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saiя@【因幡家】ブラック八九寺P山城🐸翠in飯盛権現堂/例大祭B-3 @sai006394

ではスロベニアからはちみつを仕入れましょう。 twitter.com/NATO/status/17…

2023-09-18 10:11:43

🍽️ Beef jerky, muesli, honey and more Watch as 🇸🇮 Slovenian and 🇨🇦 Canadian soldiers deployed with NATO compare their rations ↓

2023-09-17 22:13:09

Working for peace, security & freedom for one billion people. Official Twitter account of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization #NATO #WeAreNATO #1NATO75years


Трес Вулваматерс @vulvamater86968

@NATO This looks like an intro to some really bad porn movie! Trans guy and black trans woman exchange body fluids, disgusting!

2023-09-18 16:48:04

🍽️ Beef jerky, muesli, honey and more Watch as 🇸🇮 Slovenian and 🇨🇦 Canadian soldiers deployed with NATO compare their rations ↓

2023-09-17 22:13:09
Oliver Kendall @owskendall

@NATO Basically what I’m getting from this is that we should be doing everything in our power to convince Thailand to join NATO 😅

2023-09-17 22:17:27
Pontificus @spaticuss

@NATO Awe. So heartwarming to see how the WW3 tripwire is bringing people together before they reach 10,000,000 Kelvin.

2023-09-17 23:12:13
֎ Mihr ֍ @Mithras49314064

@NATO Picnics are fun especially when Ukraine fights your war.

2023-09-18 05:50:30
Doornewaard @grizzlyholland

@NATO Nice @NATO I would like to see the Turkish & Netherlands ration 🍴

2023-09-18 02:52:43
8bitgeek ✝ 🇨🇦 @__8bitgeek__

@NATO Looks like something a gay military would do.

2023-09-17 22:21:04
Alexander @AlexanderDG_1

@NATO Those are your soldiers? 🤣🤣🤣

2023-09-17 22:20:27
❤🌼 @hello01012022

@NATO Canadian soldiers were in Germany in former times to do their exercises. Why not in future or....yet?

2023-09-18 06:51:48
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