
Reproduced what was happening on the net when the riot broke out (2/3/2021).Dr. Paula R. Curtis made @sachihirayamasachi's 474posts from 3/2/2021 to 10/30/2021 compiled into an Excel sheet.Curtis blocked posts opposed her, so only her supporters appeared

While a essay would assert the correctness of the assumption by correct interpretation of cited documents, this method can present one reality by systematically assembling small facts (tweets) that are not in doubt. you don't need to check cited documents. 続きを読む
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Appendix No.2 : long empty argument

Shaun O'Dwyer@shaunodwyer
Dr. Paula R. Curtis@paularcurtis
Amy Stanley@astanley711
Sayaka Chatani@SayakaChatani
Hannah Shepherd@hannahjshepherd

Shaun O'Dwyer seems to have grown up a bit

Shaun O'Dwyer @shaunodwyer

Unhappy about a recent webinar, Japan history prof Amy Stanley tweets very ill-founded claims against my, and my academic freedom group Hx East Asia’s intellectual integrity. I reply with a primer on Millian fallibilism. twitter.com/shaunodwyer/st…

2023-06-10 10:35:56
Shaun O'Dwyer @shaunodwyer

@astanley711 @paularcurtis Amy, this is not cool. You toss heavy-duty claims of “complete lack of academic rigor” and epistemic irresponsibility at a vaguely defined “you” and “event” - claims supported only by allusions to remarks and powerpoint/google docs in a webinar. 1 pic.twitter.com/XReZgQo7GD

2023-06-10 10:16:29
Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @excavat03986627

米軍調書やムンさんの手記は目新しいものなのでしょう ムンさんの憲兵による満州の慰安所への強制連行ではなく南方(ビルマ)への渡航と同じく売春業で稼ぎに行ったことが明らかになっている。また、高給取りを矮小化する吉見氏のインフレ説は一笑に付されている。 自分達が周回遅れのなのを気づかない pic.twitter.com/Jbs3iNPVOz

2024-01-05 09:28:30
KARA @KARASAN@zirk.us(Mastodon) @karakar90892471

Togetter can't get Stanley's X for her locked X pic.twitter.com/97kzFZcIcR

2023-12-27 13:53:55
Shaun O'Dwyer @shaunodwyer

@astanley711 @hannahjshepherd I'm not questioning your abilities as an academic historian. I'm highlighting your failure/unwillingness to "do the work" and understand what me and my group do, and why. Even smart people (or especially smart people) can fall into faction-driven bias.

2023-06-10 11:16:03
Sayaka Chatani @SayakaChatani

@shaunodwyer @astanley711 @hannahjshepherd I know no one is questioning hers. Her point is we are questioning academic capabilities of those who invite fraudulent deniers to discussion about "facts" because of whatever Mill said.

2023-06-10 17:21:42
Sayaka Chatani @SayakaChatani

@shaunodwyer @astanley711 @hannahjshepherd I don't understand what "factions" you see in here. Opposing the idea of platforming those who distort facts creates a "faction"?

2023-06-10 17:26:32
Sayaka Chatani @SayakaChatani

@shaunodwyer @astanley711 @hannahjshepherd And it is extremely frustrating when one reads tons of books, does archival research, and learns a new language to investigate and tell what happened, and yet someone who has never published anything academically credulous is considered "another faction" on the topic.

2023-06-10 17:30:36
Shaun O'Dwyer @shaunodwyer

@SayakaChatani @astanley711 @hannahjshepherd "yet someone who has never published anything academically credulous"? Who are you talking about? And you mean "academically credible"?

2023-06-15 07:59:49
Sayaka Chatani @SayakaChatani

@shaunodwyer @astanley711 @hannahjshepherd Are you saying that my English is so bad that I should apologize?

