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もわ @pEura00039

独占が悪かどーかなんて話にならんw ニンテンドーもSIEもMSも独占タイトルは抱えてるし、そこは問題じゃないのよ 市場から締め出すような、他社展開を妨害する行為が実在していた そしてそれを裏付けるような過去の事例が紐づいてしまう そういう印象の話をしてるのですわ

2023-07-15 09:23:29


Florian Mueller @Florian4Gamers

Personal views. Played Activision games in the early 1980s, worked for Blizzard in the mid 1990s. Contesto en español también. Je réponds en français aussi.

Florian Mueller @Florian4Gamers

Day 2 of the ABK PI hearing. First tweet of today's courtroom commentary thread. Phil Spencer wearing a tie today (unlike yesterday) for his testimony, which will begin in about 35 minutes. Let's see if he stays on or flies back after his testimony. 🧵1/X

2023-06-23 23:58:00




Florian Mueller @Florian4Gamers

Courtroom sealed for the next 45 minutes or so as Microsoft Xbox finance director Jamie Lawver testifies on some confidential numbers. Waiting outside the courtroom now. They have a cafeteria here (on a lower floor) but it's not to my liking 🤣 🧵2/X

2023-06-24 00:38:28



Florian Mueller @Florian4Gamers

I sometimes chat with risk arbitrageurs here and one of them confirmed that there must have been insider trading in the ~10 minutes before the @CMAgovUK decision on April 26. The stock suddenly tanked by $5 and there was no advance report by Bloomberg or so. Criminal! 🧵3/X

2023-06-24 00:43:22



Florian Mueller @Florian4Gamers

@CMAgovUK That insider trading was noticed by people here on Twitter as we were all waiting for the @CMAgovUK's announcement and some of us, like me, kept an eye on $ATVI. It was also observed on a camera's discussion board. Possibly first time in connection with a CMA decision. 🧵4/X

2023-06-24 00:46:35




Florian Mueller @Florian4Gamers

I wrote "gamers' discussion board" but... autocorrect.

2023-06-24 00:48:53



Florian Mueller @Florian4Gamers

Phil Spencer being examined now by FTC attorney James Weingarten, 🧵5/X

2023-06-24 01:30:00


Florian Mueller @Florian4Gamers

Phil Spencer was here all day yesterday but will also be here all of next week. FTC attorney trying to come across as assertive, hoping to make Phil Spencer nervous, but Spencer is relaxed and smiling. 🧵6/X

2023-06-24 01:30:47



Florian Mueller @Florian4Gamers

It is, of course, more than odd to watch a U.S. government official trying to (sort of) intimidate an exec of a U.S. company trying to buy another U.S. company to better compete with the only vocal complainant over the deal. 🧵7/X

2023-06-24 01:31:51


Florian Mueller @Florian4Gamers

They don't want to discuss revenue-split figures here in public, so the FTC is referring to an investigational (i.e., pre-lawsuit) hearing transcript where the number is stated and presumably just want Phil Spencer to confirm the numbers again. 🧵8/X

2023-06-24 01:34:00


Florian Mueller @Florian4Gamers

To clarify the 7th part of the thread, the purpose of the deal is not related to Sony, but one of the effects here would be more competition in consoles. America's government going against American competitiveness. In mobile gaming, the other publishers are also foreign. 🧵9/X

2023-06-24 01:35:32



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