
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

まとめを更新しました。「日本は不都合な歴史を隠していると日本語自体読めずに主張する反日外国人 @sadib100togetter.com/li/1750173

2024-02-10 12:57:45
Sadib @sadib100

(He/Him) I like anime, superheroes, nonograms, and video games. Arguing about the Zelda timeline trained me how to argue about religion.

Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel Thanks for reminding me how insane nationalists are.

2024-02-10 13:10:48
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 You threw the hate speech to us, Japanese people. And I execute its negative sanction to you. Can't you understand that? You should apologize your hate speech and ignorance even of the name of Prof. Tomio Hora.

2024-02-10 13:17:52
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel Looks like Professor Tomio Hora was against Nanjing Massacre denial. You should apologize to him. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomio_Hora

2024-02-10 13:26:37
Sadib @sadib100

Says the Nanjing Massacre denier who pinged me to restart a fight from 2.5 years ago. twitter.com/Emmanuel_Chane…

2024-02-10 13:29:20

Japan. I'll only block 'brainwashed' communists and pro communist 'agitators.'



@sadib100 @Emmanuel_Chanel So are you still believing what they say? Congressional Record Volume 96, Part 16 (June 8, 1950 to January 2, 1951), A4896 govinfo.gov/app/collection… The Department of State bulletin. v.13 p.787- Address by UNDER SECRETARY ACHESON babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.… pic.twitter.com/JUH8FXMSQD

2024-02-10 13:36:39

@sadib100 @Emmanuel_Chanel United States relations with China, with special reference to the period 1944-1949, based on the files of the Department of State. catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/0003346… p.581 pic.twitter.com/DOwDCJ2PeY

2024-02-10 13:37:33

@sadib100 @Emmanuel_Chanel 🙄 Foreign relations of the United States. Diplomatic papers. 1945.V.6.  babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=umn.… p.1035 The Chairman of the Korean Commission in the United States (Rhee) to the Acting Chief of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Lockhart) WASHINGTON, July 25, 1945. pic.twitter.com/l9h1r6DNuV

2024-02-10 13:38:35
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Huh? I've explained that point. But you forgot that? You denied his real existence and we didn't. His source books are important counter-evidences to his cause in total. So we refute Nanjing Massacre, as we've explained. Rather you should apologize your very bad memory.

2024-02-10 13:44:56
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel Did you or did you not deny the Nanjing Massacre?

2024-02-10 13:48:16
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Huh? I refute Nanjing Massacre. And I said "his real existence" So I meant the real existence of Prof. Tomio Hora. Your English skill looks really low, heh.

2024-02-10 13:49:40

@sadib100 @Emmanuel_Chanel usual pattern The New York Times, Jan 22, 1938 Oakland Tribune, June 2, 1938 Oakland Tribune, June 12, 1938 The New York Times, May 28, 1941 pic.twitter.com/9ckQP2HKqp

2024-02-10 13:51:24
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel Refute means deny, which is exactly what Professor Hora was against.

2024-02-10 13:51:31
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Yes. And so what? You have never read any of his source books and you denied even the real existence of Prof. Tomio Hora. It shows your very low level knowledge of Nanjing Massacre arguments.

2024-02-10 13:53:51
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel I wasn't actually denying the existence of a person. That was satire, because people were denying the Nanjing Massacre.

2024-02-10 13:57:13
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Huh... You start to deny your own history about Nanjing Massacre argument, heh. If not, what did you want to say that "satire", huh? LoL

2024-02-10 13:59:27
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Yes, I do. And if that was a satire, what did you want to say, huh?

2024-02-10 14:01:41
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel Denying something obviously true is stupid. That was my point.

2024-02-10 14:02:52
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Oh... the massacre of 300,000 people of the city with 200,000 is obviously true? In addition, after one month of the fall of Nanjing, the recognized population was 250,000 to 300,000. We suspect if you lack intelligence, heh. Do you want to say that Chinese are inferior?

2024-02-10 14:05:08

@sadib100 @Emmanuel_Chanel I agree with you on that point. Congressional Record Volume 91, Part 6. (July 2, 1945 to September 10, 1945) p.7595 govinfo.gov/app/collection… pic.twitter.com/icHCJWxT8m

2024-02-10 14:07:58
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel If your math doesn't add up, maybe some of your assumptions are wrong. It would be like saying Professor Tomio Hora couldn't be real because he was born in 1506.

2024-02-10 14:11:33
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