I gathered tweets about SOPA and PIPA for my research.
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Nauval Hakim @Novalarc

sodara jauhnya SAPU yak? #Bedatipis RT @Riza__JROCKS: Itu alat bersih2.. RT Novalarc: SOPA itu apa? Yg gw tw itu semacam kursi panjang.. -_-

2012-01-21 21:44:36
Sona Scruggs @citraindr

ia,hhahaha RT @RIDHOeddo Takut ga bisa download video korea ya, haha RT @citralingling: STOP SOPA/PIPA!!!!!! apa"an nih undang"!!

2012-01-21 21:44:38
Ana @anabdero

vo faze protesto protesto contra o mau uso da interneticawebs fora sarney stop SOPA etc

2012-01-21 21:44:39
Gristia Aldilla @grisaldilla

SOPA PIPA? apaan tuh-_- katrok ya gue

2012-01-21 21:44:39
princess @princesswlj

since I am unaware of recent events, I had to research what SOPA meant, lol I know, I'm such a loser haha..anywho, found out what it is! :))

2012-01-21 21:44:39
Simone Cremonini ☠ @simonecremonini

do #anonymous: “A ação contra o Megaupload mostrou que não é necessária uma lei como a Sopa ou sua irmã, a Pipa, para tirar um site do ar.”

2012-01-21 21:44:40
maru @tantan2016

SOPA、PIPAの両法案が採決延期! 反対意見を考慮した妥協案の作成へ(RBB TODAY) - Y!ニュース 著作権保護は大事なんだろうけど、インターネットが今よりつまらなくなるのも困る。

2012-01-21 21:45:32
Qué Teatro @QueTeatro

Algo q nos intriga:que opina el #teatro del tema ley #SOPA ?Como podria afectarnos?vuestros comentarios?#teatroSOPA ...

2012-01-21 21:45:15
Diogène de Sinope @cynismes

Over 9,000 Hackers Join Anonymous DDoS SOPA/Megaupload Protest via @YourAnonNews

2012-01-21 21:45:08
Iker Ugal @IkerUgal

@LauraNY98 no te has enterado? XD la ley SOPA, la han parado xD jajajajaja #SopaisDead xd

2012-01-21 21:44:46
lish @moodberry_

sopa i will pee on everything you love

2012-01-21 21:44:50
Cleiton Abreu @JapaAbreu

Putz nas vesperas d lançamento do novo #BERSERK eles vem com esse lance d SOPA vai merda!

2012-01-21 21:44:46

douchebags som går imot SOPA etter at den har blitt satt på hylla. real timing -_-

2012-01-21 21:44:49
nad @nadiww

Njriiit RT @Vennabieber: Tadi di ‎​ gue browser nya gini "sopa and sipa" di block gitu,anjeng"

2012-01-21 21:45:00
cheeristy sarah @cheeristysn

sopa pipa itu jadi ta? kalo jadi youtube bisa bangkrut tuh :o

2012-01-21 21:44:50
Javier Arbiol @Jarbi

Lamar Smith retira la propuesta de la Ley SOPA vía @alt1040

2012-01-21 21:44:55
Brenda @soaresbrendat

Olha ganhei 542 seguidores! agora 21/01 entra aqui O Melhor SOPA Is Dead

2012-01-21 21:44:59
@amsalazar @Amsalazar

Governor of Puebla, SOPA and PIPA, summary of the most important news. This and much more on #LivinginMexico 07:00

2012-01-21 21:45:00
Quawonk @quawonk

When a #SOPA dies, does anyone cry? Well, apart from the corporations who bought it.

2012-01-21 21:45:06

SOPA is dead. It doesn't mean online piracy is legal. --> #SheDefinitelyAHoe 235

2012-01-21 21:45:04
Gabi Takiguti @Gabi_takiguti

Que tal ganhar 590 seguidores? hoje 21/01 visita lá Esse funciona SOPA Is Dead

2012-01-21 21:45:05

NBC Universal;Permacology Prod. Pty Ltd; ZoCo 1, LLC: Force YouTube #GMO #HighFructoseCornSyrup VideosTerminated #SOPA

2012-01-21 21:45:05
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