
Science girl @gunsnrosesgirl3

The salt at Sasyk-Sivash, a pink lagoon on Crimea's Black Sea coastline. pic.twitter.com/I2MYkS5OZD

2023-11-13 02:54:49
Cool Earth @Cool_Blue_Dot

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Absolutely stunning! I’ve seen a lot of pink bodies of water. This is one of the most beautiful! pic.twitter.com/KEmmZ8da0Q

2023-11-13 02:59:21
リンク Google Earth Sasyk-Syvash Lake Explore Sasyk-Syvash Lake in Google Earth.


Dr. Simon Hundeshagen @shundeshagen

The lagoon is pink, because of the presence of a special type of microalgae called Dunaliella salina. These algae thrive in the highly salty water of the lagoon and produce a red pigment called beta-carotene. This pigment protects the algae from the intense sunlight and gives the water a pink appearence.

2023-11-13 05:18:19
リンク microbewiki.kenyon.edu Dunaliella salina - microbewiki 31

Dunaliella salina


𝓕𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓱 @Imfay_1

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Is this for real? Doesn't look like. if so, simply wow

2023-11-13 02:56:53
Trohn Haakonsson @Trohn_DK

@gunsnrosesgirl3 wow.. never seen that before...not even online... thx ;o) I do have some coarse kitchen (rock)salt with that color in it tho.

2023-11-13 06:34:46
Joe Hansen @joehansenxx

@gunsnrosesgirl3 That looks like something directly out of a Sci-Fi movie!

2023-11-13 06:51:04
Anuz✨🇵🇸 @auz5ak

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Noooooooowayyy to beautiful to be real it’s stunning

2023-11-13 10:00:01
TheRealBluntblower_508 @508Bluntblower

When you take a step back and look at all the different types of nature and animals we have on this planet.... It makes you realize that our planet is literally the alien planet of our dreams. We just have to look at it from another point of view. twitter.com/gunsnrosesgirl…

2023-11-13 08:44:03
Arturo’s daughter @jennifer_arturo

Oh wow. Had no idea this place existed. Looks other worldly but I had a dream about it a few months ago twitter.com/gunsnrosesgirl…

2023-11-13 13:36:46


АГ… ALENA…. @hpPz5QHq7dV3hPj

The unreal reality is the pink lake Sasyk-Sivash. pic.twitter.com/wHtIXrjNwp

2022-03-03 18:04:36