
関連ハッシュタグ: #RachelCorrie #flotilla #Gaza 6月5日のレイチェル・コリー号の動きを、ガザ自由船団の中の人たちのtweetsを中心に。日本時間で正午前に、この日最初に「レイチェル・コリー号が拿捕された」との情報がイスラエル側から流され、午後2時台それが誤情報(デマ、おそらくは意図的な)だったことが確認されるまで。 続きを読む
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nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

うにゃ、BBCですら独自に確認取れないのか。 Israel has intercepted the latest aid ship ..., activists say. http://bit.ly/c5XJAF (UNCONFIRMED)

2010-06-05 12:53:45

Israel tailing new Gaza aid ship: Israeli naval vessels flank Rachel Corrie as it attempts to deliver humanitarian... http://bit.ly/c7XuLy

2010-06-05 13:28:26
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

While we wait, read Alice Walker amazing piece on Gaza Freedom #Flotilla: “You will have no protection” http://j.mp/cOvq6t

2010-06-05 13:31:41
Israel Defense Forces @IDF

Contrary to false reports the IDF has not boarded the Rachel Corrie, ship ~50 miles from shore.

2010-06-05 13:44:53
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Interview with Derek Graham who is aboard Rachel Corrie, earlier this evening - from @Flashpoints http://j.mp/dq68FK

2010-06-05 13:47:51
In Derry @inderry

The Israeli navy intercepts the latest aid ship to try to break its blockade of Gaza, according to activists. http://bit.ly/bnpCoC

2010-06-05 13:48:43
Remi Kanazi @Remroum

I trust the Jerusalem Post's reporting on the Rachel Corrie #flotilla as much as I trust Mahmoud Abbas with my Right of Return

2010-06-05 13:50:57

Contrary to false reports the IDF has not boarded the Rachel Corrie, ship ~50 miles from shore.... http://bit.ly/adRLBI

2010-06-05 13:59:31
Israel Defense Forces @IDF

IDF ship has made initial contact with Rachel Corrie requesting they identify themselves - customary naval protocol

2010-06-05 14:10:08
Israel Defense Forces @IDF

IDF ship has not yet issued warning to Rachel Corrie, initial identification request only, ship not boarded

2010-06-05 14:11:24
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Al Jazeera reports that the Navy is insisting they go to Ashdod. Passengers say 'no'. Navy says they will drag boat to Ashdod. Not possible

2010-06-05 14:24:37
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

From the BBC: IOF issued initial request to ship to identify. No warning to the ship. Not boarding ship yet. No contact for hour and a half.

2010-06-05 14:43:13
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

「 2010年6月5 日、レイチェル・コリー号(ガザ自由船団)が本当に拿捕されるまで、およびその後」をトゥギャりました。 http://togetter.com/li/27114

2010-06-06 04:37:02
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