
関連ハッシュタグ: #RachelCorrie #flotilla #Gaza 6月5日のレイチェル・コリー号の動きを、ガザ自由船団の中の人たちのtweetsを中心に。日本時間で正午前に、この日最初に「レイチェル・コリー号が拿捕された」との情報がイスラエル側から流され、午後2時台それが誤情報(デマ、おそらくは意図的な)だったことが確認されるまで。 続きを読む
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6536PD20100604 金曜日にホワイトハウスが「ガザ地区封鎖は維持しえない」&「レイチェル・コリー号は不要な対決の可能性を軽減するためイスラエルの港に針路変更を」。発言主はマイク・ハマー。

2010-06-05 11:21:04
Rachel Corrie FB grp @RachelCorriefb

Malaysians on board Rachel Corrie determined to complete Gaza aid mission http://bit.ly/dvxixi

2010-06-03 18:21:30
Rachel Corrie FB grp @RachelCorriefb

Speaking to The Irish Times from the Rachel Corrie yesterday, former UN official Denis Halliday denied reports that... http://bit.ly/9BDQxZ

2010-06-04 14:57:02

Rachel Corrie is 150 miles away from the Gaza coast. They are moving ahead with caution. Please wish them the best. #FreedomFlotilla

2010-06-04 17:03:29
Rachel Corrie FB grp @RachelCorriefb

Israel's Ambassador to Ireland Dr Zion Evrony has withdrawn from a meeting of the Oireachtas Foreign Affairs... http://bit.ly/aM2B4C

2010-06-05 00:19:27

LATEST STATEMENT FROM THE MV RACHEL CORRIE June 5th, 1230 am Malaysian Time THE peace activists aboard the MV (cont) http://tl.gd/1m20h6

2010-06-05 01:45:39
Israel Foreign Min. @FakeIsraelMFA

Mossad has evidence Terror Boat Rachel Corrie is carrying IRA Terrorists who plan to join the Hamas to invade Britain! #Flotilla

2010-06-05 02:42:44
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills


2010-06-05 10:49:09
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Nobel Laureate Mairead Maguire speaks by telephone from aboard Rachel Corrie en route to Gaza. #Flotilla http://post.ly/iTPw

2010-06-05 05:45:31
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Ninety miles from Gaza. Rachel Corrie should be there by 10:00 am.

2010-06-05 05:55:37
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

As ship named for her nears Gaza, students at Rachel Corrie's college pass #BDS resolutions. #flotilla http://j.mp/a6rOH0 /@rcfoundation

2010-06-05 06:35:57
Rachel Corrie FB grp @RachelCorriefb

The Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign has said the ship is approximately 80 miles away from the exclusion zone... http://bit.ly/cgYI4G

2010-06-05 06:38:51
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Sickness: US Rep wants to prosecute US #Flotilla members under "Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act" http://j.mp/9uh7sS

2010-06-05 09:22:57
Rachel Corrie FB grp @RachelCorriefb

ISRAEL ISSUED a final warning to the crew and passengers of the Rachel Corrie yesterday http://bit.ly/a8XE7S http://bit.ly/dlVvFt

2010-06-05 09:48:24

Faizal@Peja from the Rachel Corrie just calld in to say they are less than a 100 miles away from Gaza. All sitting together, staying calm.

2010-06-05 09:58:14
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

UPDATED: MORE proof emerges IDF audio of radio communication with Mavi Marmara is fabricated. #flotilla http://post.ly/iU77

2010-06-05 10:39:05
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

#Flotilla http://bit.ly/90jogQ マレード・コリガン・マグワイアの電話から「この船に乗っているのはたった9人です。抵抗は一切するつもりはありません。こちらには恐れることは何もありません」

2010-06-05 10:56:21
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

今から26分前の速報で、レイチェル・コリー号はガザから85マイル。 http://twitter.com/GazaTVNews/status/15456096588 順調にいけばあと2時間半か3時間でガザ地区に到着するくらいとさっき別のtweetが(流れていってしまったけど)

2010-06-05 11:01:36
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Two warships coming on on the side of Rachel Corrie, 35 miles out of Gaza

2010-06-05 11:01:55
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Two warships coming on on the side of Rachel Corrie, 35 miles out of Gaza

2010-06-05 11:01:55
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