生成AIのみでゲームを作ることに成功!製作時間もわずか数時間 さらには画像だけでコーディングすることも可能に

DALLE 3でキャラ絵や背景画、GPT-4でコーディングしたとのことです。 後日プレイできるようになるらしいので、気になる方はご本人のアカをフォローしておくとよいでしょう。
Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

Educating about AI, Cybersecurity and Technology | Professor & Computer Engineer, PhD | ✍️ @therundownai

Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

DALL•E 3 and GPT-4 have opened a world of endless possibilities. I just coded this game using DALL•E 3 for all the graphics and GPT-4 for all the coding. Here are the prompts and the process I followed: pic.twitter.com/EHepJDBUVq

2023-10-12 03:54:55
Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

✍️ A couple of notes before I show you the prompts: This is a simple experiment I conducted just for fun. As a professor who teaches Python among other subjects, I’m amazed at how easy was to create a solid first draft of code and then refine it. While it might not handle super complex tasks on the first attempt, you can ask AI for specific things to help you along the way. My main goal was to show a fun experiment now that we have DALL•E 3 available to us.

2023-10-12 03:54:55
Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

🌇 GRAPHICS It’s important to have an idea of which type of game you want to create. I wanted to go with a very simple 2D game with a main hero and enemies appearing randomly. The prompts I used (inspired by @ProperPrompter) are: 1. Hero: “Pixel art chibi character set in a magical fantasy RPG context. Side view of a mage harnessing the power of wind. The mage's robes flutter as if caught in a gentle breeze. This side view captures the character's full profile from the tip of their nose to the back of their head. Front view shows the mage standing straight, looking forward, with wind swirling around them. Back view depicts the mage from the rear, with the design of the robes and hair flowing due to the wind magic they control.” 2. Enemy: “Pixel art chibi character set in a magical fantasy RPG context. Side view of an enemy designed to oppose the wind mage. This adversary harnesses the power of stone and earth. Their skin resembles rough, jagged rock. They are clad in armor made of compressed earth and gemstones, and their eyes glow a deep amber. Their stance is imposing, and they wield a heavy club made of dense stone. This side view captures the enemy's full profile from the tip of their nose to the back of their head, emphasizing their sturdy and unyielding nature.” 3. Background: “Pixel art seamless horizontal background for a magical fantasy RPG game. The landscape depicts a dense jungle environment. The ground is horizontal, flat, and even, ideal for a character to run on. Towering trees line the backdrop with vines hanging down, and occasionally there are ancient stone statues peeking through the thick foliage. The left and right borders of the jungle connect seamlessly, providing an endless running path.” And you can apply the same style for the projectiles, game name, etc. Once you have your character images, you need to delete the background. You can easily do that using remove (dot) bg.

2023-10-12 03:54:57
Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

🤖 GPT-4 You can now ask ChatGPT for the code. I will provide the prompt at the end but first, let me give you a couple of tips: - Don’t try to ask for every single detail and feature. Try to first ask for a very simple game. - You will probably get some errors. Just ask ChatGPT to solve them for you if you don’t know. - Don’t try to add the images at the beginning. You can have color squares as your characters. - GPT-3.5 might also provide you with similar code, I just went with GPT-4. Once, you have a first version working, you can start adding the images and other features. In my case, I added the health bar, enemy count, the name of the game, and enemies jumping and coming from the left (not just the right). And now the first prompt: “You are an expert software developer and you want to code a very simple 2D game. [Details of the game]. Think step by step to start coding it. I will provide you in later iterations with the different images. For now, you can just use squares with different colors for the characters.”

2023-10-12 03:55:12
Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial :) Recently my Subscriptions got approved and I’m planning on sharing more in-depth tutorials, tips/tricks, and some exclusive content there. I’d love for you to be part of it.

2023-10-12 03:55:13
Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

I’m thinking on creating some sort of workshops/webinars around AI so you can also do interesting things like this or incorporate AI in your daily life. If you are interested, please write your email here todaystechtalk.beehiiv.com so I have a way to reach out to you when is ready. Also, if you enjoyed this tutorial, you can repost 👇

2023-10-12 04:15:03



Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

I finally got access to ChatGPT with Vision! The first thing I wanted to test was its coding capability with just a picture, and the results are mind-blowing. After sending only a screenshot of my calculator app, it essentially coded a replica of it. pic.twitter.com/UYNKawdaGE

2023-10-15 03:34:05
Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

This is the prompt I used: “You are a software developer. You have the attached image and you need to code an app with the same characteristics, color, shapes, etc. Please do so.” It provided me with one calculator that was not 100% the same, so it only took me one more prompt specifying that I wanted the same appearance as in the screenshot to get it complete correct. Also I find it useful to write: “Please think step by step”

2023-10-15 03:38:00


Zous @ChefZous

@dr_cintas Can I pay you to walk me through all this stuff? I’m a hands on type learner would Love a crash course

2023-10-12 07:53:28
Joe Maule @JoeMaule_

@dr_cintas This is an impressive proof of concept of using AI to create video games. How long did the entire process take?

2023-10-12 06:07:43
Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

@JoeMaule_ Thank you! So the whole process took a few hours. But it all depends each one’s knowledge. I knew and worked with the tools before, I also had an idea of how I wanted the game to look and also I know Python. Those things helped.

2023-10-12 06:20:05
Rowan Cheung @rowancheung

@dr_cintas No way... this is wild. Where's the link to play?!

2023-10-12 03:56:07
Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

@rowancheung Haha thank you Rowan! I honestly had a blast. Regarding the link I was planning on doing some more updates before doing it but I might have to post it sooner 👀.

2023-10-12 04:01:05
Bryan Marley @_bryanmarley

@dr_cintas Incredible work, hermano! 🔥 Thanks for sharing this tutorial. How long did it take for you to complete it?

2023-10-12 04:06:55
Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

@_bryanmarley Thanks a lot hermano! I would say a few hours, it also helped that I had the concept in my mind and experience programming :)

2023-10-12 05:09:05
Digital Adam @LondonDigiTech

@dr_cintas Question - wouldn't it made more sense to use the Advanced Data Analysis mode for GPT to run and test the code created?

2023-10-12 04:03:05
Alvaro Cintas @dr_cintas

@LondonDigiTech I tried but it would not run Pygame as you need to download it

2023-10-12 04:04:55
Hielke @rektbyhielke

@dr_cintas "GPT-3.5 might also provide you with similar code, I just went with GPT-4" Yeah, this is not the case.

2023-10-12 09:17:37
Simple Freaks @SMPLFRKS

@dr_cintas @ProperPrompter An impressive blend of DALL•E 3 and GPT-4's creative powers in action! 🚀 #NFT @SMPLFRKS

2023-10-12 18:40:55
Sun Wu Kong Heaven's Equal @SunKai_2050

@dr_cintas Just the beginning with GPT5 +DALL4, we should see the first video game generated by AI.

2023-10-12 10:04:20