2023-06-15 11:47:31
Shaun O'Dwyer @shaunodwyer

@SayakaChatani @astanley711 @hannahjshepherd Nah mate, you (Chatani Sayaka) have the same problem specifying referents for your "critiques" as Amy Stanley. I'm also giving you a chance to avoid saying something stupid about my academic credibility. That you would end up having to apologize for.

2023-06-19 10:26:25

David Ambaras's sharp parting remark

Shaun O'Dwyer @shaunodwyer

@astanley711 @SayakaChatani @hannahjshepherd Hard pass from me on that Amy, unless there’s professional editorial/peer review oversight. Your Twitter-deep takes have been as annoying as your friends’ Twitter-tantrums. Have to admit though, since your friend David Ambaras left at least it’s all a bit more intelligible. pic.twitter.com/ow67tv0Rf4

2023-06-24 15:27:18
Dr. Paula R. Curtis @paularcurtis

@shaunodwyer @astanley711 @SayakaChatani @hannahjshepherd The first step to recovery from David addiction is to admit you have a problem. pic.twitter.com/fxEUsz2wpB

2023-06-24 21:01:30
Dr. Paula R. Curtis @paularcurtis

@shaunodwyer @astanley711 @SayakaChatani @hannahjshepherd Phew, you can relax now, Shaun, David has finally acknowledged you. Next time write him a love letter directly. zirk.us/@dambaras/1106…

2023-06-25 13:57:13
Shaun O'Dwyer @shaunodwyer

@paularcurtis @astanley711 @SayakaChatani @hannahjshepherd A 50ish full professor in Japan studies sh-tposts like a semi-illiterate 14 year old, and then claims "it was taken out of context" when reminded of it? I support Ambaras' speech freedoms even if he's a belligerent online blowhard, but there's a small matter of dignity here.

2023-06-25 16:54:03
Dr. Paula R. Curtis @paularcurtis

@shaunodwyer @astanley711 @SayakaChatani @hannahjshepherd If you were really insistent on maintaining dignity on Twitter you’d have stopped defending platforming denialists several threads ago.

2023-06-25 19:54:00
Shaun O'Dwyer @shaunodwyer

@paularcurtis @astanley711 @SayakaChatani @hannahjshepherd Re "denialists" and "platforming", I have several questions Paula. *That* webinar discussed the criminal defamation cases against Lew Seok-choon & Park Yuha. Q1: Do you think either is a comfort women denialist? Q2: if answer is yes, is criminal defamation conviction warranted?

2023-06-26 19:49:54
Shaun O'Dwyer @shaunodwyer

@paularcurtis @astanley711 @SayakaChatani @hannahjshepherd Also, on what other issues do you advocate de-platforming? Suppose there's a feminist theorist researching comfort women, sex trafficking and women's rights, who's *also* a gender-critical feminist on transgender rights discourse. Do you think she should be deplatformed for that?

2023-06-26 19:59:04
Dr. Paula R. Curtis @paularcurtis

@shaunodwyer @astanley711 @SayakaChatani @hannahjshepherd It's cute that you think you deserve replies to your questions when you've spent a year ignoring ours on whether you think Ramseyer violated academic integrity and if so what the value is in giving him a platform where "moderators" are unwilling to challenge him on that. pic.twitter.com/svBAWYodfv

2023-06-26 22:16:22
Dr. Paula R. Curtis @paularcurtis

@astanley711 @shaunodwyer @SayakaChatani @hannahjshepherd It's all very convenient--if the organizers are just messengers and advocates for debate while giving space to fraudulent research in the name of "academic freedom," then they think they absolve themselves of any responsibility or culpability for spreading those ideas.

2023-06-27 01:21:18
Dr. Paula R. Curtis @paularcurtis

@astanley711 @shaunodwyer @SayakaChatani @hannahjshepherd The fault, they will argue, is in the unwillingness of the other side to meet them on their stage, when it fact the fault is in offering the stage uncritically in the first place, having no standards of research or conduct that must be met to participate (academic integrity!).

2023-06-27 01:21:53
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