


Wayne @wayneq4444

@VikingWoman5 @gunsnrosesgirl3 They know crypto is no where to invest in...lol

2023-10-30 08:18:52
Floch Forster @based_floch

@gunsnrosesgirl3 With prices inflating everywhere it makes sense

2023-10-30 11:05:22
Jerry @jerrywise00

@gunsnrosesgirl3 And the ants know that fiat is no longer valid 😂

2023-10-30 06:48:11
Brain Twisters @Br_Twisters

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Are they going to sell it and getting rich in overnight?

2023-10-30 06:47:45
Shane O'Shea @shane074penny

@gunsnrosesgirl3 They’re going to be the richest ant colony in the area

2023-10-30 06:38:47
azn_hyunnie @azn_hyunnie

@gunsnrosesgirl3 the slowest heist of all time. They would exchange it for tons of sugar.

2023-10-30 10:15:48




リンク Wikipedia Gold-digging ant The gold-digging ant is a mythical insect described in classical and medieval bestiaries. They were dog- or fox-sized ants that dug up gold in sandy areas. Some versions of the Physiologus said they came from Ethiopia, while Herodotus claimed they were lo

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リンク YouTube Ant Hill gold specimen with the dance lol. #goldprospecting #gold #minning

"We’ve found that termites can reveal the gold deposits beneath cover and they can find these gold deposits where the evidence is four or five metres below the surface."

リンク CSIROpedia Ant and termite colonies unearth gold - CSIROpedia Research published in science journals PLoS ONE and Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, found that at a test site in the […]



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