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Dan Magnusson @myNAME1234578

@NATO @NATO means cooperation and militray cooperation! Canada meats Solevenia

2023-09-18 06:14:20
AmericanArmyVeteran @PaulR1741008

@NATO This is some of the fun part when working with other countries while in the military. You do learn a lot.

2023-09-18 10:17:18
Anne Clayton @FloridaTweeter

@NATO @HalcombeL, this reminds me to ask you if you would bring me another small jar of honey from Ukraine, please!

2023-09-17 22:49:05
Krähenbre @shivathecrow

@NATO I mean in the field you are happy to have something

2023-09-17 22:14:25
Evill01 @Evill_01

@NATO I think it's misleading that most of these media clips only include women and other minorities when they only make up about 10% of the NATO forces, these videos give the impression that the number is much higher

2023-09-17 23:37:39
Skye Ranger Nick @SkyeRangerNick

@NATO Honey has countless different flavors. Honey, like cheese, is one of the things that once you give the full spread a try, you don't go back to the same old same old. Reverence for honey. Reverence for cheese. Oh yeah, and there is the bread. Reverence for bread.

2023-09-18 06:44:27
Cecilia Anamaria @CeciliaAnamaria

@NATO didn’t knew that NATO is a picknick club 😀…

2023-09-17 22:45:38
RadioTéléSocialiste (parodie) @MarcusAemilius2

@NATO A woman and a black man. NATO is so inclusive and woke 😍

2023-09-18 15:19:44
PeaceQuestX @antiwarstwtoken

@NATO Respected NATO, Choosing peace over conflict is not only morally right, but also the key to unlocking our full potential as a global community.

2023-09-17 22:13:12
gotteron2004 @gotteron2004

@NATO thank you I was afraid for Russia before seeing this video not anymore

2023-09-17 22:27:32
thulas @thulasncube

@NATO House nigro showing field nigroz for the slave masters wars💀

2023-09-17 22:16:34
saiя@【因幡家】ブラック八九寺P山城🐸翠in飯盛権現堂/例大祭B-3 @sai006394

うどんで6食とは考えましたね。 twitter.com/Dorapeinet/sta…

2023-09-18 10:19:19
ドラペイ @Dorapeinet

中日・立浪監督の続投決定にSNS大荒れも“球界大御所”は支持を表明「批判受けても信念持て。“白米断ち”も間違っていない」 news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/79340… 中日が立浪和義監督(54)の来季続投を発表したが、昨季最下位、今季もBクラスが確定している中での3年目の続投決定にネットやSNS上では賛否の... pic.twitter.com/wliQ9XVZMF

2023-09-18 07:19:39
ドラペイ @Dorapeinet


競馬人 @umalova906

@Dorapeinet 大御所はみんな考え古すぎるからな

2023-09-18 10:52:11
たぬきトレーナー @tanukitore

@umalova906 @Dorapeinet 今のプロに来るような20代、エンジョイベースボールでしょ

2023-09-18 11:49:15
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