
Led By Donkeys @ByDonkeys

Water privatisation is a con. (Location: Thames Water HQ) pic.twitter.com/pVbd7iNZD4

2023-06-30 16:06:52
Jess Barnard @JessicaLBarnard

No thanks, if you’re LGBTQ+ and clapping/cheering the Met arresting peaceful climate LGBTQ+ protestors you’re embarrassing the rest of us twitter.com/oonaghmurphy/s…

2023-07-02 06:14:47
OONAGH @oonaghmurphy

Met Police moving into forcefully clear #JustStopOil peaceful protestors. Pride is only a protest if @PrideInLondon agrees with your cause. Solidarity with the protestors. twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/0NCwNlsQEy

2023-07-01 21:54:03
Existential Comics @existentialcoms

Elon Musk (greatest genius of our time) running a social media platform: "what if we don't let people look at the website".

2023-07-02 11:58:53