ポリコレコンサル会社Sweet Baby Incの弁護にアメリカ合衆国国土安全保障省出資の非営利団体「Take This」が回る!

Game Developer @gamedevdotcom

Why are Valve and Discord permitting harassment against Sweet Baby Inc.? gamedeveloper.com/business/why-a… pic.twitter.com/Cut1jmqC1G

2024-03-12 04:17:12

何故ValveとDiscordはSweet Baby Inc.に対する嫌がらせを容認している?


Grummz @Grummz

Why are you failing to mention that Sweet Baby is the actual harasser here and that their account was locked for it? Why are you failing to mention the *actual* racism and homophobic tweets of SBI employees? Why are failing to mention that the list is just a list, and does not harass anyone?

2024-03-12 05:18:49




Bryant Francis ✈ GDC @RBryant2012

We reached out to Valve and Discord multiple times to ask how a group using their platform to target a company was within the bounds of their terms of service. No answer back yet. x.com/gamedevdotcom/…

2024-03-12 04:27:12


Grummz @Grummz

@RBryant2012 Funny, I've reached out to Game Developer and PC Gamer and Kotaku and asked why they are defending a company with documented bans for harassment, doxing, and racist/homophobic remarks. No answer back yet.

2024-03-12 08:44:46

面白いね。Game DeveloperとPC GamerとKotakuに連絡を取り、ハラスメント、Doxing、人種差別的/同性愛嫌悪的発言で追放された記録がある会社をなぜ擁護するのかと尋ねたけど、まだ返事はないよ。

まとめ ゲームポリコレ化専門コンサル社、Sweet Baby Inc、大炎上。第二のGamergate勃発。 なお日本では認知もされてない対岸の火事の模様。 62295 pv 2236 82 users 12
Kukuruyo 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 🇪🇦 @kukuruyo

@RBryant2012 Keep with the totalitarian tactics, they're working out great for you

2024-03-12 11:13:11


Narwitz @SophiaNarwitz

-Brazilian guy lists games -Steam page description uses no derogatory language -SBI employees highlight list & begin their own harassment campaign by telling people to falsely report the guy cuz he "loves his account so much" -Media ignores last point -Sweet Baby milks victimhood pic.twitter.com/LFTkRZJrjJ x.com/RBryant2012/st…

2024-03-12 10:09:47


アメリカ合衆国国土安全保障省出資の非営利団体「Take This」

Bounding Into Comics @BoundingComics

US Government-Funded Non-Profit ‘Take This’ Responds To Sweet Baby Inc. Backlash By Calling On Video Game Industry “To Clearly And Unequivocally Denounce Gamergate” boundingintocomics.com/2024/03/12/us-…

2024-03-12 14:49:26

米政府出資の非営利団体「Take This」がスウィートベイビー社の事件に反応。ゲーム業界に「ゲーマーゲートを明確かつ明確に糾弾せよ」と呼びかけ反発。


Lyle 🇹🇼👍 @Lyde15

Department of Homeland Security-funded Take This just put out a document demanding that game companies denounce "Gamergate 2". Okay, now shit is going to hit the fan. pic.twitter.com/v0jWWV1mGb

2024-03-12 08:21:26

国土安全保障省が出資する「Take This」が、ゲーム会社に「Gamergate2」の糾弾を要求する文書を発表した。



Lyle 🇹🇼👍 @Lyde15

Proof (at the bottom): "This work is made possible by a grant from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS # EMW-2022-GR-00036)." archive.ph/HDLr5#selectio…

2024-03-12 08:27:36


「本事業は、国土安全保障省の助成金(DHS # EMW-2022-GR-00036)により実現した。」

Lyle 🇹🇼👍 @Lyde15

Brad Glasgow has talked about this group before twitter.com/Brad_Glasgow/s…

2024-03-12 08:41:27
Brad Glasgow @Brad_Glasgow

Apparently there recently was a "Games for Change" festival where the @TakeThisOrg basically promotes Social Justice and all the usual BS you would expect. Bunch of people who love preaching with powerpoint but without the data or research to back this up. pic.twitter.com/FbaNcwNLWO

2022-07-17 07:36:44

Brad Glasgowがこのグループについて言及したことある。

Brad Glasgow @Brad_Glasgow

Apparently there recently was a "Games for Change" festival where the @TakeThisOrg basically promotes Social Justice and all the usual BS you would expect. Bunch of people who love preaching with powerpoint but without the data or research to back this up. pic.twitter.com/FbaNcwNLWO

2022-07-17 07:36:44