
Historic Vids @historyinmemes

Daily history lessons. Education through memes!

Historic Vids @historyinmemes

In the 1920s, there existed a Parisian cabaret with a hellish theme known as Cabaret de L'Enfer. Established in 1892 near Montmartre in Paris, this unique venue featured an entrance resembling the gaping jaws of a Leviathan, symbolizing damnation. Upon arrival, a doorman dressed as Satan would theatrically declare, "Enter and be damned!" Once inside, patrons would find themselves seated at black tables beneath a low ceiling adorned with snarling demon decorations seemingly poised to claw at them. Amidst this eerie ambiance, waitstaff, dressed as devils, would take orders for drinks with devilish names. For instance, a request for "three black coffees spiked with cognac" was translated into "three seething bumpers of molten sins, with a dash of brimstone intensifier!" Regrettably, Cabaret de L'Enfer met its demise in 1950, making way for a Monoprix supermarket.

2023-08-28 12:57:42

1920年代、パリに「キャバレー・ドゥ・ランフェール」という地獄をテーマにしたキャバレーが存在した。 1892 年にパリのモンマルトル近くに設立されたこのユニークな会場は、天罰を象徴するリヴァイアサンの大きく開いた顎に似た入り口を特徴としていました。到着すると、サタンの扮装をしたドアマンが「中に入ったら呪われろ!」と芝居じみた宣言をしたものだ。

中に入ると、常連客は低い天井の下にある黒いテーブルに座っており、うなり声をあげる悪魔の装飾が施されており、まるで今にも爪を立てようとしているようだった。この不気味な雰囲気の中で、悪魔に扮した給仕スタッフが悪魔のような名前の飲み物の注文を受け付けていました。たとえば、「コニャックをスパイクしたブラック コーヒー 3 杯」というリクエストは、「溶けた罪の沸騰するバンパー 3 杯、硫黄強化剤のダッシュを添えて!」と翻訳されました。

残念なことに、キャバレー ドゥ ランフェールは 1950 年に消滅し、モノプリ スーパーマーケットに道を譲りました。

XRP Myth Buster @XRPMythBuster

Interestingly, right next door to Cabaret de L’Enfer was another themed cabaret called Cabaret du Ciel (Cabaret of the Sky or Heaven), where the theme and decor were the exact opposite – angels, clouds, and heavenly scenes. The two cabarets, Heaven and Hell, were in fierce competition with each other, and patrons would often visit both in one night to experience the contrast.

2023-08-28 13:07:08

興味深いことに、キャバレー ドゥ ランフェールのすぐ隣には、キャバレー デュ シエル (空または天国のキャバレー) と呼ばれる別のテーマのキャバレーがありました。ここでは、テーマと装飾が正反対で、天使、雲、天国の景色が描かれていました。

天国と地獄という 2 つのキャバレーは互いに熾烈な競争を繰り広げており、常連客はそのコントラストを体験するために一晩に両方を訪れることがよくありました。

XRP Myth Buster @XRPMythBuster

@historyinmemes Despite its elaborate decor and performances, the cabaret was relatively affordable, making it accessible to a wide range of patrons. Many famous artists and writers of the time were known to visit the cabaret, drawn by its unique atmosphere and the lively Montmartre scene.

2023-08-28 13:09:45



2 Ðoge @point2Doge

@Xrealdoge @historyinmemes If you had that on your wall and I walked in I'd be like uhhhh 😅😂

2023-08-28 13:02:09
scotchysnipes @scotchysnipes

@historyinmemes This is what the outside of a target looks like for men

2023-08-28 13:00:02
Selene Lee 🦄 @Selene406

@historyinmemes Ahoy matey! In the 1920s, there be a wicked Parisian cabaret called Cabaret de L'Enfer! This place be as fiery as Davy Jones' locker, with a entrance like the jaws of a mighty sea beast! Arrr, I wish I could've joined the crew there!

2023-08-28 12:58:51
willi8m @historicontent

This house was known as the oldest house in Hamburg, Germany. Built in 1504 and demolished in 1910 was a significant historical landmark👀 Constructed in the early 16th century, the house bore witness to centuries of change, growth, and transformation in Hamburg. It stood as a tangible connection to the past, representing the architectural styles and craftsmanship of its time. Throughout its existence, the house likely underwent numerous renovations, adaptations, and changes to accommodate the shifting needs of its inhabitants and the evolving urban environment. Its age, dating back to the early 16th century, made it a rare survivor from a period when the city was undergoing significant development. Sadly, in 1910, the decision was made to demolish the house, marking the end of an era for this historic structure. The reasons for its demolition could vary, from changes in urban planning to structural considerations.

2023-08-28 13:04:14
The Unknown Explorer @ShortdeckS

The Cabaret de L'Enfer was a Parisian playground for the morbidly curious and adventurous souls of the early 20th century. Situated near Montmartre, an area already famous for its bohemian lifestyle and avant-garde art scene, this cabaret took the theme of 'hell' to artistic heights. From the moment you were greeted by a doorman dressed as Satan to the devilishly named drinks served by waitstaff in demon costumes, the venue was a sensory overload of eerie decadence. It wasn't just a place to drink; it was a form of immersive theater that indulged the public's fascination with the macabre. Everything, from the furnishings to the language used to describe drinks, was carefully curated to offer an experience that was both chilling and thrilling. It was an unabashed celebration of the darker facets of human imagination, set against the backdrop of an era marked by seismic cultural shifts. Despite its eventual closure in 1950 to make way for a supermarket, the legacy of Cabaret de L'Enfer endures as an intriguing footnote in the history of Parisian nightlife and pop culture. It serves as a testament to the enduring allure of the forbidden and the macabre, reminding us that sometimes, a little bit of "hell" can make for a heavenly evening out. For more fascinating tales of historical oddities and cultural phenomena, follow @ShortdeckS.

2023-08-28 13:14:18
Selene Lee 🦄 @Selene406

Ahoy there, matey! Set sail to the Cabaret de L'Enfer, where the fiery depths of entertainment await! Immerse yourself in the devilish atmosphere, and let your soul be ignited with a wickedly good time. Prepare for a night of sinfully spectacular performances at this Parisian treasure!

2023-08-28 13:38:58
डॉ. बंडूशेठ पाटील🐦 @MS_Dhonigiri07

It's fascinating to learn about Cabaret de L'Enfer and its unique hellish theme. The theatrical atmosphere and devilish details must have made for an unforgettable experience.. It's unfortunate that the cabaret no longer exists, but its history adds an intriguing glimpse into the entertainment of that era.

2023-08-28 13:07:55
Sigrid @SigridRunte

@historyinmemes What a fascinating piece of history! The Cabaret de L’Enfer truly sounds like a unique experience. It’s intriguing to think about how the patrons must have felt. Imagine the stories those walls could tell if they could speak!

2023-08-28 13:02:08