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Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 NankingShibuta, an influence specialized in refuting Nanjing Massacre shows the critics against LGBT hate crimes. In Japan, traditionally, LGBTs are legal and not targets of violence. So the most of "nationalists" are against killing LGBTs. You should know that.

2024-02-10 17:45:02
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel Are gay people allowed to get married in Japan? Would you want them to?

2024-02-10 17:50:51
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 No since the constitution by MacArthur says "marriages are only by agreements of both sexes". In Japan, gay couples are free different from Europe and America. So some gays disagree same sex marriage system. I don't know if I should agree or disagree. But not strongly oppose it.

2024-02-10 17:54:52
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel You must really hate gay people if you don't think they should be allowed to get married. I don't understand why you brought up Islam for being homophobic, without also brining up Christianity.

2024-02-10 18:01:03
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Huh? Christian world has the movement of same sex marriage and Islam doesn't. Can't you understand? And Islam can't change shariah to kill LGBTs. And I say that LGBT should be legal if the world oppose it. It's far against the hate of gay people.

2024-02-10 18:04:36
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel Christian world? America's eventual acceptance of LGBT people was in spite Christianity. Almost all the Muslims I know are pro-LGBT. You must not understand how the world works. I guess that's obvious since you deny the Nanjing Massacre.

2024-02-10 18:11:18
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 You should know shariah against LGBT first instead of "Almost all the Muslims I know are pro-LGBT." Saudi Arabia execute LGBTs by shariah. Don't you know that. How can you say "You must not understand how the world works.", huh? You are too uneducated, heh.

2024-02-10 18:13:45
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel Who cares about Saudi Arabia? You're equating a country with a religion just to disparage the people who are part of the religion. That would be the same thing as if someone said Shintoism is bad because some Japanese people are genocide apologists.

2024-02-10 18:17:07
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Shintoism doesn't cause apology of war crimes in inside logics. Just usual Japanese people try to defend ourselves. But Islam has shariah against LGBTs. But you ignore that.

2024-02-10 18:20:24
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 If you want to refute my cause, you should prove that LGBT rights movements in Islamic World is much stronger than shariah. But you don't try to do that.

2024-02-10 18:21:55
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel twitter.com/sadib100/statu…

2024-02-10 18:25:25
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel I don't even know why you brought up Islam. You must really hate Muslims. Do you hate them more than you hate Chinese people? That must be a lot, because you keep pretending that the Nanjing Massacre didn't happen.

2024-02-10 18:23:05
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 twitter.com/Emmanuel_Chane…

2024-02-10 18:27:00
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Do you say that Chinese old generation who suspect Nanjing Massacre hates their own Chinese people, huh? People in Nanjing actually don't feel Nanjing Massacre is true. Just you are too emotional.

2024-02-10 18:26:02
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Says those who can't refute us, Japanese people, heh. Too pathetic.

2024-02-10 18:31:04
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel If you're claiming that your view is the majority of Japanese people. That would be pathetic.

2024-02-10 18:31:37
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 It's your claim and not mine. Can't you understand that even after saying that Japanese history education doesn't teach war crimes, huh?

2024-02-10 18:32:44
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel Do Japanese schools teach about the Nanjing Massacre?

2024-02-10 18:33:58
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Yes, as a true incident. We refuted you before. But you forget? We showed the mentions of Nanjing Massacre before. You have too bad memory, heh. See: emmanuelchanel.com/links/historyt…

2024-02-10 18:37:21
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Huh... You pasted URIs but you don't understand anything about Nanjing Massacre issue. The URI I pasted is my own page. You should study the theories of Nanjing Massacre first.

2024-02-10 18:46:28
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel I know it's your page. That's how I knew it was nonsense. I just posted the first few Google results. This is what the civilized world believes. You brought up Saudi Arabia and Sharia law, but you are just as barbaric and backwards as them.

2024-02-10 18:49:12
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 >I just posted the first few Google results. This is what the civilized world believes. Are you serious? Google shows what you believe these days. Don't you know that? And English skill doesn't demonstrate the skill to inspect historical incidents. But looks you don't know, too.

2024-02-10 18:51:18
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel No one cares about your alternate theories on the Nanjing Massacre. It's been settled.

2024-02-10 18:52:31
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 Huh? You don't understand even the theories of Great Massacre School than I do. So I said you should learn that. But you don't understand it, heh.

2024-02-10 18:53:37
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