Dürer & 測距儀2022d132 教科書風 e038 物体の速度測定 前半 first half

Dürer & 測距儀2022d131 教科書風 e037 宇宙内の線分 オリオン座の額縁 https://togetter.com/li/2292741
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2022zionad @2022zionad

The preamble has been lengthy, but let's discuss with the simple assumption that the time axis and the spatial axis are completely independent. ChatGPT

2024-01-11 21:33:10
2022zionad @2022zionad

俺の腕先で発生した情報が 俺の右肩と 左手に持つ iPhone 11 カメラアイに 同着する

2024-01-11 21:33:26
2022zionad @2022zionad

The information generated by my forearm simultaneously reaches my right shoulder and the camera eye of the iPhone 11 held in my left hand. ChatGPT

2024-01-11 21:33:35
2022zionad @2022zionad

俺の腕先を頂点とする 2等辺三角形 設定

2024-01-11 21:34:43
2022zionad @2022zionad

Setting up an isosceles triangle with the apex at the end of my forearm. ChatGPT

2024-01-11 21:34:54
2022zionad @2022zionad

建物内で 同じ長さなら どの2点間でも 光線が同時に出発すれば 光線が到着する時刻は  同じ時刻だと 普通は 素朴に信じてる

2024-01-11 21:35:04
2022zionad @2022zionad

In a building, if the distances are the same, people generally believe that if light rays are simultaneously emitted between any two points, they will arrive at the same time. ChatGPT

2024-01-11 21:35:15
2022zionad @2022zionad

だが レーマー先輩は 光行差を発見  光行差を公知にした

2024-01-11 21:35:45
2022zionad @2022zionad

However, Mr. Rømer discovered the phenomenon of stellar aberration and made it widely known.

2024-01-11 21:35:56
2022zionad @2022zionad

以後 地球表面の この建物内では 渋谷スクランブルスクエア 建物 11階 この空間では 光線は 宇宙空間内で 真っ直ぐ進んでも 建物内の俺記述だと 曲がった動き ホントは する

2024-01-11 21:36:09
2022zionad @2022zionad

From now on, within this building on the surface of the Earth, specifically on the 11th floor of Shibuya Scramble Square, Even though light appears to travel straight in outer space,

2024-01-11 21:36:30
2022zionad @2022zionad

According to my description within the building, it actually follows a curved trajectory. ChatGPT

2024-01-11 21:36:35
2022zionad @2022zionad

建物と 相対速度 0の 不動状態の俺にとって 光線軌道は 直線ではない

2024-01-11 21:36:45
2022zionad @2022zionad

For me, in a stationary state with zero relative velocity to the building, The trajectory of light is not a straight line. ChatGPT

2024-01-11 21:36:53
リンク faculty.kutztown.edu 5. Map Projections 18
2022zionad @2022zionad

メルカトル図法上では 3次元空間内の 球体表面の 2点間 最短距離を 曲線で描くことになる

2024-01-11 21:37:55
2022zionad @2022zionad

On the Mercator projection, the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a three-dimensional sphere in space would be represented as a curved line. ChatGPT

2024-01-11 21:38:56
2022zionad @2022zionad

平面図法の メルカトル図法上で 直線で2点間を線分で描くと 球体表面では どうなるか という変換の問題が登場する

2024-01-11 21:39:04
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