
Rudy Rucker @rudytheelder

Rudy Rucker is a cyberpunk writer with a checkered past. Ware Tetralogy, Complete Stories, and Juicy Ghosts. Paintings page is https://t.co/2lQEigEYyP


Rudy Rucker @rudytheelder

While we're at it, here's some Japanese covers, for Soft, Wet, and Freeware, also for Hollow Earth. Please remind me again of this wonderful artist's name. Also I'll throw in a link for the Wares. rudyrucker.com/wares/ pic.twitter.com/01dZdmK1KI

2023-09-29 02:17:20
おうめ @oume

@rudytheelder The illustrator/comic artist is Eiji Yokoyama (横山えいじ). He has also drawn covers of many other Japanese SF novels. I think you can contact him via Hayakawa. Your novels finally kicked me into the software engineering universe/swamp. Thank you so much for those wonderful work.

2023-09-29 07:45:52
Rudy Rucker @rudytheelder

@oume Glad you like my work! I'm curious what Eiji ooks like. Hard for me to cruise the Japanese web. I found this, which might be a portrait of him, or it might be an ad for a suit. images.app.goo.gl/AbZKPzXjJ7913v…

2023-09-29 08:24:16
Takashi @takurinta

@rudytheelder I just remembered. I read your books by this translated version when they were published in Japan. Very cool.

2023-09-29 10:57:45
ぼんこ @ny2X0alzMTtZ5Az

@rudytheelder Eiji Yokoyama also painted the cover of R・A・Lafferty's short story collection. I love all your work! pic.twitter.com/SpOL5w1GHk

2023-09-29 13:13:26
Rev. Shiho @atrocetomique

@rudytheelder Wow I had them exactly in that cover design… maybe 25-30 years ago?

2023-09-29 07:43:59
bugs grooove x @BugsGroove

@rudytheelder Eiji YOKOYAMA(横山えいじ). pic.twitter.com/rWUSU50Zp0

2023-09-29 02:29:53
おうめ @oume

@rudytheelder It is not him. He is now 70 years old. I am asking the ex editor in chief of Japnese SF magazine. @shiozaway 突然失礼いたします。作家のルーディラッカーさんが、日本語版のイラストを描かれた横山えいじさんにご興味があるそうなのですが、連絡先などご存知でしょうか?

2023-09-29 08:44:06
塩澤快浩 @shiozaway

@oume @rudytheelder 横山さんはいまもSFマガジンで連載されてますから、ラッカーさんのことをお伝えすることはできますよ。

2023-09-29 09:01:15
おうめ @oume

@shiozaway @rudytheelder 塩澤さん、突然のお願いにお返事ありがとうございます。 @rudytheelder Shiozawa-san kindly accepts my sudden request. You can leave some messages to Yokoyama-san via Shiozawa-san.

2023-09-29 09:19:14
Rudy Rucker @rudytheelder

@oume @shiozaway Oume-san, please ask Shiozawa-san to pass the word to Yokoyama-san that he is a genius, and I am grateful to have had his magnificent covers on my books. Here are four more. Hacker and the Ants, White Light, Sex Sphere, and Spacetime Donuts. pic.twitter.com/Aa1yqCAKK6

2023-09-29 13:48:29
おうめ @oume

@rudytheelder @shiozaway @shiozaway ラッカーさんからのメッセージを横山さんにお伝えいただければ幸いです。何故かただのいちファンが間に入る形になりましたが、お二人の間に交流が芽生えましたら長年の読者として幸甚の至りです x.com/rudytheelder/s…

2023-09-29 14:27:24
塩澤快浩 @shiozaway

@oume @rudytheelder おうめさま、お取次ぎありがとうございます。メッセージは担当より横山さんに伝えさせていただきます。ありがたいことです。

2023-09-29 19:34:47
おうめ @oume

@shiozaway @rudytheelder 塩澤さん、ご快諾いただきましてありがとうございました。 @rudytheelder Shiozawa-san promised that the SF magazine team will bring your message to Yokoyama-san. It is surprise and honor for me to do something for my life-time favorite writer. :)

2023-09-29 20:37:46