ゲームポリコレ化専門コンサル社、Sweet Baby Inc、大炎上。第二のGamergate勃発。

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Champagne Joshi @JoshWalkos

Remember everyone we have an epidemic of one sided, biased news stories plaguing our country. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. pic.twitter.com/DTNqNBuqU1

2024-02-29 03:42:15

『Mr𝕏'sUncleRuckusMan』 @TheStrxggler

pic.twitter.com/Ztis4ziPGz x.com/pcgamer/status…

2024-03-08 07:20:22
PC Gamer @pcgamer

A company called Sweet Baby Inc. has become the target of "anti-woke" gamers because it offers consultancy work, an industry-standard service that's been normal for years. trib.al/aAkchq4

2024-03-08 01:51:18


Christina Tasty @ChristinaTasty

After there being literal evidence of a targeted harassment campaign against a single Brazilian guy, we're back to the era of snarky headlines ignoring that they were the bad guys. Oh we're really just going down this route, huh? x.com/pcgamer/status…

2024-03-08 02:29:23
Eurogamer @eurogamer

Spider-Man, Alan Wake, Ridiculous Fishing devs speak up in support of consultancy studio Sweet Baby Inc eurogamer.net/spider-man-ala… pic.twitter.com/iAazPe8KFm

2024-03-07 22:53:32

「スパイダーマン」、「アラン・ウェイク」、「Ridiculous Fishing」の開発者たちが、コンサルタント・スタジオであるSweet baby Inc.を支援するために発言。

Cyael @Cyael

@eurogamer Good. We fully expect Delusional Activists like you to form rank. Thank you for remaining on brand in desperately forcing your racist idea of Diversity. pic.twitter.com/hmXC01S238

2024-03-08 00:43:15



Holy shit Rami Ismail went from shitty Iphone Dev, To @Kotaku writer, to now a Consultant in the video game industry defending Sweet Baby Inc. The nepotism in this industry. No wonder it's all gone to shit. x.com/eurogamer/stat…

2024-03-08 07:05:03

ホーリーシット、Rami Ismailって平凡なiphone開発者から、kotaku記者になり、そして今コンサルタントとしてSweet Baby Incを弁護している。
この業界の縁故主義。 そりゃ全部クソになるわ。

Rags the Truthsayer @RagnarokBruin

It's happening all over again, the exact same way, the exact same people and I'm once again vindicated in being right in saying that these people are not journalists and are not victims. x.com/eurogamer/stat…

2024-03-08 08:18:11


matthew best @matthewbest93

It's honestly hilarious just how much of our businesses are run by consultants. Absolutely useless created positions to enforce made up standards by them. It's the ultimate create a problem and sell you the solution and it's in every facet of large business. x.com/eurogamer/stat…

2024-03-08 00:25:32


(2024/03/07)Sweet Baby Inc Detectorが集団通報される。

Shizu @BepDelta

The steam group Sweet Baby Inc detected was mass reported and steam support is threatening with banning it pic.twitter.com/yBrJfOeF2x x.com/BepDelta/statu…

2024-03-07 20:10:58
Shizu @BepDelta

Somebody created a steam curator page that basically indicates in which games Sweet Baby Inc (the company behind most of the woke cancer in video games) was involved A writer and designer working at Sweet Baby is asking people to report the group to censor them

2024-03-01 11:00:22

Sweet Baby Inc Detectorが集団通報されててSteamサポートが凍結で脅してる。


Cyael @Cyael

@BepDelta Alyssa Mercante of Kotaku "INFILTRATED" - her words - a Discord that exists because they people were harassed to TAKE PICTURES AND DEMAND PERSONAL INFO to write an article DEFENDING THE HARASSER, deliberately omitting the context to warp the narrative. Sweet Baby. Monsters. pic.twitter.com/Yk67FtW4Ns

2024-03-07 20:16:43


leandro r @leandrorr

@BepDelta can someone export all games the curator added? as text or something else

2024-03-07 21:57:49


Azehara Ch. @AzeharaD

@BepDelta Elevate this to the top. Contact Gabe

2024-03-07 23:52:41
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