Culture Critic氏からお題、画像一枚で美を定義

Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.

Culture Explorer @CultureExploreX

@Culture_Crit “Beauty is Truth, truth beauty; that is all Ye know on earth; and all ye need to know.” - John Keats

2023-11-14 01:32:42
Ashraff Hathibelagal @Hathibel

@Culture_Crit A foggy evening in Châtel, in the Haute-Savoie region of France. Châtel is known for its foggy evenings, especially in the autumn and winter months.

2023-11-14 01:27:42



James Lucas @JamesLucasIT

@Culture_Crit "Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting."…

2023-11-14 01:00:11
Traveler’s Diary @travelersdy

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany 🇩🇪 ✨ Neuschwanstein Castle, located in Bavaria, Germany, is a fascinating destination for many reasons. Its unique architecture, inspired by medieval German design, features grand turrets, towers, and spires, as well as ornate interiors and intricate woodcarvings, making it a stunning example of Romantic architecture. Neuschwanstein Castle has over 200 rooms, including a throne room, a bedroom, a study, and a cave. “Neuschwanstein” translates to “New Swan Castle” in English. The castle is named after the swan, a symbol of purity and grace in Bavarian culture. King Ludwig II was particularly fond of swans and incorporated the symbol into many of his personal belongings and artworks.

2023-11-14 00:59:26




Traveler’s Diary @travelersdy

Lillafured, Hungary 🇭🇺 ✨ The cute little mountain town of Lillafured is located in the Bükk mountain region in Eastern Hungary, not too far from the city of Miskolc and Eger. Mostly known for being a tourist resort, the town has quite a bit to offer for visitors. Lillafured was built as a tourist resort in the 1890s by Count Bethlen, who envisioned a place where the wealthy could stay, play, and recuperate by the lake. Nestled into the forested Bükk Mountains and full of outdoor adventure and pretty scenery, the area was named for his niece, Erzsebet, nicknamed Lilla. The castle is probably the best-known picture of the small town. The renaissance castle first opened in 1930. Now it’s a hotel!

2023-11-14 00:57:03


リラファーレッドは、富裕層が湖畔に滞在し、遊び、療養できる場所を構想したベスレン伯爵によって、1890 年代に観光リゾートとして建設されました。森林に覆われたビュック山脈に囲まれ、アウトドア アドベンチャーと美しい風景に満ちたこの地域は、彼の姪、リラの愛称で知られるエルジェーベトにちなんで名付けられました。
城はおそらくこの小さな町の最もよく知られた写真でしょう。ルネッサンス様式の城は 1930 年にオープンしました。現在はホテルになっています。

Traveler’s Diary @travelersdy

Prague, Czech Republic 🇨🇿 ✨ Prague, capital city of the Czech Republic, is bisected by the Vltava River. Nicknamed “the City of a Hundred Spires,” it's known for its Old Town Square, the heart of its historic core, with colorful baroque buildings, Gothic churches and the medieval Astronomical Clock, which gives an animated hourly show. Completed in 1402, pedestrian Charles Bridge is lined with statues of Catholic saints. This capital is often referred to as “The mother of cities” or “a must-see-city”. Not only that, it is one of the few capitals where history takes you back centuries, since Prague was fortunate enough to not be destroyed by the Second World War.

2023-11-14 00:58:06


✨チェコ共和国の首都プラハは、ヴルタヴァ川によって二分されています。 「百塔の街」の愛称で知られるこの街は、カラフルなバロック様式の建物、ゴシック様式の教会、毎時間アニメーションショーを開催する中世の天文時計など、歴史的中心部の中心である旧市街広場で知られています。 1402 年に完成した歩行者専用のカレル橋には、カトリックの聖人の像が並んでいます。
この首都は、「都市の母」または「必見の都市」とよく呼ばれます。それだけでなく、プラハは幸運にも第二次世界大戦による破壊を免れたため、何世紀にもわたって歴史を遡ることができる数少ない首都の 1 つです。

Spellbinding Odyssey @SpellOdyssey

@Culture_Crit I took this picture in 2017, and that smile is just pure beauty

2023-11-14 00:57:26
Heather C. @Ducati_Chic

@Culture_Crit It is hard to define beauty with one image. Beauty changes and my mood of what is beautiful changes with time too. However, this is a favorite picture. I love sunsets. I love old structures and architect. I also love everything Italy/Roman. ❤️😍😎

2023-11-14 01:29:28
Traveler’s Diary @travelersdy

Duomo di Milano, Milan, Italy 🇮🇹 ✨ Duomo di Milano is the 5th largest church in the world. It can accommodate up to 40,000 people. The Cathedral was designed by legends across 9 generations. Thousands of artists, craftsmen, builders, and 78 architects from across Europe worked on the structure for 500 years! Duomo di Milano is famous for its contrasting styles, such as Romanticism, Gothic Revival, and Gothic, Flamboyant, which display the work of various art legends fromits collection of 4000 statues, gargoyles, and figures. The structure was covered with white and pink marble from the Candoglia quarry in Val D’Ossola. The Cathedral’s roof is covered in openwork pinnacles and spires crowned with sculptures that overlook the city.

2023-11-14 00:54:41
Ten Just Men @TenJustMen

@Culture_Crit Beauty is the unity of justice and mercy in Christ. Hide the left side of his face - Justice Hide the right side - Mercy

2023-11-14 01:45:38
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