
The Chivalry Guild @ChivalryGuild

In the Middle Ages, the word chivalry was used in three different senses. Short🧵— #1) Chivalry in the general sense was the code of the medieval mounted warrior.…

2023-06-27 00:24:36
The Chivalry Guild @ChivalryGuild

This captured the conduct and ideals of the elite Christian man of arms, also emphasizing the virtues of courtesy, generosity, and loyalty, in addition to martial excellence and religious fanaticism.

2023-06-27 00:24:37
The Chivalry Guild @ChivalryGuild

This is the sense that (sort of) survives today, though it has been largely supplanted by a housebroken notion of polite gestures, without the martial excellence. More on that at the end...

2023-06-27 00:24:38
The Chivalry Guild @ChivalryGuild

The second and third uses of the word are more interesting and telling. #2) Chivalry could denote the actual deeds of valor performed by the knight. As in: “You should have seen Richard’s chivalry on the fields of Arsuf. He cut down Turks in every direction.”

2023-06-27 00:24:39
The Chivalry Guild @ChivalryGuild

I like this sense because it highlights that chivalry is not just something you had, but something you did! As Geoffroi de Charny tells us in his manual for knights: "He who does more is of greater worth."

2023-06-27 00:24:39
The Chivalry Guild @ChivalryGuild

#3) Chivalry was also the term for a collective body of knights. As in: “You better watch out, or he’s going to come back—and he’ll bring his full chivalry with him…” Interesting to think about your muscular friends as your collective chivalry.

2023-06-27 00:24:40
The Chivalry Guild @ChivalryGuild

In that sense, Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table and Charlemagne’s Paladins were their chivalry.

2023-06-27 00:24:41
The Chivalry Guild @ChivalryGuild

Somehow the contemporary understanding of chivalry has stripped all the awesomeness and left only the polite gestures. No wonder chivalry is proverbially "dead." It seems like an awful cosmic joke meant to hide the excellence of our heritage.

2023-06-27 00:24:42
The Chivalry Guild @ChivalryGuild

I hope I make it clear in my tweets that real chivalry is something far grander. Holding doors open for ladies is nice, but that's the easy part. If you are a brave and ferocious man who also happens to hold doors open, that is closer to the mark.

2023-06-27 00:24:42
The Chivalry Guild @ChivalryGuild

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