-06-25 13:08:36
Rob Sheridan @rob_sheridan

From the pages of SPECTAGORIA issue 6, 1974. Spectagoria was a renowned (and controversial) underground fashion photography magazine surrounded by rumor, mystery, and accusations that witchcraft and black magic were involved in its unsettling imagery. 1/ pic.twitter.com/sGLlWkcaxJ

2023-06-24 11:47:42
@rob-sheridan.com on BSky @rob_sheridan

Artist/Writer/Activist/Dad. Skeleton Influencer. Meme Grandpa. Co-founder, @glitch_goods. Creator, @highlevelcomic. NIN Art Director, '99-‘14. He/him. Links ⬇️
