
The Cultural Tutor @culturaltutor

Some masterpieces from the weird and wonderful world of Communist-era movie posters: 1. Star Wars (USSR) pic.twitter.com/sArUF8K9yP

2023-08-20 04:22:34
The Cultural Tutor @culturaltutor

10. Star Wars: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, & Return of the Jedi (Hungary) pic.twitter.com/PsoOwmpraJ

2023-08-20 04:22:39
The Cultural Tutor @culturaltutor

11. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Czechoslovakia) pic.twitter.com/i1QmYAbNDl

2023-08-20 04:22:40
TR @tomislav_rupic

The music and art from the USSR during that era were incredibly fascinating. I have a strong admiration for their trippy and futuristic style, which never fails to captivate my imagination. The unique blend of creativity and innovation that characterized their works is truly awe inspiring.

2023-08-20 05:15:11
Time Capsule Tales @timecaptales

@culturaltutor A personal favorite - Hannah and Her Sisters from East Germany, 1986 pic.twitter.com/FDUw3S2nUo

2023-08-20 04:26:14
Peter Saveliev @PeterSaveliev

@culturaltutor They don't look familiar. Someone needs to check the source.

2023-08-20 08:22:38
Benyamin @ObiWanBenoni

@culturaltutor Can't fault their poster design, these look awesome and trippy.

2023-08-20 04:29:09
Gabby Giddens @GabbyGiddens1

@culturaltutor The soviets banned the movie until 1990. This was the first release poster.

2023-08-20 08:50:21
Igorlegrand @igorlegrand

@culturaltutor That art design was truly fantastic back then! 😉

2023-08-20 04:25:55